{{ template "base.html" . }} {{ define "extrahead" }} {{ template "markdown_previews.html" . }} {{ end }} {{ define "content" }}
{{ if .Editing }}

Edit {{ .ProjectSettings.Name }}

{{ else }}

Create a new {{ if .ProjectSettings.JamParticipation }}jam {{ end }}project

{{ end }}
{{ csrftoken .Session }}
Project name:
* Required
{{ range .ProjectSettings.Owners }}
{{ .Username }} {{ if (or $.User.IsStaff (ne .ID $.User.ID)) }} X {{ end }}
{{ end }}
e.g. "imgui" or "text-editor". Tags must be all lowercase, and can use hyphens to separate words.
If you have linked your Discord account, any #project-showcase messages with the tag "&" will automatically be associated with this project.
{{ if .ProjectSettings.JamParticipation }}
Jam Participation
{{ range .ProjectSettings.JamParticipation }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ if and .Editing .User.IsStaff }}
Admin settings
Has no effect for personal projects. Personal projects have a slug derived from the title.
If you change this, make sure to change DNS too!
Bump to the top of the project index and show in the carousel. Has no effect for personal projects.
{{ end }}
{{ if .Editing }} {{ else }} Next {{ end }}
Short description:
Plaintext only. No links or markdown.
Project links:
Relevant links to put on the project page.
Format: url [Title] (e.g. http://example.com/ Example Site)
(1 per line, 10 max)
Full description:
Upload files by dragging & dropping, pasting, or them.
{{ if .Editing }} {{ else }} Next {{ end }}
Light theme logo:
Dark theme logo:
{{ if .Editing }} {{ else }} {{ end }}
{{/* NOTE(mark): copied NOTE(asaf): Placing this outside the form to avoid submitting it to the server by accident */}}
{{ end }}