# Styling TODO ## How to build ``` esbuild src\rawdata\scss\style.css --bundle --loader:.ttf=file --outdir=public --target=chrome109,firefox109,safari12 nodemon --exec "esbuild src\rawdata\scss\style.css --bundle --loader:.ttf=file --outdir=public --target=chrome109,firefox109,safari12" src\rawdata\scss\style.css --ignore public ``` ## TODO - [ ] Fix spacing of podcast episodes (used to use p-spaced) - [x] Audit uses of tables across the site to see where we might actually need to apply table-layout: fixed and border-collapse: collapse - There are zero tables on the site except one used for Asaf's debugging. - [ ] Recover
styles and use them only in post-content - [ ] Audit and fix all uses of: - [ ] big - [ ] title - [x] clear - [x] full - [ ] hidden - [x] empty (?!) - [x] column - [ ] content - [ ] description - [ ] Re-evaluate form styles - [ ] theme-color-light is used only for buttons - [x] center-layout vs. margin-center - [ ] Make sure old projects look ok (background images are gone) - [ ] Audit or delete whenisit - optionbar fixes - [ ] Remove "external" styles (width, padding, etc.) - [ ] Fix options (no more "buttons") - [ ] Convert all buttons to links - [ ] Generally audit visuals - [ ] Find that thing and kill it? - [ ] Probably remove uses of .tab - [ ] everything in _content.scss, ugh - [ ] Reduce saturation of --background-even-background - [ ] Update blog styles to not use `post` and other garbage - [ ] Remove from forum.css - [ ] Remove all uses of .content-block - [ ] Figure out what's up with the projects on the jam pages - [ ] Determine if we actually need .project-carousel, or if our general carousel styles (?) are sufficient