/* Inserts a CSS expression with one or more custom variables. You can provide an arbitrary number of strings in the second argument, separated by spaces. Any strings corresponding to variable names will be replaced by the correct values, while other strings are left untouched. Example usage: @include usevar(border-color, dimmer-color); @include usevar(background, "linear-gradient(" dim-background-transparent "," dim-background ")"); For clarity and to avoid syntax issues, you are encouraged to use unquoted strings for variables and quoted strings for everything else. For convenience in common cases, if only a single argument is provided and it does not match an existing variable, this will throw an error. */ @mixin usevar($prop, $pieces) { $maprule: (); $varrule: (); @each $piece in $pieces { @if map-get($vars, $piece) != null { $maprule: append($maprule, map-get($vars, $piece)); $varrule: append($varrule, var(--#{$piece})); } @else { @if length($pieces) == 1 { @error "Var \"#{$piece}\" not defined"; } $maprule: append($maprule, unquote($piece)); $varrule: append($varrule, unquote($piece)); } } #{$prop}: $maprule; #{$prop}: $varrule; } @function px2rem($px) { @return ($px / 16px) * 1rem; } @mixin lite-button { display: inline-flex; border: none; background: none; font-weight: normal; font-family: inherit; line-height: inherit; } $buttons: " button, .button, input[type=button], input[type=submit] ";