importScripts('{{ static "go_wasm_exec.js" }}'); // wowee good javascript yeah const global = Function('return this')(); /* NOTE(ben): The structure here is a little funny but allows for some debouncing. Any postMessages that got queued up can run all at once, then it can process the latest one. */ let wasmLoaded = false; let jobs = {}; onmessage = ({ data }) => { const { elementID, markdown, parserName } = data; jobs[elementID] = { markdown, parserName }; setTimeout(doPreview, 0); } const go = new Go(); WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch('{{ static "parsing.wasm" }}'), go.importObject) .then(result => {; // don't await this; we want it to be continuously running wasmLoaded = true; setTimeout(doPreview, 0); }); const doPreview = () => { if (!wasmLoaded) { return; } for (const [elementID, { markdown, parserName }] of Object.entries(jobs)) { const html = global[parserName](markdown); postMessage({ elementID: elementID, html: html, }); } jobs = {}; }