{{ template "base.html" . }} {{ define "extrahead" }} {{ end }} {{ define "content" }} {{ template "showcase_templates.html" }} {{ if .ShowcaseTimelineJson }}

Community Showcase

This is a selection of recent work done by community members. Want to participate? Join us on Discord.
{{ end }}

Around the Network

{{ $newsPost := .NewsPost }} {{ range $i, $col := .PostColumns }}
{{ if eq $i 0 }}
{{ template "landing_page_featured_post" $newsPost}}
{{ end }} {{ range $entry := $col }} {{ $proj := $entry.Project }} {{ $posts := $entry.Posts }}
{{ $c1 := hex2color $proj.Color1 }}

{{ $proj.Name }}

{{ with $entry.FeaturedPost }} {{ template "landing_page_featured_post" . }} {{ end }} {{ range $post := $posts }} {{ template "post_list_item" $post }} {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ define "landing_page_featured_post" }} {{/* Call this template with a LandingPageFeaturedPost. */}}
{{ .User.Name }} — {{ timehtml (relativedate .Date) .Date }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }} {{ define "post_list_item" }} {{/* Call this template with a PostListItem. */}}
{{ .User.Name }} — {{ timehtml (relativedate .Date) .Date }}
{{ end }}