package website import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "html/template" "net/http" "net/url" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func EducationIndex(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { type indexData struct { templates.BaseData Articles []templates.EduArticle NewArticleUrl string RerenderUrl string } articles, err := fetchEduArticles(c, c.Conn, models.EduArticleTypeArticle, c.CurrentUser) if err != nil { panic(err) } var tmplArticles []templates.EduArticle for _, article := range articles { tmplArticles = append(tmplArticles, templates.EducationArticleToTemplate(&article)) } tmpl := indexData{ BaseData: getBaseData(c, "Handmade Education", nil), Articles: tmplArticles, NewArticleUrl: hmnurl.BuildEducationArticleNew(), RerenderUrl: hmnurl.BuildEducationRerender(), } var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("education_index.html", tmpl, c.Perf) return res } func EducationGlossary(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { type glossaryData struct { templates.BaseData } tmpl := glossaryData{ BaseData: getBaseData(c, "Handmade Education", nil), } var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("education_glossary.html", tmpl, c.Perf) return res } var reEduEditorsNote = regexp.MustCompile(`.*?`) func EducationArticle(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { type articleData struct { templates.BaseData Article templates.EduArticle TOC []TOCEntry EditUrl string DeleteUrl string } article, err := fetchEduArticle(c, c.Conn, c.PathParams["slug"], models.EduArticleTypeArticle, c.CurrentUser) if errors.Is(err, db.NotFound) { return FourOhFour(c) } else if err != nil { return c.ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, err) } tmpl := articleData{ BaseData: getBaseData(c, article.Title, nil), Article: templates.EducationArticleToTemplate(article), EditUrl: hmnurl.BuildEducationArticleEdit(article.Slug), DeleteUrl: hmnurl.BuildEducationArticleDelete(article.Slug), } tmpl.OpenGraphItems = append(tmpl.OpenGraphItems, templates.OpenGraphItem{Property: "og:description", Value: string(article.Description)}, ) tmpl.Breadcrumbs = []templates.Breadcrumb{ {Name: "Education", Url: hmnurl.BuildEducationIndex()}, {Name: article.Title, Url: hmnurl.BuildEducationArticle(article.Slug)}, } // Remove editor's notes if c.CurrentUser == nil || !c.CurrentUser.CanAuthorEducation() { tmpl.Article.Content = template.HTML(reEduEditorsNote.ReplaceAllLiteralString(string(tmpl.Article.Content), "")) } // Generate TOC and stuff I dunno html, tocEntries := generateTOC(string(tmpl.Article.Content)) tmpl.Article.Content = template.HTML(html) tmpl.TOC = tocEntries var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("education_article.html", tmpl, c.Perf) return res } func EducationArticleNew(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { type adminData struct { editorData Article map[string]interface{} } tmpl := adminData{ editorData: getEditorDataForEduArticle(c.UrlContext, c.CurrentUser, getBaseData(c, "New Education Article", nil), nil), } tmpl.editorData.SubmitUrl = hmnurl.BuildEducationArticleNew() var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("editor.html", tmpl, c.Perf) return res } func EducationArticleNewSubmit(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { form, err := c.GetFormValues() if err != nil { return c.ErrorResponse(http.StatusBadRequest, err) } art, ver := getEduArticleFromForm(form) dupe := 0 < db.MustQueryOneScalar[int](c, c.Conn, ` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM education_article WHERE slug = $1 `, art.Slug, ) if dupe { return c.RejectRequest("A resource already exists with that slug.") } createEduArticle(c, art, ver) res := c.Redirect(eduArticleURL(&art), http.StatusSeeOther) res.AddFutureNotice("success", "Created new education article.") return res } func EducationArticleEdit(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { type adminData struct { editorData Article templates.EduArticle } article, err := fetchEduArticle(c, c.Conn, c.PathParams["slug"], 0, c.CurrentUser) if errors.Is(err, db.NotFound) { return FourOhFour(c) } else if err != nil { panic(err) } tmpl := adminData{ editorData: getEditorDataForEduArticle(c.UrlContext, c.CurrentUser, getBaseData(c, "Edit Education Article", nil), article), Article: templates.EducationArticleToTemplate(article), } tmpl.editorData.SubmitUrl = hmnurl.BuildEducationArticleEdit(c.PathParams["slug"]) var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("editor.html", tmpl, c.Perf) return res } func EducationArticleEditSubmit(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { form, err := c.GetFormValues() if err != nil { return c.ErrorResponse(http.StatusBadRequest, err) } _, err = fetchEduArticle(c, c.Conn, c.PathParams["slug"], 0, c.CurrentUser) if errors.Is(err, db.NotFound) { return FourOhFour(c) } else if err != nil { panic(err) } art, ver := getEduArticleFromForm(form) updateEduArticle(c, c.PathParams["slug"], art, ver) res := c.Redirect(eduArticleURL(&art), http.StatusSeeOther) res.AddFutureNotice("success", "Edited education article.") return res } func EducationArticleDelete(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { article, err := fetchEduArticle(c, c.Conn, c.PathParams["slug"], 0, c.CurrentUser) if errors.Is(err, db.NotFound) { return FourOhFour(c) } else if err != nil { panic(err) } type deleteData struct { templates.BaseData Article templates.EduArticle SubmitUrl string } baseData := getBaseData(c, fmt.Sprintf("Deleting \"%s\"", article.Title), nil) var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("education_article_delete.html", deleteData{ BaseData: baseData, Article: templates.EducationArticleToTemplate(article), SubmitUrl: hmnurl.BuildEducationArticleDelete(article.Slug), }, c.Perf) return res } func EducationArticleDeleteSubmit(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { _, err := c.Conn.Exec(c, `DELETE FROM education_article WHERE slug = $1`, c.PathParams["slug"]) if err != nil { panic(err) } res := c.Redirect(hmnurl.BuildEducationIndex(), http.StatusSeeOther) res.AddFutureNotice("success", "Article deleted.") return res } func EducationRerender(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { everything := utils.Must1(fetchEduArticles(c, c.Conn, 0, c.CurrentUser)) for _, thing := range everything { newHTML := parsing.ParseMarkdown(thing.CurrentVersion.ContentRaw, parsing.EducationRealMarkdown) utils.Must1(c.Conn.Exec(c, ` UPDATE education_article_version SET content_html = $2 WHERE id = $1 `, thing.CurrentVersionID, newHTML, )) } res := c.Redirect(hmnurl.BuildEducationIndex(), http.StatusSeeOther) res.AddFutureNotice("success", "Rerendered all education content.") return res } func fetchEduArticles( ctx context.Context, dbConn db.ConnOrTx, t models.EduArticleType, currentUser *models.User, ) ([]models.EduArticle, error) { type eduArticleResult struct { Article models.EduArticle `db:"a"` CurrentVersion models.EduArticleVersion `db:"v"` } var qb db.QueryBuilder qb.Add(` SELECT $columns FROM education_article AS a JOIN education_article_version AS v ON a.current_version = WHERE TRUE `) if t != 0 { qb.Add(`AND a.type = $?`, t) } if currentUser == nil || !currentUser.CanSeeUnpublishedEducationContent() { qb.Add(`AND NOT a.published`) } articles, err := db.Query[eduArticleResult](ctx, dbConn, qb.String(), qb.Args()...) if err != nil { return nil, err } var res []models.EduArticle for _, article := range articles { ver := article.CurrentVersion article.Article.CurrentVersion = &ver res = append(res, article.Article) } return res, nil } func fetchEduArticle( ctx context.Context, dbConn db.ConnOrTx, slug string, t models.EduArticleType, currentUser *models.User, ) (*models.EduArticle, error) { type eduArticleResult struct { Article models.EduArticle `db:"a"` CurrentVersion models.EduArticleVersion `db:"v"` } var qb db.QueryBuilder qb.Add( ` SELECT $columns FROM education_article AS a JOIN education_article_version AS v ON a.current_version = WHERE a.slug = $? `, slug, ) if t != 0 { qb.Add(`AND a.type = $?`, t) } if currentUser == nil || !currentUser.CanSeeUnpublishedEducationContent() { qb.Add(`AND NOT a.published`) } res, err := db.QueryOne[eduArticleResult](ctx, dbConn, qb.String(), qb.Args()...) if err != nil { return nil, err } res.Article.CurrentVersion = &res.CurrentVersion return &res.Article, nil } func getEditorDataForEduArticle( urlContext *hmnurl.UrlContext, currentUser *models.User, baseData templates.BaseData, article *models.EduArticle, ) editorData { result := editorData{ BaseData: baseData, SubmitLabel: "Submit", CanEditPostTitle: true, ShowEduOptions: true, PreviewClass: "edu-article", TextEditor: templates.TextEditor{ ParserName: "parseMarkdownEdu", MaxFileSize: AssetMaxSize(currentUser), UploadUrl: urlContext.BuildAssetUpload(), }, } if article != nil { result.PostTitle = article.Title result.EditInitialContents = article.CurrentVersion.ContentRaw } return result } func getEduArticleFromForm(form url.Values) (art models.EduArticle, ver models.EduArticleVersion) { art.Title = form.Get("title") art.Slug = form.Get("slug") art.Description = form.Get("description") switch form.Get("type") { case "article": art.Type = models.EduArticleTypeArticle case "glossary": art.Type = models.EduArticleTypeGlossary default: panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown education article type: %s", form.Get("type"))) } art.Published = form.Get("published") != "" ver.ContentRaw = form.Get("body") ver.ContentHTML = parsing.ParseMarkdown(ver.ContentRaw, parsing.EducationRealMarkdown) return } func createEduArticle(c *RequestContext, art models.EduArticle, ver models.EduArticleVersion) { tx := utils.Must1(c.Conn.Begin(c)) defer tx.Rollback(c) { articleID := db.MustQueryOneScalar[int](c, tx, ` INSERT INTO education_article (title, slug, description, published, type, current_version) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, -1) RETURNING id `, art.Title, art.Slug, art.Description, art.Published, art.Type, ) versionID := db.MustQueryOneScalar[int](c, tx, ` INSERT INTO education_article_version (article_id, date, editor_id, content_raw, content_html) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ) RETURNING id `, articleID, time.Now(), c.CurrentUser.ID, ver.ContentRaw, ver.ContentHTML, ) tx.Exec(c, `UPDATE education_article SET current_version = $1 WHERE id = $2`, versionID, articleID, ) } utils.Must(tx.Commit(c)) } func updateEduArticle(c *RequestContext, slug string, art models.EduArticle, ver models.EduArticleVersion) { tx := utils.Must1(c.Conn.Begin(c)) defer tx.Rollback(c) { articleID := db.MustQueryOneScalar[int](c, tx, `SELECT id FROM education_article WHERE slug = $1`, slug, ) versionID := db.MustQueryOneScalar[int](c, tx, ` INSERT INTO education_article_version (article_id, date, editor_id, content_raw, content_html) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ) RETURNING id `, articleID, time.Now(), c.CurrentUser.ID, ver.ContentRaw, ver.ContentHTML, ) tx.Exec(c, ` UPDATE education_article SET title = $1, slug = $2, description = $3, published = $4, type = $5, current_version = $6 WHERE id = $7 `, art.Title, art.Slug, art.Description, art.Published, art.Type, versionID, articleID, ) } utils.Must(tx.Commit(c)) } func eduArticleURL(a *models.EduArticle) string { switch a.Type { case models.EduArticleTypeArticle: return hmnurl.BuildEducationArticle(a.Slug) case models.EduArticleTypeGlossary: return hmnurl.BuildEducationGlossary(a.Slug) default: panic("unknown education article type") } } var reHeading = regexp.MustCompile(`(.*?)`) var reNotSimple = regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]+`) type TOCEntry struct { Text string ID string Level int } func generateTOC(html string) (string, []TOCEntry) { var entries []TOCEntry replacinated := reHeading.ReplaceAllStringFunc(html, func(s string) string { m := reHeading.FindStringSubmatch(s) level := m[1] content := m[2] id := strings.ToLower(reNotSimple.ReplaceAllLiteralString(content, "-")) entries = append(entries, TOCEntry{ Text: content, ID: id, Level: utils.Must1(strconv.Atoi(level)), }) return fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, level, id, content, level) }) return replacinated, entries }