[wip, opengl] parsing opengl xml spec to auto-generate gl/gles loader

This commit is contained in:
Martin Fouilleul 2023-02-16 13:59:11 +01:00
parent 80ea8db687
commit a32e2165c7
3 changed files with 47505 additions and 0 deletions

ext/gl.xml Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

ext/glapi.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from datetime import datetime
#NOTE: get args
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory")
args = parser.parse_args()
apiName = 'glapi'
loaderName = 'glloader'
apiPath = args.directory + '/' + apiName + '.h'
loaderHeaderPath = args.directory + '/' + loaderName + '.h'
loaderCPath = args.directory + '/' + loaderName + '.c'
#NOTE: gather all GL functions in OpenGL 4.3
def gather_api(tree, api, version):
procs = []
for feature in tree.iterfind('feature[@api="'+ api +'"]'):
if float(feature.get('number')) > version:
for require in feature.iter('require'):
for command in require.iter('command'):
for remove in feature.iter('remove'):
for command in remove.iter('command'):
tree = et.parse('gl.xml')
gl41 = gather_api(tree, 'gl', 4.1)
gl43 = gather_api(tree, 'gl', 4.3)
gles31 = gather_api(tree, 'gles2', 3.1)
gles32 = gather_api(tree, 'gles2', 3.2)
glall = list(set().union(gl41, gl43, gles31, gles32))
# helpers
def emit_doc(f, name, ext):
f.write("*\t@file: " + name + ext + '\n')
f.write("*\t@note: auto-generated by glapi.py from gl.xml\n")
f.write("*\t@date: %s\n" % datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m%Y"))
def emit_begin_guard(f, name):
guard = '__' + name.upper() + '_H__'
f.write("#ifndef " + guard + "\n")
f.write("#define " + guard + "\n\n")
def emit_end_guard(f, name):
guard = '__' + name.upper() + '_H__'
f.write("#endif // " + guard + "\n")
def remove_prefix(s, prefix):
if s.startswith(prefix):
return s[len(prefix):]
# Generate GL API header file
f = open(apiPath, 'w')
emit_doc(f, apiName, '.h')
emit_begin_guard(f, apiName)
# generate interface struct
f.write('typedef struct mg_gl\n{\n')
for func in glall:
f.write('\t' + 'PFN' + func.upper() + 'PROC ' + remove_prefix(func, 'gl') + ';\n')
f.write('} mg_gl;\n\n')
f.write('extern mp_thread_local mg_gl* __mgGLAPI;\n\n');
# generate interface macros
for func in glall:
f.write('#define ' + func + ' __mgGLAPI->' + remove_prefix(func, 'gl') + '\n')
emit_end_guard(f, apiName)
# Generate GL loader header
f = open(loaderHeaderPath)
emit_doc(f, loaderName, '.h')
emit_begin_guard(f, loaderName)
f.write("typedef void*(mg_gl_load_proc*)(const char* name);\n\n")
f.write("mg_gl* mg_gl_load_gl41(mg_gl_load_proc loadProc);\n")
f.write("mg_gl* mg_gl_load_gl43(mg_gl_load_proc loadProc);\n")
f.write("mg_gl* mg_gl_load_gles31(mg_gl_load_proc loadProc);\n")
f.write("mg_gl* mg_gl_load_gles32(mg_gl_load_proc loadProc);\n\n")
f.write("void mg_gl_select_api(mg_gl* api);\n\n")
emit_end_guard(f, loaderName)
# Generate GL loader code
def emit_loader(f, name, procs):
f.write('mg_gl* mg_gl_load_'+ name +'(mg_gl_load_proc loadProc)\n')
f.write("\tif(!__mg"+ name.upper() +".init)\n")
for proc in procs:
f.write('\t\t__mg' + name.upper() + '.' + remove_prefix(proc, 'gl') + ' = loadProc("' + proc + '");\n')
f.write("\t\t__mg"+ name.upper() +".init = true;\n")
f.write("\treturn(&__mg"+ name.upper() +");\n")
f = open(loaderCPath, 'w')
emit_doc(f, loaderName, '.c')
f.write('#include"' + apiName + '.h"\n')
f.write("mp_thread_local mg_gl* __mgGLAPI = 0;\n\n")
f.write("static mg_gl __mgGL41 = {0};\n")
f.write("static mg_gl __mgGL43 = {0};\n")
f.write("static mg_gl __mgGLES31 = {0};\n")
f.write("static mg_gl __mgGLES32 = {0};\n\n")
emit_loader(f, 'gl41', gl41)
emit_loader(f, 'gl43', gl43)
emit_loader(f, 'gles31', gles31)
emit_loader(f, 'gles32', gles32)
f.write("void mg_gl_select_api(mg_gl* api){ __mgGLAPI = api; }\n\n")

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@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ Overview
[ ] Baked fonts?
[ ] Allow different versions of GL to co-exist
- we can load GL (4.1 or 4.3) or GLES (3.1 or 3.2) functions
- surface creation function chooses a loader function
- loader function fills api struct or return pointer to already filled api struct
- surface prepare function sets the proper api struct
[?] Backport canvas to GLES
[ ] Back surface by child windows and implement moving frame/hiding/overlay