package migrations import ( "context" "time" "" "" "" ) func init() { registerMigration(RemovePostText{}) } type RemovePostText struct{} func (m RemovePostText) Version() types.MigrationVersion { return types.MigrationVersion(time.Date(2021, 4, 23, 2, 11, 47, 0, time.UTC)) } func (m RemovePostText) Name() string { return "RemovePostText" } func (m RemovePostText) Description() string { return "Collapse handmade_posttext and handmade_posttextversion into one table" } func (m RemovePostText) Up(ctx context.Context, tx pgx.Tx) error { _, err := tx.Exec(ctx, ` CREATE TABLE handmade_postversion ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, post_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES handmade_post(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, text_raw TEXT NOT NULL, text_parsed TEXT NOT NULL, parser INT NOT NULL, edit_ip INET, edit_date TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, edit_reason VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', editor_id INT REFERENCES auth_user(id) ON DELETE SET NULL ); `) if err != nil { return oops.New(err, "failed to create new postversion table") } _, err = tx.Exec(ctx, ` INSERT INTO handmade_postversion SELECT, tver.post_id, t.text, t.textparsed, t.parser, tver.editip, COALESCE(tver.editdate, p.postdate), COALESCE(tver.editreason, ''), tver.editor_id FROM handmade_posttextversion AS tver JOIN handmade_posttext AS t ON tver.text_id = JOIN handmade_post AS p ON tver.post_id = WHERE tver.post_id IS NOT NULL `) if err != nil { return oops.New(err, "failed to create postversions") } _, err = tx.Exec(ctx, ` ALTER TABLE handmade_post DROP CONSTRAINT handmade_post_current_id_762211b7_fk_handmade_, ADD FOREIGN KEY (current_id) REFERENCES handmade_postversion ON DELETE RESTRICT; `) if err != nil { return oops.New(err, "failed to drop old current constraint") } _, err = tx.Exec(ctx, ` DROP TABLE handmade_posttextversion; DROP TABLE handmade_posttext; `) if err != nil { return oops.New(err, "failed to drop tables") } return nil } func (m RemovePostText) Down(ctx context.Context, tx pgx.Tx) error { panic("Implement me") }