2023-04-12 14:21:03 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
from argparse import ArgumentParser
# NOTE: get args
# mkapp.py [options] module
# -n, --name the name of the app
# -r, --res-file copies a file to the app bundle's resource directory
# -R, --res-dir copies the contents of a directory to the bundle's resource directory
# -i, --icon icon file
# -D, --out-dir output directory
parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mkapp')
parser.add_argument("-r", "--res-file", nargs='+', action='append', dest='res_files')
parser.add_argument("-R", "--res-dir", nargs='+', action='append', dest='res_dirs')
parser.add_argument("-i", "--icon")
parser.add_argument("-D", "--out-dir", default=os.getcwd())
parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", default='out')
parser.add_argument("-O", "--orca-dir", default='.')
parser.add_argument("--version", default='0.0.0')
args = parser.parse_args()
#NOTE: make bundle directory structure
app_name = args.name
bundle_name = app_name + '.app'
bundle_path = args.out_dir + '/' + bundle_name
contents_dir = bundle_path + '/Contents'
exe_dir = contents_dir + '/MacOS'
res_dir = contents_dir + '/resources'
wasm_dir = contents_dir + '/wasm'
if os.path.exists(bundle_path):
#NOTE: copy orca runtime executable and libraries
orca_exe = args.orca_dir + '/bin/orca'
milepost_lib = args.orca_dir + '/bin/libmilepost.dylib'
gles_lib = args.orca_dir + '/bin/libGLESv2.dylib'
egl_lib = args.orca_dir + '/bin/libEGL.dylib'
renderer_lib = args.orca_dir + '/bin/mtl_renderer.metallib'
shutil.copy(orca_exe, exe_dir)
shutil.copy(milepost_lib, exe_dir)
shutil.copy(gles_lib, exe_dir)
shutil.copy(egl_lib, exe_dir)
shutil.copy(renderer_lib, exe_dir)
#NOTE: copy wasm module and resources
shutil.copy(args.module, wasm_dir + '/module.wasm')
if args.res_files != None:
for res in args.res_files:
shutil.copy(res, res_dir)
if args.res_dirs != None:
for res in args.res_dirs:
shutil.copytree(res, res_dir)
2023-04-14 09:48:36 +00:00
shutil.copy(args.orca_dir + '/resources/OpenSansLatinSubset.ttf', res_dir)
2023-04-12 14:21:03 +00:00
#NOTE make icon
#if src_image == None:
# src_image = orca_dir + '/resources/default_app_icon.png'
if src_image != None:
iconset = os.path.splitext(src_image)[0] + '.iconset'
if os.path.exists(iconset):
size = 16
for i in range(0, 7):
size_str = str(size)
icon = 'icon_' + size_str + 'x' + size_str + '.png'
subprocess.run(['sips', '-z', size_str, size_str, src_image, '--out', iconset + '/' + icon],
stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL,
stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL)
size_str_retina = str(size*2)
icon = 'icon_' + size_str + 'x' + size_str + '@2x.png'
subprocess.run(['sips', '-z', size_str_retina, size_str_retina, src_image, '--out', iconset + '/' + icon],
stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL,
stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL)
size = size*2
subprocess.run(['iconutil', '-c', 'icns', '-o', res_dir + '/icon.icns', iconset])
#NOTE: write plist file
version = args.version
bundle_sig = "????"
icon_file = ''
plist_contents = """
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
""".format(app_name=app_name, version=version, bundle_sig=bundle_sig, icon_file=icon_file)
plist_file = open(contents_dir + '/Info.plist', 'w')
print(plist_contents, file=plist_file)