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2023-03-05 15:05:43 +00:00
* @file: mtl_surface.m
* @author: Martin Fouilleul
* @date: 12/07/2023
* @revision:
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#define LOG_SUBSYSTEM "Graphics"
static const u32 MP_MTL_MAX_DRAWABLES_IN_FLIGHT = 3;
typedef struct mg_mtl_surface
mg_surface_data interface;
// permanent mtl resources
id<MTLDevice> device;
CAMetalLayer* mtlLayer;
id<MTLCommandQueue> commandQueue;
// transient metal resources
id<CAMetalDrawable> drawable;
id<MTLCommandBuffer> commandBuffer;
dispatch_semaphore_t drawableSemaphore;
} mg_mtl_surface;
void mg_mtl_surface_destroy(mg_surface_data* interface)
mg_mtl_surface* surface = (mg_mtl_surface*)interface;
[surface->commandQueue release];
[surface->mtlLayer removeFromSuperlayer];
[surface->mtlLayer release];
[surface->device release];
//NOTE: we don't use mp_layer_cleanup here, because the CAMetalLayer is taken care off by the surface itself
void mg_mtl_surface_acquire_drawable_and_command_buffer(mg_mtl_surface* surface)
/*WARN(martin): this is super important
When the app is put in the background, it seems that if there are buffers in flight, the drawables to
can be leaked. This causes the gpu to allocate more and more drawables, until the app crashes.
(note: the drawable objects themselves are released once the app comes back to the forefront, but the
memory allocated in the GPU is never freed...)
In background the gpu seems to create drawable if none is available instead of actually
blocking on nextDrawable. These drawable never get freed.
This is not a problem if our shader is fast enough, since a previous drawable becomes
available before we finish the frame. But we want to protect against it anyway
The normal blocking mechanism of nextDrawable seems useless, so we implement our own scheme by
counting the number of drawables available with a semaphore that gets decremented here and
incremented in the presentedHandler of the drawable.
Thus we ensure that we don't consume more drawables than we are able to draw.
//TODO: we _also_ should stop trying to render if we detect that the app is in the background
or occluded, but we can't count only on this because there is a potential race between the
notification of background mode and the rendering.
//TODO: We should set a reasonable timeout and skip the frame and log an error in case we are stalled
for too long.
dispatch_semaphore_wait(surface->drawableSemaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
surface->drawable = [surface->mtlLayer nextDrawable];
ASSERT(surface->drawable != nil);
//TODO: make this a weak reference if we use ARC
dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = surface->drawableSemaphore;
[surface->drawable addPresentedHandler:^(id<MTLDrawable> drawable){
//NOTE(martin): create a command buffer
surface->commandBuffer = [surface->commandQueue commandBuffer];
[surface->commandBuffer retain];
[surface->drawable retain];
void mg_mtl_surface_prepare(mg_surface_data* interface)
mg_mtl_surface* surface = (mg_mtl_surface*)interface;
void mg_mtl_surface_present(mg_surface_data* interface)
mg_mtl_surface* surface = (mg_mtl_surface*)interface;
//NOTE(martin): present drawable and commit command buffer
[surface->commandBuffer presentDrawable: surface->drawable];
[surface->commandBuffer commit];
[surface->commandBuffer waitUntilCompleted];
//NOTE(martin): acquire next frame resources
[surface->commandBuffer release];
surface->commandBuffer = nil;
[surface->drawable release];
surface->drawable = nil;
void mg_mtl_surface_swap_interval(mg_surface_data* interface, int swap)
mg_mtl_surface* surface = (mg_mtl_surface*)interface;
[surface->mtlLayer setDisplaySyncEnabled: (swap ? YES : NO)];
2023-03-05 15:05:43 +00:00
void mg_mtl_surface_set_frame(mg_surface_data* interface, mp_rect frame)
mg_mtl_surface* surface = (mg_mtl_surface*)interface;
mg_osx_surface_set_frame(interface, frame);
vec2 scale = mg_osx_surface_contents_scaling(interface);
CGSize drawableSize = (CGSize){.width = frame.w * scale.x, .height = frame.h * scale.y};
surface->mtlLayer.drawableSize = drawableSize;
//TODO fix that according to real scaling, depending on the monitor settings
mg_surface_data* mg_mtl_surface_create_for_window(mp_window window)
mg_mtl_surface* surface = 0;
mp_window_data* windowData = mp_window_ptr_from_handle(window);
surface = (mg_mtl_surface*)malloc(sizeof(mg_mtl_surface));
mg_surface_init_for_window((mg_surface_data*)surface, windowData);
//NOTE(martin): setup interface functions
surface->interface.backend = MG_BACKEND_METAL;
surface->interface.destroy = mg_mtl_surface_destroy;
surface->interface.prepare = mg_mtl_surface_prepare;
surface->interface.present = mg_mtl_surface_present;
surface->interface.swapInterval = mg_mtl_surface_swap_interval;
surface->interface.setFrame = mg_mtl_surface_set_frame;
surface->drawableSemaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(MP_MTL_MAX_DRAWABLES_IN_FLIGHT);
//NOTE(martin): create a mtl device and a mtl layer and
surface->device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice();
[surface->device retain];
surface->mtlLayer = [CAMetalLayer layer];
[surface->mtlLayer retain];
surface->mtlLayer.device = surface->device;
[surface->mtlLayer setOpaque:NO];
[surface->interface.layer.caLayer addSublayer: (CALayer*)surface->mtlLayer];
//NOTE(martin): set the size and scaling
NSRect frame = [[windowData->osx.nsWindow contentView] frame];
CGSize size = frame.size;
surface->mtlLayer.frame = (CGRect){{0, 0}, size};
surface->mtlLayer.drawableSize = size;
surface->mtlLayer.contentsScale = MG_MTL_SURFACE_CONTENTS_SCALING;
surface->mtlLayer.pixelFormat = MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm;
//NOTE(martin): handling resizing
surface->mtlLayer.autoresizingMask = kCALayerHeightSizable | kCALayerWidthSizable;
surface->mtlLayer.needsDisplayOnBoundsChange = YES;
//NOTE(martin): create a command queue
surface->commandQueue = [surface->device newCommandQueue];
[surface->commandQueue retain];
//NOTE(martin): command buffer and drawable are set on demand and at the end of each present() call
surface->drawable = nil;
surface->commandBuffer = nil;
void* mg_mtl_surface_layer(mg_surface surface)
mg_surface_data* surfaceData = mg_surface_data_from_handle(surface);
if(surfaceData && surfaceData->backend == MG_BACKEND_METAL)
mg_mtl_surface* mtlSurface = (mg_mtl_surface*)surfaceData;
void* mg_mtl_surface_drawable(mg_surface surface)
mg_surface_data* surfaceData = mg_surface_data_from_handle(surface);
if(surfaceData && surfaceData->backend == MG_BACKEND_METAL)
mg_mtl_surface* mtlSurface = (mg_mtl_surface*)surfaceData;
void* mg_mtl_surface_command_buffer(mg_surface surface)
mg_surface_data* surfaceData = mg_surface_data_from_handle(surface);
if(surfaceData && surfaceData->backend == MG_BACKEND_METAL)
mg_mtl_surface* mtlSurface = (mg_mtl_surface*)surfaceData;