Radio button group

This commit is contained in:
Ilia Demianenko 2023-09-12 19:32:14 -07:00
parent 8cd571f923
commit 82aefaf758
3 changed files with 165 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ oc_canvas canvas;
oc_font font;
oc_ui_context ui;
oc_arena textArena = { 0 };
oc_ui_theme* theme = &OC_UI_DARK_THEME;
ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_init(void)
@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ void widget_end_view(void)
ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_frame_refresh(void)
oc_arena_scope scratch = oc_scratch_begin();
oc_ui_style defaultStyle = { .font = font };
@ -184,7 +186,7 @@ ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_frame_refresh(void)
oc_ui_container("up", OC_UI_FLAG_NONE)
oc_ui_style_next(&(oc_ui_style){ .size.width = { OC_UI_SIZE_PARENT, 0.5 },
oc_ui_style_next(&(oc_ui_style){ .size.width = { OC_UI_SIZE_PARENT, 0.33 },
.size.height = { OC_UI_SIZE_PARENT, 1 } },
@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_frame_refresh(void)
oc_ui_style_next(&(oc_ui_style){ .size.width = { OC_UI_SIZE_PARENT, 0.5 },
oc_ui_style_next(&(oc_ui_style){ .size.width = { OC_UI_SIZE_PARENT, 0.33 },
.size.height = { OC_UI_SIZE_PARENT, 1 } },
@ -219,6 +221,24 @@ ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_frame_refresh(void)
oc_ui_checkbox("check2", &check2);
oc_ui_checkbox("check3", &check3);
oc_ui_style_next(&(oc_ui_style){ .size.width = { OC_UI_SIZE_PARENT, 0.33 },
.size.height = { OC_UI_SIZE_PARENT, 1 } },
widget_view("Radio group")
static int radioSelected = 0;
oc_str8 options[] = { OC_STR8("Dark theme"),
OC_STR8("Light theme") };
oc_ui_radio_group_info info = { .selectedIndex = radioSelected,
.optionCount = 2,
.options = options };
oc_ui_radio_group_info result = oc_ui_radio_group("radio_group", &info);
radioSelected = result.selectedIndex;
theme = radioSelected == 0 ? &OC_UI_DARK_THEME : &OC_UI_LIGHT_THEME;
oc_ui_style_next(&(oc_ui_style){ .layout.axis = OC_UI_AXIS_X,

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "util/memory.h"
//NOTE(ilia): Design system by
// New widgets should support dark and light theme
oc_thread_local oc_ui_context oc_uiThreadContext = { 0 };
oc_thread_local oc_ui_context* oc_uiCurrentContext = 0;
@ -538,6 +539,16 @@ bool oc_ui_box_hot(oc_ui_box* box)
return (box->hot);
void oc_ui_box_set_dragging(oc_ui_box* box, bool dragging)
box->dragging = dragging;
bool oc_ui_box_dragging(oc_ui_box* box)
return (box->dragging);
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_box_sig(oc_ui_box* box)
//NOTE: compute input signals
@ -1320,20 +1331,12 @@ void oc_ui_draw_box(oc_ui_box* box)
oc_ui_style* style = &box->style;
bool draw = true;
oc_rect clip = oc_clip_top();
oc_rect expRect = {
box->rect.x - 0.5 * style->borderSize,
box->rect.y - 0.5 * style->borderSize,
box->rect.w + style->borderSize,
box->rect.h + style->borderSize
if((expRect.x + expRect.w < clip.x)
|| (expRect.y + expRect.h < clip.y)
|| (expRect.x > clip.x + clip.w)
|| (expRect.y > clip.y + clip.h))
if((box->rect.x + box->rect.w < clip.x)
|| (box->rect.y + box->rect.h < clip.y)
|| (box->rect.x > clip.x + clip.w)
|| (box->rect.y > clip.y + clip.h))
draw = false;
@ -1344,10 +1347,16 @@ void oc_ui_draw_box(oc_ui_box* box)
oc_clip_push(box->rect.x, box->rect.y, box->rect.w, box->rect.h);
oc_rect insetRect = { .x = box->rect.x + style->borderSize / 2,
.y = box->rect.y + style->borderSize / 2,
.w = box->rect.w - style->borderSize,
.h = box->rect.h - style->borderSize };
f32 insetRoundness = oc_max(style->roundness - style->borderSize / 2, 0);
if(draw && (box->flags & OC_UI_FLAG_DRAW_BACKGROUND))
oc_ui_rectangle_fill(box->rect, style->roundness);
oc_ui_rectangle_fill(insetRect, insetRoundness);
@ -1416,7 +1425,7 @@ void oc_ui_draw_box(oc_ui_box* box)
oc_ui_rectangle_stroke(box->rect, style->roundness);
oc_ui_rectangle_stroke(insetRect, insetRoundness);
@ -2668,6 +2677,116 @@ oc_ui_select_popup_info oc_ui_select_popup(const char* name, oc_ui_select_popup_
oc_ui_box_set_closed(panel, !oc_ui_box_active(panel));
result.changed = result.selectedIndex != info->selectedIndex;
return (result);
// Radio group
oc_ui_radio_group_info oc_ui_radio_group(const char* name, oc_ui_radio_group_info* info)
oc_ui_radio_group_info result = *info;
oc_ui_context* ui = oc_ui_get_context();
oc_ui_theme* theme = ui->theme;
oc_ui_style_next(&(oc_ui_style){ .layout.axis = OC_UI_AXIS_Y,
.layout.spacing = 12 },
oc_ui_container(name, 0)
for(int i = 0; i < info->optionCount; i++)
oc_ui_style_next(&(oc_ui_style){ .layout.axis = OC_UI_AXIS_X,
.layout.spacing = 8 },
oc_ui_box* row = oc_ui_box_begin_str8(info->options[i], OC_UI_FLAG_CLICKABLE);
oc_ui_box* radio = oc_ui_box_make("radio", OC_UI_FLAG_DRAW_BACKGROUND | OC_UI_FLAG_DRAW_BORDER);
oc_ui_sig sig = oc_ui_box_sig(row);
result.selectedIndex = i;
oc_ui_box_set_hot(radio, sig.hovering);
oc_ui_box_set_dragging(radio, sig.dragging);
const char* defaultTagStr = "radio";
const char* selectedTagStr = "radio_selected";
const char* radioTagStr = result.selectedIndex == i ? selectedTagStr : defaultTagStr;
oc_ui_tag_box(radio, radioTagStr);
oc_ui_style baseStyle = { .size.width = { OC_UI_SIZE_PIXELS, 16 },
.size.height = { OC_UI_SIZE_PIXELS, 16 },
.roundness = 8 };
oc_ui_style_mask baseMask = OC_UI_STYLE_SIZE
oc_ui_style_box_before(radio, oc_ui_pattern_owner(), &baseStyle, baseMask);
oc_ui_tag defaultTag = oc_ui_tag_make(defaultTagStr);
oc_ui_pattern defaultPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &defaultPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_TAG, .tag = defaultTag });
oc_ui_style defaultStyle = { .borderColor = theme->text3,
.borderSize = 1 };
oc_ui_style_mask defaultMask = OC_UI_STYLE_BORDER_COLOR
oc_ui_style_box_before(radio, defaultPattern, &defaultStyle, defaultMask);
oc_ui_pattern hoverPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &hoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_TAG, .tag = defaultTag });
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &hoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .op = OC_UI_SEL_AND, .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_HOVER });
oc_ui_style hoverStyle = { .bgColor = theme->fill0,
.borderColor = theme->primary };
oc_ui_style_mask hoverMask = OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR
oc_ui_style_box_after(radio, hoverPattern, &hoverStyle, hoverMask);
oc_ui_pattern draggingPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &draggingPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_TAG, .tag = defaultTag });
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &draggingPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .op = OC_UI_SEL_AND, .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_DRAGGING });
oc_ui_style draggingStyle = { .bgColor = theme->fill1,
.borderColor = theme->primary };
oc_ui_style_mask draggingMask = OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR
oc_ui_style_box_after(radio, draggingPattern, &draggingStyle, draggingMask);
oc_ui_tag selectedTag = oc_ui_tag_make(selectedTagStr);
oc_ui_pattern selectedPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &selectedPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_TAG, .tag = selectedTag });
oc_ui_style selectedStyle = { .bgColor = theme->palette->white,
.borderColor = theme->primary,
.borderSize = 4.6666666666667 };
oc_ui_style_mask selectedMask = OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR
oc_ui_style_box_before(radio, selectedPattern, &selectedStyle, selectedMask);
oc_ui_pattern selectedHoverPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &selectedHoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_TAG, .tag = selectedTag });
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &selectedHoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .op = OC_UI_SEL_AND, .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_HOVER });
oc_ui_style selectedHoverStyle = { .borderColor = theme->primaryHover };
oc_ui_style_box_after(radio, selectedHoverPattern, &selectedHoverStyle, OC_UI_STYLE_BORDER_COLOR);
oc_ui_pattern selectedDraggingPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &selectedDraggingPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_TAG, .tag = selectedTag });
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &selectedDraggingPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .op = OC_UI_SEL_AND, .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_DRAGGING });
oc_ui_style selectedDraggingStyle = { .borderColor = theme->primaryActive };
oc_ui_style_box_after(radio, selectedDraggingPattern, &selectedDraggingStyle, OC_UI_STYLE_BORDER_COLOR);
oc_ui_container("label", 0)
oc_ui_box_end(); // row
result.changed = result.selectedIndex != info->selectedIndex;
return (result);

View File

@ -778,6 +778,16 @@ typedef struct oc_ui_select_popup_info
ORCA_API oc_ui_select_popup_info oc_ui_select_popup(const char* name, oc_ui_select_popup_info* info);
typedef struct oc_ui_radio_group_info
bool changed;
int selectedIndex; // -1 if nothing is selected
int optionCount;
oc_str8* options;
} oc_ui_radio_group_info;
ORCA_API oc_ui_radio_group_info oc_ui_radio_group(const char* name, oc_ui_radio_group_info* info);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"