package website import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "net/http" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func panicCatcherMiddleware(h Handler) Handler { return func(c *RequestContext) (res ResponseData) { defer func() { if recovered := recover(); recovered != nil { maybeError, ok := recovered.(*error) var err error if ok { err = *maybeError } else { err = oops.New(nil, fmt.Sprintf("Recovered from panic with value: %v", recovered)) } res = c.ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, err) } }() return h(c) } } func trackRequestPerf(h Handler) Handler { return func(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { c.Perf = perf.MakeNewRequestPerf(c.Route, c.Req.Method, c.Req.URL.Path) defer func() { c.Perf.EndRequest() log := logging.Info() blockStack := make([]time.Time, 0) for i, block := range c.Perf.Blocks { for len(blockStack) > 0 && block.End.After(blockStack[len(blockStack)-1]) { blockStack = blockStack[:len(blockStack)-1] } log.Str(fmt.Sprintf("[%4.d] At %9.2fms", i, c.Perf.MsFromStart(&block)), fmt.Sprintf("%*.s[%s] %s (%.4fms)", len(blockStack)*2, "", block.Category, block.Description, block.DurationMs())) blockStack = append(blockStack, block.End) } log.Msg(fmt.Sprintf("Served [%s] %s in %.4fms", c.Perf.Method, c.Perf.Path, float64(c.Perf.End.Sub(c.Perf.Start).Nanoseconds())/1000/1000)) // perfCollector.SubmitRun(c.Perf) // TODO(asaf): Implement a use for this }() return h(c) } } func needsAuth(h Handler) Handler { return func(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { if c.CurrentUser == nil { return c.Redirect(hmnurl.BuildLoginPage(c.FullUrl()), http.StatusSeeOther) } return h(c) } } func adminsOnly(h Handler) Handler { return func(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { if c.CurrentUser == nil || !c.CurrentUser.IsStaff { return FourOhFour(c) } return h(c) } } func educationAuthorsOnly(h Handler) Handler { return func(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { if c.CurrentUser == nil || !c.CurrentUser.CanAuthorEducation() { return FourOhFour(c) } return h(c) } } func csrfMiddleware(h Handler) Handler { // CSRF mitigation actions per the OWASP cheat sheet: // return func(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { c.Req.ParseMultipartForm(100 * 1024 * 1024) csrfToken := c.Req.Form.Get(auth.CSRFFieldName) if csrfToken != c.CurrentSession.CSRFToken { c.Logger.Warn().Str("userId", c.CurrentUser.Username).Msg("user failed CSRF validation - potential attack?") res := c.Redirect("/", http.StatusSeeOther) logoutUser(c, &res) return res } return h(c) } } func securityTimerMiddleware(duration time.Duration, h Handler) Handler { // NOTE(asaf): Will make sure that the request takes at least `duration` to finish. Adds a 10% random duration. return func(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { additionalDuration := time.Duration(rand.Int63n(utils.Int64Max(1, int64(duration)/10))) timer := time.NewTimer(duration + additionalDuration) res := h(c) select { case <-c.Done(): case <-timer.C: } return res } } func logContextErrors(c *RequestContext, errs ...error) { for _, err := range errs { c.Logger.Error().Timestamp().Stack().Str("Requested", c.FullUrl()).Err(err).Msg("error occurred during request") } } func logContextErrorsMiddleware(h Handler) Handler { return func(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { res := h(c) logContextErrors(c, res.Errors...) return res } }