
204 lines
6.9 KiB

package website
import (
type ProjectTemplateData struct {
Pagination templates.Pagination
CarouselProjects []templates.Project
Projects []templates.Project
UserPendingProjectUnderReview bool
UserPendingProject *templates.Project
UserApprovedProjects []templates.Project
ProjectAtomFeedUrl string
ManifestoUrl string
NewProjectUrl string
RegisterUrl string
LoginUrl string
func ProjectIndex(c *RequestContext) ResponseData {
const projectsPerPage = 20
const maxCarouselProjects = 10
page := 1
pageString, hasPage := c.PathParams["page"]
if hasPage && pageString != "" {
if pageParsed, err := strconv.Atoi(pageString); err == nil {
page = pageParsed
} else {
return c.Redirect(hmnurl.BuildProjectIndex(1), http.StatusSeeOther)
if page < 1 {
return c.Redirect(hmnurl.BuildProjectIndex(1), http.StatusSeeOther)
c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetching all visible projects")
type projectResult struct {
Project models.Project `db:"project"`
allProjects, err := db.Query(c.Context(), c.Conn, projectResult{},
SELECT $columns
handmade_project AS project
project.lifecycle = ANY($1)
AND project.flags = 0
ORDER BY project.date_approved ASC
if err != nil {
return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch projects"))
allProjectsSlice := allProjects.ToSlice()
numPages := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(allProjectsSlice)) / projectsPerPage))
if page > numPages {
return c.Redirect(hmnurl.BuildProjectIndex(numPages), http.StatusSeeOther)
pagination := templates.Pagination{
Current: page,
Total: numPages,
FirstUrl: hmnurl.BuildProjectIndex(1),
LastUrl: hmnurl.BuildProjectIndex(numPages),
NextUrl: hmnurl.BuildProjectIndex(utils.IntClamp(1, page+1, numPages)),
PreviousUrl: hmnurl.BuildProjectIndex(utils.IntClamp(1, page-1, numPages)),
var userApprovedProjects []templates.Project
var userPendingProject *templates.Project
userPendingProjectUnderReview := false
if c.CurrentUser != nil {
c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "fetching user projects")
type UserProjectQuery struct {
Project models.Project `db:"project"`
userProjectsResult, err := db.Query(c.Context(), c.Conn, UserProjectQuery{},
SELECT $columns
handmade_project AS project
INNER JOIN handmade_project_groups AS project_groups ON project_groups.project_id =
INNER JOIN auth_user_groups AS user_groups ON user_groups.group_id = project_groups.group_id
user_groups.user_id = $1
if err != nil {
return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch user projects"))
for _, project := range userProjectsResult.ToSlice() {
p := project.(*UserProjectQuery).Project
if p.Lifecycle == models.ProjectLifecycleUnapproved || p.Lifecycle == models.ProjectLifecycleApprovalRequired {
if userPendingProject == nil {
// NOTE(asaf): Technically a user could have more than one pending project.
// For example, if they created one project themselves and were added as an additional owner to another user's project.
// So we'll just take the first one. I don't think it matters. I guess it especially won't matter after Projects 2.0.
tmplProject := templates.ProjectToTemplate(&p, c.Theme)
userPendingProject = &tmplProject
userPendingProjectUnderReview = (p.Lifecycle == models.ProjectLifecycleApprovalRequired)
} else {
userApprovedProjects = append(userApprovedProjects, templates.ProjectToTemplate(&p, c.Theme))
c.Perf.StartBlock("PROJECTS", "Grouping and sorting")
var handmadeHero *templates.Project
var featuredProjects []templates.Project
var recentProjects []templates.Project
var restProjects []templates.Project
now := time.Now()
for _, p := range allProjectsSlice {
project := &p.(*projectResult).Project
templateProject := templates.ProjectToTemplate(project, c.Theme)
if project.Slug == "hero" {
// NOTE(asaf): Handmade Hero gets special treatment. Must always be first in the list.
handmadeHero = &templateProject
if project.Featured {
featuredProjects = append(featuredProjects, templateProject)
} else if now.Sub(project.AllLastUpdated).Seconds() < models.RecentProjectUpdateTimespanSec {
recentProjects = append(recentProjects, templateProject)
} else {
restProjects = append(restProjects, templateProject)
_, randSeed := now.ISOWeek()
random := rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(randSeed)))
random.Shuffle(len(featuredProjects), func(i, j int) { featuredProjects[i], featuredProjects[j] = featuredProjects[j], featuredProjects[i] })
random.Shuffle(len(recentProjects), func(i, j int) { recentProjects[i], recentProjects[j] = recentProjects[j], recentProjects[i] })
random.Shuffle(len(restProjects), func(i, j int) { restProjects[i], restProjects[j] = restProjects[j], restProjects[i] })
if handmadeHero != nil {
// NOTE(asaf): As mentioned above, inserting HMH first.
featuredProjects = append([]templates.Project{*handmadeHero}, featuredProjects...)
orderedProjects := make([]templates.Project, 0, len(featuredProjects)+len(recentProjects)+len(restProjects))
orderedProjects = append(orderedProjects, featuredProjects...)
orderedProjects = append(orderedProjects, recentProjects...)
orderedProjects = append(orderedProjects, restProjects...)
firstProjectIndex := (page - 1) * projectsPerPage
endIndex := utils.IntMin(firstProjectIndex+projectsPerPage, len(orderedProjects))
pageProjects := orderedProjects[firstProjectIndex:endIndex]
var carouselProjects []templates.Project
if page == 1 {
carouselProjects = featuredProjects[:utils.IntMin(len(featuredProjects), maxCarouselProjects)]
baseData := getBaseData(c)
baseData.Title = "Project List"
var res ResponseData
res.WriteTemplate("project_index.html", ProjectTemplateData{
BaseData: baseData,
Pagination: pagination,
CarouselProjects: carouselProjects,
Projects: pageProjects,
UserPendingProjectUnderReview: userPendingProjectUnderReview,
UserPendingProject: userPendingProject,
UserApprovedProjects: userApprovedProjects,
ProjectAtomFeedUrl: hmnurl.BuildAtomFeedForProjects(),
ManifestoUrl: hmnurl.BuildManifesto(),
NewProjectUrl: hmnurl.BuildProjectNew(),
RegisterUrl: hmnurl.BuildRegister(),
LoginUrl: hmnurl.BuildLoginPage(c.FullUrl()),
}, c.Perf)
return res