package website import ( "errors" "net/http" "sort" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) type UserProfileTemplateData struct { templates.BaseData ProfileUser templates.User ProfileUserLinks []templates.Link ProfileUserProjects []templates.Project TimelineItems []templates.TimelineItem NumForums int NumBlogs int NumSnippets int } func UserProfile(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { username, hasUsername := c.PathParams["username"] if !hasUsername || len(strings.TrimSpace(username)) == 0 { return FourOhFour(c) } username = strings.ToLower(username) var profileUser *models.User if c.CurrentUser != nil && strings.ToLower(c.CurrentUser.Username) == username { profileUser = c.CurrentUser } else { c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch user") userResult, err := db.QueryOne(c.Context(), c.Conn, models.User{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM auth_user WHERE LOWER(auth_user.username) = $1 `, username, ) c.Perf.EndBlock() if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, db.ErrNoMatchingRows) { return FourOhFour(c) } else { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch user: %s", username)) } } profileUser = userResult.(*models.User) } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch user links") type userLinkQuery struct { UserLink models.Link `db:"link"` } userLinkQueryResult, err := db.Query(c.Context(), c.Conn, userLinkQuery{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_links as link WHERE link.user_id = $1 ORDER BY link.ordering ASC `, profileUser.ID, ) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch links for user: %s", username)) } userLinksSlice := userLinkQueryResult.ToSlice() profileUserLinks := make([]templates.Link, 0, len(userLinksSlice)) for _, l := range userLinksSlice { profileUserLinks = append(profileUserLinks, templates.LinkToTemplate(&l.(*userLinkQuery).UserLink)) } c.Perf.EndBlock() type projectQuery struct { Project models.Project `db:"project"` } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch projects") projectQueryResult, err := db.Query(c.Context(), c.Conn, projectQuery{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_project AS project INNER JOIN handmade_project_groups AS project_groups ON project_groups.project_id = INNER JOIN auth_user_groups AS user_groups ON user_groups.group_id = project_groups.group_id WHERE user_groups.user_id = $1 AND ($2 OR (project.flags = 0 AND project.lifecycle = ANY ($3))) `, profileUser.ID, (c.CurrentUser != nil && (profileUser == c.CurrentUser || c.CurrentUser.IsStaff)), models.VisibleProjectLifecycles, ) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch projects for user: %s", username)) } projectQuerySlice := projectQueryResult.ToSlice() templateProjects := make([]templates.Project, 0, len(projectQuerySlice)) for _, projectRow := range projectQuerySlice { projectData := projectRow.(*projectQuery) templateProjects = append(templateProjects, templates.ProjectToTemplate(&projectData.Project, c.Theme)) } c.Perf.EndBlock() type postQuery struct { Post models.Post `db:"post"` Thread models.Thread `db:"thread"` Project models.Project `db:"project"` } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch posts") postQueryResult, err := db.Query(c.Context(), c.Conn, postQuery{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_post AS post INNER JOIN handmade_thread AS thread ON = post.thread_id INNER JOIN handmade_project AS project ON = post.project_id WHERE post.author_id = $1 AND project.lifecycle = ANY ($2) `, profileUser.ID, models.VisibleProjectLifecycles, ) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch posts for user: %s", username)) } postQuerySlice := postQueryResult.ToSlice() c.Perf.EndBlock() type snippetQuery struct { Snippet models.Snippet `db:"snippet"` Asset *models.Asset `db:"asset"` DiscordMessage *models.DiscordMessage `db:"discord_message"` } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch snippets") snippetQueryResult, err := db.Query(c.Context(), c.Conn, snippetQuery{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_snippet AS snippet LEFT JOIN handmade_asset AS asset ON = snippet.asset_id LEFT JOIN handmade_discordmessage AS discord_message ON = snippet.discord_message_id WHERE snippet.owner_id = $1 `, profileUser.ID, ) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch snippets for user: %s", username)) } snippetQuerySlice := snippetQueryResult.ToSlice() c.Perf.EndBlock() c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch subforum tree") subforumTree := models.GetFullSubforumTree(c.Context(), c.Conn) lineageBuilder := models.MakeSubforumLineageBuilder(subforumTree) c.Perf.EndBlock() c.Perf.StartBlock("PROFILE", "Construct timeline items") timelineItems := make([]templates.TimelineItem, 0, len(postQuerySlice)+len(snippetQuerySlice)) numForums := 0 numBlogs := 0 numSnippets := len(snippetQuerySlice) for _, postRow := range postQuerySlice { postData := postRow.(*postQuery) timelineItem := PostToTimelineItem( lineageBuilder, &postData.Post, &postData.Thread, &postData.Project, profileUser, c.Theme, ) switch timelineItem.Type { case templates.TimelineTypeForumThread, templates.TimelineTypeForumReply: numForums += 1 case templates.TimelineTypeBlogPost, templates.TimelineTypeBlogComment: numBlogs += 1 } if timelineItem.Type != templates.TimelineTypeUnknown { timelineItems = append(timelineItems, timelineItem) } else { c.Logger.Warn().Int("post ID", postData.Post.ID).Msg("Unknown timeline item type for post") } } for _, snippetRow := range snippetQuerySlice { snippetData := snippetRow.(*snippetQuery) timelineItem := SnippetToTimelineItem( &snippetData.Snippet, snippetData.Asset, snippetData.DiscordMessage, profileUser, c.Theme, ) timelineItems = append(timelineItems, timelineItem) } c.Perf.StartBlock("PROFILE", "Sort timeline") sort.Slice(timelineItems, func(i, j int) bool { return timelineItems[j].Date.Before(timelineItems[i].Date) }) c.Perf.EndBlock() c.Perf.EndBlock() baseData := getBaseData(c) var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("user_profile.html", UserProfileTemplateData{ BaseData: baseData, ProfileUser: templates.UserToTemplate(profileUser, c.Theme), ProfileUserLinks: profileUserLinks, ProfileUserProjects: templateProjects, TimelineItems: timelineItems, NumForums: numForums, NumBlogs: numBlogs, NumSnippets: numSnippets, }, c.Perf) return res }