Only highlight the widgets on mouse down when they are also hovered #106

MartinFouilleul merged 3 commits from ilidemi/orca:fix-hovered-active into main 2023-09-16 14:41:21 +00:00
1 changed files with 25 additions and 5 deletions
Showing only changes of commit d58643eb52 - Show all commits

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@ -1633,11 +1633,17 @@ oc_ui_sig oc_ui_button_str8(oc_str8 label)
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &hoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_HOVER });
oc_ui_style hoverStyle = { .bgColor = theme->fill1 };
oc_ui_style_match_before(hoverPattern, &hoverStyle, OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR);
oc_ui_pattern activePattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &activePattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_ACTIVE });
oc_ui_style activeStyle = { .bgColor = theme->fill2 };
oc_ui_style activeStyle = { .bgColor = theme->fill1 };
oc_ui_style_match_before(activePattern, &activeStyle, OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR);
oc_ui_pattern activeAndHoverPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &activeAndHoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_ACTIVE });
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &activeAndHoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .op = OC_UI_SEL_AND, .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_HOVER });
oc_ui_style activeAndHoverStyle = { .bgColor = theme->fill2 };
oc_ui_style_match_before(activeAndHoverPattern, &activeAndHoverStyle, OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR);
oc_ui_flags flags = OC_UI_FLAG_CLICKABLE
@ -1710,11 +1716,17 @@ oc_ui_sig oc_ui_checkbox(const char* name, bool* checked)
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &hoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_HOVER });
oc_ui_style hoverStyle = { .bgColor = theme->primaryHover };
oc_ui_style_match_before(hoverPattern, &hoverStyle, OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR);
oc_ui_pattern activePattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &activePattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_ACTIVE });
oc_ui_style activeStyle = { .bgColor = theme->primaryActive };
oc_ui_style activeStyle = { .bgColor = theme->primaryHover };
oc_ui_style_match_before(activePattern, &activeStyle, OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR);
oc_ui_pattern activeAndHoverPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &activeAndHoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_ACTIVE });
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &activeAndHoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .op = OC_UI_SEL_AND, .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_HOVER });
oc_ui_style activeAndHoverStyle = { .bgColor = theme->primaryActive };
oc_ui_style_match_before(activeAndHoverPattern, &activeAndHoverStyle, OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR);
oc_ui_flags flags = OC_UI_FLAG_CLICKABLE
@ -1752,11 +1764,19 @@ oc_ui_sig oc_ui_checkbox(const char* name, bool* checked)
.borderColor = theme->primary };
oc_ui_style_match_before(hoverPattern, &hoverStyle, OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR | OC_UI_STYLE_BORDER_COLOR);
oc_ui_pattern activePattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &activePattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_ACTIVE });
oc_ui_style activeStyle = { .bgColor = theme->fill1,
oc_ui_style activeStyle = { .bgColor = theme->fill0,
.borderColor = theme->primary };
oc_ui_style_match_before(activePattern, &activeStyle, OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR | OC_UI_STYLE_BORDER_COLOR);
oc_ui_pattern activeAndHoverPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &activeAndHoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_ACTIVE });
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &activeAndHoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .op = OC_UI_SEL_AND, .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_HOVER });
oc_ui_style activeAndHoverStyle = { .bgColor = theme->fill1,
.borderColor = theme->primary };
oc_ui_style_match_before(activeAndHoverPattern, &activeAndHoverStyle, OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR);
oc_ui_flags flags = OC_UI_FLAG_CLICKABLE