{{ template "jam_2023_visibility_base.html" . }} {{ define "content" }} {{ $discordInviteURL := "https://discord.gg/hmn" }}

Visibility Jam

April 14 - 16, 2O23

See things in a new way. {{ if gt .DaysUntilEnd 0 }} {{ if eq .DaysUntilStart 0 }} Happening now. {{ else if eq .DaysUntilStart 1 }} Starting tomorrow. {{ else }} Starting in {{ .DaysUntilStart }} days. {{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ if gt .DaysUntilStart 0 }} Get inspired {{ else if gt .DaysUntilEnd 0 }} {{ if .SubmittedProjectUrl }} Share your progress {{ else }} Create your project {{ end }} {{ else }} See the results {{ end }} Join the Discord

Too many things in computing are invisible.

Bugs linger for years because nobody can see their effects. We run arcane command line tools just to find out what port a program is using. Your computer is full of helpful information, but no one can use it until someone makes it visible.

So for this jam, make it visible. Maybe it's a data structure in your program. Maybe it's some obscure metrics from your operating system. Maybe it's your sleep schedule. Whether you make a Graphviz diagram or an experimental code editor, you have a weekend to make it happen.

Read the recap

Now that the jam is over, see which projects stood out. Full post ➜

{{ if eq .DaysUntilEnd 0 }}

Submitted projects

{{ range .JamProjects }} {{ template "project_card.html" projectcarddata . "" }} {{ end }}
{{ else if and (eq .DaysUntilStart 0) (not (eq .ShowcaseJson "[]")) }}
{{ if gt .DaysUntilEnd 0 }}

Recent updates

These screenshots and videos were shared by jam participants in #project-showcase on our Discord. Join us and share what you're working on! See all ➜

{{ else }}

Community showcase

These screenshots and videos were shared by jam participants in #project-showcase on our Discord during the jam. Join us and chat about your favorites!

{{ end }}
{{ template "showcase_templates.html" }} {{ end }}


Gource lets you watch the structure of a codebase change over time.
See how often third-party packages ship breaking changes.
Graphviz can be used to make debug visuals for almost any data structure.
Wireshark exposes all activity on all your network devices.
Flamegraphs let you see the big picture of code execution, not just summary stats.
Bugs can be very obvious when you render out the data. (Example: a random number generator.)
Webpack Bundle Analyzer lets you see which JS libraries are causing the most bloat.
vmmap allows you to see exactly how your address space is allocated.

How to participate

The jam takes place from Friday, April 14 through Sunday, April 16. Here's how you can participate:

Pick a project.

Pick something to visualize! If you want, you can brainstorm ideas in #jam on Discord. You can also use this time to form a team - or you can choose to work solo.


{{ if and (eq .DaysUntilStart 0) (not .SubmittedProjectUrl) }} Create a Handmade Network project. {{ else }} After the jam starts, create a Handmade Network project. {{ end }} This project will act as your submission and can be used to share your work in progress. Then get started! Share screenshots and videos in #project-showcase on Discord, or directly from your project page.

Submit your work!

Your Handmade Network project is your submission. Fill out the project description, making sure to explain the goals of the project and what inspired you to visualize it. Include plenty of pictures and videos!

{{ if and (eq .DaysUntilStart 0) (gt .DaysUntilEnd 0) }}

Submissions close .

{{ else if eq .DaysUntilEnd 0 }}

Submissions are now closed.

{{ end }}


We will not be declaring winners, but we will publicly highlight some of our favorite entries after the jam.

Submission rules

{{ with .SubmittedProjectUrl }} Your Handmade Network project {{ else }} Your Handmade Network project {{ end }} is your submission. We will be looking at the project's description and any extra updates you share toward the end of the jam.

{{ end }}