{{ template "timemachine_base.html" . }} {{ define "frame title" }}
{{ . }}
{{ end }} {{ define "content" }}
{{ template "frame title" "Submit A Video" }}
{{ csrftoken .Session }}
Video URL

Take video of yourself using an old device. The video should:

  • Show the entire device
  • Clearly show the contents of the device's screen
  • Have minimal editing and clear sound

Upload the video somewhere publicly accessible, then share the link here. We can download videos from file-sharing services or any video service supported by youtube-dl. See licensing terms.

By submitting this form, you are granting us permission to:

  • Download copies of any submitted videos
  • Edit any submitted videos and publish them with attribution on our website and other promotional channels

Submitted videos will not be used for any commercial purpose.

Device Info

Include specific info about the device such as its model number, release year, CPU speed, amount of memory, etc.


What's the story behind this device? When did you get it? What did you use it for? Is it in good shape? Is there anything interesting or notable about it?

{{ end }}