package embed import ( "bytes" "context" "errors" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "regexp" "strings" "time" "" ) var DownloadTooBigError = errors.New("download too big") var NoEmbedFound = errors.New("no embed found") type Embeddable struct { Url string File *Embed } type Embed struct { Data []byte ContentType string Filename string } var EmbeddableUrlRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^https?://(youtu\.be|(www\.)?youtube\.com/watch)`) func IsUrlEmbeddable(u string) bool { return EmbeddableUrlRegex.MatchString(u) } func GetEmbeddableFromUrls(ctx context.Context, urls []string, maxSize int, httpTimeout time.Duration, httpMaxAttempts int) (*Embeddable, error) { embedError := NoEmbedFound client := &http.Client{ Timeout: httpTimeout, } for _, urlStr := range urls { u, err := url.Parse(urlStr) if err != nil { continue } if u.Scheme == "" { u.Scheme = "https" urlStr = u.String() } if (u.Scheme != "http" && u.Scheme != "https") || u.Host == "" { continue } if IsUrlEmbeddable(urlStr) { result := Embeddable{ Url: urlStr, } return &result, nil } if httpMaxAttempts > 0 { httpMaxAttempts -= 1 embed, err := FetchEmbed(ctx, urlStr, client, maxSize) if err != nil { embedError = err continue } result := Embeddable{ File: embed, } return &result, nil } } return nil, embedError } // If the url points to a file, downloads and returns the file. // If the url points to an html page, parses opengraph and tries to fetch an image/video/audio file according to that. // maxSize only limits the actual filesize. In the case of html we always fetch up to 100kb even if maxSize is smaller. func FetchEmbed(ctx context.Context, urlStr string, httpClient *http.Client, maxSize int) (*Embed, error) { req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", urlStr, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } res, err := httpClient.Do(req) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer res.Body.Close() if res.StatusCode < 200 || res.StatusCode > 299 { return nil, NoEmbedFound } contentType := res.Header.Get("Content-Type") if strings.HasPrefix(contentType, "text/html") || strings.HasPrefix(contentType, "application/html") { var buffer bytes.Buffer _, err := io.CopyN(&buffer, res.Body, 100*1024) // NOTE(asaf): If the opengraph stuff isn't in the first 100kb, we don't care. if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { return nil, err } partialHtml := buffer.Bytes() urlStr = ExtractEmbedFromOpenGraph(partialHtml) if urlStr == "" { return nil, NoEmbedFound } req, err = http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", urlStr, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } res, err = httpClient.Do(req) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer res.Body.Close() if res.StatusCode < 200 || res.StatusCode > 299 { return nil, NoEmbedFound } contentType = res.Header.Get("Content-Type") } var buffer bytes.Buffer n, err := io.CopyN(&buffer, res.Body, int64(maxSize+1)) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { return nil, err } filename := "" u, err := url.Parse(urlStr) if err == nil { lastSlash := utils.IntMax(strings.LastIndex(u.Path, "/"), 0) filename = u.Path[lastSlash:] } result := Embed{ Data: buffer.Bytes(), ContentType: contentType, Filename: filename, } if n == int64(maxSize+1) { err = DownloadTooBigError } else { err = nil } return &result, err } var metaRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`]+)/?>`) var metaAttrRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P\w+)="(?P[^"]+)"`) var OGKeys = []string{ "og:audio", "og:video", "og:image", "og:audio:url", "og:image:url", "og:video:url", "og:audio:secure_url", "og:image:secure_url", "og:video:secure_url", "twitter:image", } // Tries to find an opengraph image/video/audio url in the provided html // Since we only need to look at meta tags in the head, we don't need the full html document. func ExtractEmbedFromOpenGraph(partialHtml []byte) string { keyIdx := metaAttrRegex.SubexpIndex("key") valueIdx := metaAttrRegex.SubexpIndex("value") html := string(partialHtml) metaTags := metaRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(html, -1) for _, m := range metaTags { content := "" relevantProp := false attrs := metaAttrRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(m[1], -1) for _, attr := range attrs { key := attr[keyIdx] value := attr[valueIdx] if key == "name" || key == "property" { for _, ogKey := range OGKeys { if value == ogKey { relevantProp = true break } } } else if key == "content" { content = value } } if content != "" && relevantProp { return content } } return "" }