package templates import ( "html/template" "net" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) func PostToTemplate(p *models.Post, author *models.User, currentTheme string) Post { return Post{ ID: p.ID, // Urls not set here. See AddUrls. Preview: p.Preview, ReadOnly: p.ReadOnly, Author: UserToTemplate(author, currentTheme), // No content. A lot of the time we don't have this handy and don't need it. See AddContentVersion. PostDate: p.PostDate, } } func (p *Post) AddContentVersion(ver models.PostVersion, editor *models.User) { p.Content = template.HTML(ver.TextParsed) p.IP = maybeIp(ver.IP) if editor != nil { editorTmpl := UserToTemplate(editor, "theme not required here") p.Editor = &editorTmpl p.EditDate = ver.Date p.EditReason = ver.EditReason } } func (p *Post) AddUrls(projectSlug string, subforums []string, threadId int, postId int) { p.Url = hmnurl.BuildForumPost(projectSlug, subforums, threadId, postId) p.DeleteUrl = hmnurl.BuildForumPostDelete(projectSlug, subforums, threadId, postId) p.EditUrl = hmnurl.BuildForumPostEdit(projectSlug, subforums, threadId, postId) p.ReplyUrl = hmnurl.BuildForumPostReply(projectSlug, subforums, threadId, postId) } var LifecycleBadgeClasses = map[models.ProjectLifecycle]string{ models.ProjectLifecycleUnapproved: "", models.ProjectLifecycleApprovalRequired: "", models.ProjectLifecycleActive: "", models.ProjectLifecycleHiatus: "notice-hiatus", models.ProjectLifecycleDead: "notice-dead", models.ProjectLifecycleLTSRequired: "", models.ProjectLifecycleLTS: "notice-lts", } var LifecycleBadgeStrings = map[models.ProjectLifecycle]string{ models.ProjectLifecycleUnapproved: "", models.ProjectLifecycleApprovalRequired: "", models.ProjectLifecycleActive: "", models.ProjectLifecycleHiatus: "On Hiatus", models.ProjectLifecycleDead: "Dead", models.ProjectLifecycleLTSRequired: "", models.ProjectLifecycleLTS: "Complete", } func ProjectUrl(p *models.Project) string { var url string if p.Lifecycle == models.ProjectLifecycleUnapproved || p.Lifecycle == models.ProjectLifecycleApprovalRequired { url = hmnurl.BuildProjectNotApproved(p.Slug) } else { url = hmnurl.BuildProjectHomepage(p.Slug) } return url } func ProjectToTemplate(p *models.Project, theme string) Project { logo := p.LogoLight if theme == "dark" { logo = p.LogoDark } url := ProjectUrl(p) return Project{ Name: p.Name, Subdomain: p.Subdomain(), Color1: p.Color1, Color2: p.Color2, Url: url, Blurb: p.Blurb, ParsedDescription: template.HTML(p.ParsedDescription), Logo: hmnurl.BuildUserFile(logo), LifecycleBadgeClass: LifecycleBadgeClasses[p.Lifecycle], LifecycleString: LifecycleBadgeStrings[p.Lifecycle], IsHMN: p.IsHMN(), HasBlog: true, // TODO: Check flag sets or whatever HasForum: true, HasLibrary: true, DateApproved: p.DateApproved, } } func SessionToTemplate(s *models.Session) Session { return Session{ CSRFToken: s.CSRFToken, } } func ThreadToTemplate(t *models.Thread) Thread { return Thread{ Title: t.Title, Locked: t.Locked, Sticky: t.Sticky, } } func UserAvatarUrl(u *models.User, currentTheme string) string { if currentTheme == "" { currentTheme = "light" } avatar := "" if u != nil && u.Avatar != nil && len(*u.Avatar) > 0 { avatar = hmnurl.BuildUserFile(*u.Avatar) } else { avatar = hmnurl.BuildTheme("empty-avatar.svg", currentTheme, true) } return avatar } func UserDisplayName(u *models.User) string { name := u.Name if u.Name == "" { name = u.Username } return name } func UserToTemplate(u *models.User, currentTheme string) User { if u == nil { return User{ Name: "Deleted user", AvatarUrl: UserAvatarUrl(u, currentTheme), } } email := "" if u.ShowEmail { // TODO(asaf): Always show email to admins email = u.Email } return User{ ID: u.ID, Username: u.Username, Email: email, IsStaff: u.IsStaff, Name: UserDisplayName(u), Blurb: u.Blurb, Signature: u.Signature, DateJoined: u.DateJoined, AvatarUrl: UserAvatarUrl(u, currentTheme), ProfileUrl: hmnurl.BuildUserProfile(u.Username), DarkTheme: u.DarkTheme, Timezone: u.Timezone, ProfileColor1: u.ProfileColor1, ProfileColor2: u.ProfileColor2, CanEditLibrary: u.CanEditLibrary, DiscordSaveShowcase: u.DiscordSaveShowcase, DiscordDeleteSnippetOnMessageDelete: u.DiscordDeleteSnippetOnMessageDelete, } } var RegexServiceYoutube = regexp.MustCompile(`youtube\.com/(c/)?(?P[\w/-]+)$`) var RegexServiceTwitter = regexp.MustCompile(`twitter\.com/(?P\w+)$`) var RegexServiceGithub = regexp.MustCompile(`github\.com/(?P[\w/-]+)$`) var RegexServiceTwitch = regexp.MustCompile(`twitch\.tv/(?P[\w/-]+)$`) var RegexServiceHitbox = regexp.MustCompile(`hitbox\.tv/(?P[\w/-]+)$`) var RegexServicePatreon = regexp.MustCompile(`patreon\.com/(?P[\w/-]+)$`) var RegexServiceSoundcloud = regexp.MustCompile(`soundcloud\.com/(?P[\w/-]+)$`) var RegexServiceItch = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P[\w/-]+)\.itch\.io/?$`) var LinkServiceMap = map[string]*regexp.Regexp{ "youtube": RegexServiceYoutube, "twitter": RegexServiceTwitter, "github": RegexServiceGithub, "twitch": RegexServiceTwitch, "hitbox": RegexServiceHitbox, "patreon": RegexServicePatreon, "soundcloud": RegexServiceSoundcloud, "itch": RegexServiceItch, } func ParseKnownServicesForLink(link *models.Link) (serviceName string, userData string) { for name, re := range LinkServiceMap { match := re.FindStringSubmatch(link.Value) if match != nil { serviceName = name userData = match[re.SubexpIndex("userdata")] return } } return "", "" } func LinkToTemplate(link *models.Link) Link { name := "" /* // NOTE(asaf): While Name and Key are separate things, Name is almost always the same as Key in the db, which looks weird. // So we're just going to ignore Name until we decide it's worth reusing. if link.Name != nil { name = *link.Name } */ serviceName, serviceUserData := ParseKnownServicesForLink(link) if serviceUserData != "" { name = serviceUserData } if name == "" { name = link.Value } return Link{ Key: link.Key, Name: name, Icon: serviceName, Url: link.Value, } } func TimelineItemsToJSON(items []TimelineItem) string { // NOTE(asaf): As of 2021-06-22: This only serializes the data necessary for snippet showcase. builder := strings.Builder{} builder.WriteRune('[') for i, item := range items { if i > 0 { builder.WriteRune(',') } builder.WriteRune('{') builder.WriteString(`"type":`) builder.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(int(item.Type))) builder.WriteRune(',') builder.WriteString(`"date":`) builder.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(item.Date.UTC().Unix(), 10)) builder.WriteRune(',') builder.WriteString(`"description":"`) jsonString := string(item.Description) jsonString = strings.ReplaceAll(jsonString, `\`, `\\`) jsonString = strings.ReplaceAll(jsonString, `"`, `\"`) jsonString = strings.ReplaceAll(jsonString, "\n", "\\n") jsonString = strings.ReplaceAll(jsonString, "\r", "\\r") jsonString = strings.ReplaceAll(jsonString, "\t", "\\t") builder.WriteString(jsonString) builder.WriteString(`",`) builder.WriteString(`"owner_name":"`) builder.WriteString(item.OwnerName) // TODO: Do we need to do escaping on these other string fields too? Feels like someone could use this for XSS. builder.WriteString(`",`) builder.WriteString(`"owner_avatar":"`) builder.WriteString(item.OwnerAvatarUrl) builder.WriteString(`",`) builder.WriteString(`"owner_url":"`) builder.WriteString(item.OwnerUrl) builder.WriteString(`",`) builder.WriteString(`"snippet_url":"`) builder.WriteString(item.Url) builder.WriteString(`",`) builder.WriteString(`"width":`) builder.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(item.Width)) builder.WriteRune(',') builder.WriteString(`"height":`) builder.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(item.Height)) builder.WriteRune(',') builder.WriteString(`"asset_url":"`) builder.WriteString(item.AssetUrl) builder.WriteString(`",`) builder.WriteString(`"discord_message_url":"`) builder.WriteString(item.DiscordMessageUrl) builder.WriteString(`"`) builder.WriteRune('}') } builder.WriteRune(']') return builder.String() } func PodcastToTemplate(projectSlug string, podcast *models.Podcast, imageFilename string) Podcast { imageUrl := "" if imageFilename != "" { imageUrl = hmnurl.BuildUserFile(imageFilename) } return Podcast{ Title: podcast.Title, Description: podcast.Description, Language: podcast.Language, ImageUrl: imageUrl, Url: hmnurl.BuildPodcast(projectSlug), RSSUrl: hmnurl.BuildPodcastRSS(projectSlug), // TODO(asaf): Move this to the db if we want to support user podcasts AppleUrl: "", GoogleUrl: "", SpotifyUrl: "", } } func PodcastEpisodeToTemplate(projectSlug string, episode *models.PodcastEpisode, audioFileSize int64, imageFilename string) PodcastEpisode { imageUrl := "" if imageFilename != "" { imageUrl = hmnurl.BuildUserFile(imageFilename) } return PodcastEpisode{ GUID: episode.GUID.String(), Title: episode.Title, Description: episode.Description, DescriptionHtml: template.HTML(episode.DescriptionHtml), EpisodeNumber: episode.EpisodeNumber, Url: hmnurl.BuildPodcastEpisode(projectSlug, episode.GUID.String()), ImageUrl: imageUrl, FileUrl: hmnurl.BuildPodcastEpisodeFile(projectSlug, episode.AudioFile), FileSize: audioFileSize, PublicationDate: episode.PublicationDate, Duration: episode.Duration, } } func maybeString(s *string) string { if s == nil { return "" } return *s } func maybeIp(ip *net.IPNet) string { if ip == nil { return "" } return ip.String() }