
56 lines
1.7 KiB

{{ template "jam_2024_learning_base.html" . }}
{{ define "content-top" }}
<div class="mw7 margin-center">
<div class="flex flex-column pv4 tc">
<img class="jam-logo margin-center" src="{{ static "learningjam2024/logo.svg" }}">
<div class="margin-center mt3 mt4-ns mb4">
<div class="jam-title mb3">Learning Jam</div>
<div class="flex flex-column flex-row-ns justify-between lh-solid g3 g0-ns">
<div class="fw7 f3 mb1">Learn</div>
<div class="fw3 f4">March 15-17, 2024</div>
<div class="fw7 f3 mb1">Share</div>
<div class="fw3 f4">March 22-24, 2024</div>
<div class="flex g3 justify-center link--white">
{{ if and (eq .DaysUntilStart 0) (gt .DaysUntilEnd 0) }}
{{ if .SubmittedProjectUrl }}
<a class="btn--jam" href="{{ .SubmittedProjectUrl }}">Share your progress</a>
{{ else }}
<a class="btn--jam" href="{{ .ProjectSubmissionUrl }}">Create your project</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ .DiscordInviteUrl }}" class="btn--jam">Join the Discord</a>
{{ end }}
{{ define "content" }}
<div class="mw7 margin-center flex flex-column">
<div class="ph3 pv4 bb b--rich-gray">
<h2 class="c--theme-gradient-light">Projects</h2>
{{ template "jam_2024_lj_projects.html" .Projects }}
{{ if .TimelineItems }}
<div class="ph3 pv4 bb b--rich-gray">
<h2 class="c--theme-gradient-light">Recent Updates</h2>
<div class="flex flex-column g2">
{{ template "jam_2024_lj_feeditems.html" .TimelineItems }}
{{ end }}
<div class="mv5 h3 fill-current link--white">
<a href="{{ .Header.HMNHomepageUrl }}">{{ svg "hmn_circuit" }}</a>
{{ end }}