package email import ( "bytes" "fmt" "mime" "mime/quotedprintable" "net/smtp" "regexp" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) // TODO(asaf): Adjust this once we test on the server const ExpectedEmailSendDuration = time.Millisecond * 1500 type RegistrationEmailData struct { Name string HomepageUrl string CompleteRegistrationUrl string } func SendRegistrationEmail( toAddress string, toName string, username string, completionToken string, destination string, perf *perf.RequestPerf, ) error { perf.StartBlock("EMAIL", "Registration email") perf.StartBlock("EMAIL", "Rendering template") contents, err := renderTemplate("email_registration.html", RegistrationEmailData{ Name: toName, HomepageUrl: hmnurl.BuildHomepage(), CompleteRegistrationUrl: hmnurl.BuildEmailConfirmation(username, completionToken, destination), }) if err != nil { return err } perf.EndBlock() perf.StartBlock("EMAIL", "Sending email") err = sendMail(toAddress, toName, "[] Registration confirmation", contents) if err != nil { return oops.New(err, "Failed to send email") } perf.EndBlock() perf.EndBlock() return nil } type PasswordResetEmailData struct { Name string DoPasswordResetUrl string Expiration time.Time } func SendPasswordReset(toAddress string, toName string, username string, resetToken string, expiration time.Time, perf *perf.RequestPerf) error { perf.StartBlock("EMAIL", "Password reset email") perf.StartBlock("EMAIL", "Rendering template") contents, err := renderTemplate("email_password_reset.html", PasswordResetEmailData{ Name: toName, DoPasswordResetUrl: hmnurl.BuildDoPasswordReset(username, resetToken), Expiration: expiration, }) if err != nil { return err } perf.EndBlock() perf.StartBlock("EMAIL", "Sending email") err = sendMail(toAddress, toName, "[] Your password reset request", contents) if err != nil { return oops.New(err, "Failed to send email") } perf.EndBlock() perf.EndBlock() return nil } type TimeMachineEmailData struct { ProfileUrl string Username string UserEmail string DiscordUsername string MediaUrl string DeviceInfo string Description string } func SendTimeMachineEmail(profileUrl, username, userEmail, discordUsername, mediaUrl, deviceInfo, description string, perf *perf.RequestPerf) error { perf.StartBlock("EMAIL", "Time machine email") defer perf.EndBlock() contents, err := renderTemplate("email_time_machine.html", TimeMachineEmailData{ ProfileUrl: profileUrl, Username: username, UserEmail: userEmail, DiscordUsername: discordUsername, MediaUrl: mediaUrl, DeviceInfo: deviceInfo, Description: description, }) if err != nil { return err } err = sendMail("", "HMN Team", "[time machine] New submission", contents) if err != nil { return oops.New(err, "Failed to send email") } return nil } var EmailRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[^:\p{Cc} ]+@[^:\p{Cc} ]+\.[^:\p{Cc} ]+$`) func IsEmail(address string) bool { return EmailRegex.Match([]byte(address)) } func renderTemplate(name string, data interface{}) (string, error) { var buffer bytes.Buffer template := templates.GetTemplate(name) err := template.Execute(&buffer, data) if err != nil { return "", oops.New(err, "Failed to render template for email") } contentString := string(buffer.Bytes()) contentString = strings.ReplaceAll(contentString, "\n", "\r\n") return contentString, nil } func sendMail(toAddress, toName, subject, contentHtml string) error { if config.Config.Email.ForceToAddress != "" { toAddress = config.Config.Email.ForceToAddress } contents := prepMailContents( makeHeaderAddress(toAddress, toName), makeHeaderAddress(config.Config.Email.FromAddress, config.Config.Email.FromName), subject, contentHtml, ) return smtp.SendMail( fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", config.Config.Email.ServerAddress, config.Config.Email.ServerPort), smtp.PlainAuth("", config.Config.Email.MailerUsername, config.Config.Email.MailerPassword, config.Config.Email.ServerAddress), config.Config.Email.FromAddress, []string{toAddress}, contents, ) } func makeHeaderAddress(email, fullname string) string { if fullname != "" { encoded := mime.BEncoding.Encode("utf-8", fullname) if encoded == fullname { encoded = strings.ReplaceAll(encoded, `"`, `\"`) encoded = fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", encoded) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s <%s>", encoded, email) } else { return email } } func prepMailContents(toLine string, fromLine string, subject string, contentHtml string) []byte { var builder strings.Builder builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("To: %s\r\n", toLine)) builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("From: %s\r\n", fromLine)) builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Date: %s\r\n", time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC1123Z))) builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Subject: %s\r\n", mime.QEncoding.Encode("utf-8", subject))) builder.WriteString("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n") builder.WriteString("Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r\n") builder.WriteString("\r\n") writer := quotedprintable.NewWriter(&builder) writer.Write([]byte(contentHtml)) writer.Close() builder.WriteString("\r\n") return []byte(builder.String()) }