{{ template "wheeljam_2023_base.html" . }} {{ define "content" }} {{ $discordInviteURL := "https://discord.gg/hmn" }}

Wheel Reinvention Jam

September 25 - October 1, 2023

A one-week jam where you start from scratch. {{ if gt .DaysUntilEnd 0 }} {{ if eq .DaysUntilStart 0 }} Happening now. {{ else if eq .DaysUntilStart 1 }} Starting tomorrow. {{ else }} In {{ .DaysUntilStart }} days. {{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ if gt .DaysUntilStart 0 }} Get inspired {{ else if gt .DaysUntilEnd 0 }} {{ if .SubmittedProjectUrl }} Share your progress {{ else }} Create your project {{ end }} {{ else }} See the results {{ end }} Join the Discord

The Wheel Reinvention Jam is a one-week jam where we build software from scratch.

Why build things from scratch? Because that's the only way real progress is made. Every impactful project started life as a small experiment. Plus, writing something from scratch turns theory into practice. You may think you know how a piece of technology works, but until you write it yourself, it won't really stick. There's no substitute for direct experience.

And let's face it, most of the software we use is basically the same as it was twenty or thirty years ago. Our "wheels" are terrible! They need to be reinvented!

So take this opportunity to try something ambitious, something weird, an unfamiliar take on a familiar problem. Who's gonna stop you?

{{ if eq .DaysUntilEnd 0 }}

Submitted projects

{{ range .JamProjects }} {{ template "project_card.html" projectcarddata . "" }} {{ end }}
{{ else if and (eq .DaysUntilStart 0) (not (eq .ShowcaseJson "[]")) }}
{{ if gt .DaysUntilEnd 0 }}

Recent updates

These screenshots and videos were shared by jam participants in #project-showcase on our Discord. Join us and share what you're working on! See all ➜

{{ else }}

Community showcase

These screenshots and videos were shared by jam participants in #project-showcase on our Discord during the jam. Join us and chat about your favorites!

{{ end }}
{{ template "showcase_templates.html" }} {{ else }}

Last year's entries

We had 28 incredible entries last year. Here are a few of our favorites:

{{ end }}

How to participate

The jam takes place from Monday, September 25 through Sunday, October 1. Here's how you can participate:

Pick a project and form a team.

Find a project idea that excites you! Join the conversation over on our Wishlist, brainstorm ideas on Discord, or just invite some friends to jam with you.


{{ if and (eq .DaysUntilStart 0) (not .SubmittedProjectUrl) }} Create a Handmade Network project {{ else }} After the jam starts, create a Handmade Network project {{ end }} to track your work. Then, build your program! Share your work in progress in #project-showcase on Discord, or directly from your project page. Posts on Discord can be tagged so they automatically appear here on the website.

Submit your work!

Your Handmade Network project is your submission. Fill out the project description, making sure to explain the goals of the project and why you chose to build it. Also consider posting an update with video of your program in action!

{{ if and (eq .DaysUntilStart 0) (gt .DaysUntilEnd 0) }}

Submissions close .

{{ else if eq .DaysUntilEnd 0 }}

Submissions are now closed.

{{ end }}


There are no explicit winners, but we will be selecting a few of our favorite projects to highlight in a recap stream following the jam.

Submission rules

{{ with .SubmittedProjectUrl }} Your Handmade Network project {{ else }} Your Handmade Network project {{ end }} is your submission. We will be looking at the project's description and any extra updates you share toward the end of the jam.

Make it by hand.

The Handmade ethos and Handmade community are software development superpowers. Don't be afraid to question your foundations and rebuild what needs rebuilding. The community is here to help you take on those challenges and do what others might consider impossible.

Of course, this is a jam, so focus on what matters to your project. There are many excellent libraries in the community that can save you time and help you focus on your core ideas. Don't be afraid to use them. But don't be afraid to do your own thing if they're holding you back.

Don't just rebuild. Reinvent.

This is a chance to build something new, weird, and different. Don't settle for “the same, but better” - it would be a shame to build a mere clone of the same old software we use today.

Of course, if you want to build a clone just for educational value, that's great! But while you're doing it, why not put your own spin on it? This is the perfect time to experiment with even the tiniest ideas. And if you're out of ideas, consider working with a team - collaborating with someone is the perfect way to generate new ideas and tackle bigger projects than you could handle on your own.

This is a jam. Don't be afraid to try something weird!

{{ end }}