
48 lines
1.6 KiB

{{ template "wheeljam_2023_base.html" . }}
{{ define "content" }}
:root {
--theme-color: white;
--theme-color-dimmer: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
#title {
margin-top: 0;
<div id="top-container" class="flex flex-column items-center ph3">
<h1 id="title">Wheel Reinvention Jam</h1>
<h2 id="dates">September 25 - October 1, 2023</h2>
<div id="tagline" class="tc">
A one-week jam to change the status quo.
<div class="section bg-black-20 pt4 pb3 pb4-ns">
<div class="mw8 m--center ph3 ph4-l flex flex-column flex-row-ns g3">
<div class="flex-grow-1 overflow-hidden">
{{ if eq .DaysUntilEnd 0 }}
<h3 class="mt0 mb3">Project updates</h3>
{{ else }}
<h3 class="mt0 mb3">Recent updates</h3>
{{ end }}
<div class="timeline">
{{ range .TimelineItems }}
{{ template "timeline_item.html" . }}
{{ end }}
<div class="w-40-ns flex-shrink-0">
<h3 class="mt0 mb3">Projects</h3>
<div class="projects flex flex-column g3 back-to-normal">
{{ range .JamProjects }}
{{ template "project_card.html" projectcarddata . "" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}