Zig bindings for orca (still WIP) #140
@ -29,15 +29,17 @@ oc_ui_sig oc_ui_label(const char* label);
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_label_str8(oc_str8 label);
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_button(const char* label);
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_checkbox(const char* name, bool* checked);
oc_ui_box* oc_ui_slider(const char* label, f32 thumbRatio, f32* scrollValue);
oc_ui_box* oc_ui_slider(const char* name, f32* value);
oc_ui_box* oc_ui_scrollbar(const char* name, f32 thumbRatio, f32* scrollValue);
oc_ui_text_box_result oc_ui_text_box(const char* name, oc_arena* arena, oc_str8 text);
oc_ui_select_popup_info oc_ui_select_popup(const char* name, oc_ui_select_popup_info* info);
oc_ui_radio_group_info oc_ui_radio_group(const char* name, oc_ui_radio_group_info* info);
void oc_ui_panel_begin(const char* name, oc_ui_flags flags);
void oc_ui_panel_end(void);
#define oc_ui_panel(s, f)
void oc_ui_menu_bar_begin(const char* label);
void oc_ui_menu_bar_begin(const char* name);
void oc_ui_menu_bar_end(void);
#define oc_ui_menu_bar(name)
@ -45,11 +47,11 @@ void oc_ui_menu_begin(const char* label);
void oc_ui_menu_end(void);
#define oc_ui_menu(name)
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_menu_button(const char* name);
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_menu_button(const char* label);
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_tooltip_begin(const char* name);
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_tooltip_begin(const char* label);
void oc_ui_tooltip_end(void);
#define oc_ui_tooltip(name)
#define oc_ui_tooltip(label)
// Styling
@ -73,6 +73,12 @@ ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_raw_event(oc_event* event)
ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_resize(u32 width, u32 height)
frameSize.x = width;
frameSize.y = height;
void log_push(const char* line)
oc_str8_list_push(&logArena, &logLines, (oc_str8)OC_STR8(line));
@ -158,12 +164,6 @@ void labeled_slider(const char* label, f32* value)
ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_resize(u32 width, u32 height)
frameSize.x = width;
frameSize.y = height;
void reset_next_radio_group_to_dark_theme(oc_arena* arena);
ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_frame_refresh(void)
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_frame_refresh(void)
radioSelected = result.selectedIndex;
log_pushf("Selected Radio %i", result.selectedIndex + 1);
log_pushf("Selected %s", options[result.selectedIndex].ptr);
@ -359,13 +359,13 @@ ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_frame_refresh(void)
.size.height = { OC_UI_SIZE_TEXT } },
static oc_str8 text = OC_STR8_LIT("Text box");
oc_ui_text_box_result res = oc_ui_text_box("text", scratch.arena, text);
oc_ui_text_box_result result = oc_ui_text_box("text", scratch.arena, text);
text = oc_str8_push_copy(&textArena, res.text);
text = oc_str8_push_copy(&textArena, result.text);
log_pushf("Entered text \"%s\"", text.ptr);
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_frame_refresh(void)
oc_ui_style_next(&(oc_ui_style){ .size.width = { OC_UI_SIZE_PARENT, 1 },
.size.height = { OC_UI_SIZE_PIXELS, 152 },
.layout.margin.x = 320,
.layout.margin.x = 310,
.layout.margin.y = 16,
.bgColor = OC_UI_DARK_THEME.bg0,
.roundness = OC_UI_DARK_THEME.roundnessSmall },
@ -527,8 +527,8 @@ ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_frame_refresh(void)
oc_ui_pattern labelPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_tag labelTag = oc_ui_tag_make("label");
oc_ui_pattern labelPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(scratch.arena, &labelPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_TAG, .tag = labelTag });
&(oc_ui_style){ .color = labelFontColor,
@ -818,32 +818,32 @@ ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_frame_refresh(void)
// You won't need it in a real program as long as your colors come from ui.theme or ui.theme->palette
void reset_next_radio_group_to_dark_theme(oc_arena* arena)
oc_ui_tag defaultTag = oc_ui_tag_make("radio");
oc_ui_pattern defaultPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(arena, &defaultPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_TAG, .tag = defaultTag });
oc_ui_style defaultStyle = { .borderColor = OC_UI_DARK_THEME.text3,
oc_ui_tag unselectedTag = oc_ui_tag_make("radio");
oc_ui_pattern unselectedPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(arena, &unselectedPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_TAG, .tag = unselectedTag });
oc_ui_style unselectedStyle = { .borderColor = OC_UI_DARK_THEME.text3,
.borderSize = 1 };
oc_ui_style_mask defaultMask = OC_UI_STYLE_BORDER_COLOR
oc_ui_style_mask unselectedMask = OC_UI_STYLE_BORDER_COLOR
oc_ui_style_match_after(defaultPattern, &defaultStyle, defaultMask);
oc_ui_style_match_after(unselectedPattern, &unselectedStyle, unselectedMask);
oc_ui_pattern hoverPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(arena, &hoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_TAG, .tag = defaultTag });
oc_ui_pattern_push(arena, &hoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .op = OC_UI_SEL_AND, .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_HOVER });
oc_ui_pattern unselectedHoverPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(arena, &unselectedHoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_TAG, .tag = unselectedTag });
oc_ui_pattern_push(arena, &unselectedHoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .op = OC_UI_SEL_AND, .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_HOVER });
oc_ui_style hoverStyle = { .bgColor = OC_UI_DARK_THEME.fill0,
.borderColor = OC_UI_DARK_THEME.primary };
oc_ui_style_mask hoverMask = OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR
oc_ui_style_match_after(hoverPattern, &hoverStyle, hoverMask);
oc_ui_style_match_after(unselectedHoverPattern, &hoverStyle, hoverMask);
oc_ui_pattern activePattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(arena, &activePattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_TAG, .tag = defaultTag });
oc_ui_pattern_push(arena, &activePattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .op = OC_UI_SEL_AND, .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_ACTIVE });
oc_ui_pattern unselectedActivePattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(arena, &unselectedActivePattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_TAG, .tag = unselectedTag });
oc_ui_pattern_push(arena, &unselectedActivePattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .op = OC_UI_SEL_AND, .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_ACTIVE });
oc_ui_style activeStyle = { .bgColor = OC_UI_DARK_THEME.fill1,
.borderColor = OC_UI_DARK_THEME.primary };
oc_ui_style_mask activeMask = OC_UI_STYLE_BG_COLOR
oc_ui_style_match_after(activePattern, &activeStyle, activeMask);
oc_ui_style_match_after(unselectedActivePattern, &activeStyle, activeMask);
oc_ui_tag selectedTag = oc_ui_tag_make("radio_selected");
oc_ui_pattern selectedPattern = { 0 };
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
### Build and run
Zig version `0.11.0` or greater is required for this sample. To build and run:
orca dev build-runtime
zig build run
These two commands build the runtime - the native host executable - and the sample as a loadable wasm library, then runs it. To only build the sample without running it, use `zig build bundle`.
### Warning
Zig bindings for Orca are in-progress and experimental. You may encounter bugs since not all the bound APIs have been tested extensively - this sample is currently the only code doing so! Additionally, not all APIs have zig coverage yet, notably:
* `gles`
As more APIs get tested, there is a possibility of breaking changes. Please report any bugs you find on the Handmade discord in the #orca channel.
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
fn addSourceString(str: []const u8, strings: *std.ArrayList(u8), sources: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) !void {
var begin = strings.items.len;
try strings.appendSlice(str);
var realstring = strings.items[begin..];
try sources.append(realstring);
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
var wasm_target = std.zig.CrossTarget{
.cpu_arch = .wasm32,
.os_tag = .freestanding,
var orca_source_strings = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(b.allocator, 1024 * 4);
var orca_sources = try std.ArrayList([]const u8).initCapacity(b.allocator, 128);
defer orca_source_strings.deinit();
defer orca_sources.deinit();
try addSourceString("../../src/orca.c", &orca_source_strings, &orca_sources);
var libc_shim_dir = try std.fs.cwd().openIterableDir("../../src/libc-shim/src", .{});
var walker = try libc_shim_dir.walk(b.allocator);
defer walker.deinit();
while (try walker.next()) |entry| {
const extension = std.fs.path.extension(entry.path);
if (std.mem.eql(u8, extension, ".c")) {
var path_buffer: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
var abs_path = try libc_shim_dir.dir.realpath(entry.path, &path_buffer);
try addSourceString(abs_path, &orca_source_strings, &orca_sources);
const orca_compile_opts = [_][]const u8{
"-isystem ../../src/libc-shim/include",
var orca_lib = b.addStaticLibrary(.{
.name = "orca",
.target = wasm_target,
.optimize = optimize,
orca_lib.rdynamic = true;
orca_lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "../../src" });
orca_lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "../../src/libc-shim/include" });
orca_lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "../../src/ext" });
orca_lib.addCSourceFiles(orca_sources.items, &orca_compile_opts);
// builds the wasm module out of the orca C sources and main.zig
const orca_module: *std.Build.Module = b.createModule(.{
.source_file = .{ .path = "../../src/orca.zig" },
const wasm_lib = b.addSharedLibrary(.{
.name = "module",
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = wasm_target,
.optimize = optimize,
wasm_lib.rdynamic = true;
wasm_lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "../../src" });
wasm_lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "../../src/libc-shim/include" });
wasm_lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "../../ext" });
wasm_lib.addModule("orca", orca_module);
// copies the wasm module into zig-out/wasm_lib
// Runs the orca build command
const bundle_cmd_str = [_][]const u8{ "orca", "bundle", "--orca-dir", "../..", "--name", "Sample", "--icon", "icon.png", "--resource-dir", "data", "zig-out/lib/module.wasm" };
var bundle_cmd = b.addSystemCommand(&bundle_cmd_str);
const bundle_step = b.step("bundle", "Runs the orca toolchain to bundle the wasm module into an orca app.");
// Runs the app
const run_cmd_windows = [_][]const u8{"Sample/bin/Sample.exe"};
const run_cmd_macos = [_][]const u8{ "open", "Sample.app" };
const run_cmd_str: []const []const u8 = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => &run_cmd_windows,
.macos => &run_cmd_macos,
else => @compileError("unsupported platform"),
var run_cmd = b.addSystemCommand(run_cmd_str);
const run_step = b.step("run", "Runs the bundled app using the Orca runtime.");
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
freeware fonts for a freeware world
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Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 153 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.7 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
const std = @import("std");
const oc = @import("orca");
const lerp = std.math.lerp;
const Vec2 = oc.Vec2;
const Mat2x3 = oc.Mat2x3;
const Str8 = oc.Str8;
var surface: oc.Surface = undefined;
var canvas: oc.Canvas = undefined;
var font: oc.Font = undefined;
var orca_image: oc.Image = undefined;
var gradient_image: oc.Image = undefined;
var counter: u32 = 0;
var last_seconds: f64 = 0;
var frame_size: Vec2 = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0 };
var rotation_demo: f32 = 0;
export fn oc_on_init() void {
oc.windowSetTitle("zig sample");
oc.windowSetSize(Vec2{ .x = 480, .y = 640 });
oc.log.info("current platform: {}", .{oc.getHostPlatform()}, @src());
surface = oc.Surface.canvas();
canvas = oc.Canvas.create();
oc.assert(oc.Canvas.nil().isNil() == true, "nil canvas should be nil", .{}, @src());
oc.assert(canvas.isNil() == false, "created canvas should not be nil", .{}, @src());
const ranges = oc.UnicodeRange.range(&[_]oc.UnicodeRange.Enum{
font = oc.Font.createFromPath("/zig.ttf", &ranges);
oc.assert(oc.Font.nil().isNil() == true, "nil font should be nil", .{}, @src());
oc.assert(font.isNil() == false, "created font should not be nil", .{}, @src());
orca_image = oc.Image.createFromPath(surface, Str8.fromSlice("/orca_jumping.jpg"), false);
oc.assert(oc.Image.nil().isNil() == true, "nil image should be nil", .{}, @src());
oc.assert(orca_image.isNil() == false, "created image should not be nil", .{}, @src());
// generate a gradient and upload it to an image
const width = 256;
const height = 128;
const tl = oc.Color{ .r = 70.0 / 255.0, .g = 13.0 / 255.0, .b = 108.0 / 255.0 };
const bl = oc.Color{ .r = 251.0 / 255.0, .g = 167.0 / 255.0, .b = 87.0 / 255.0 };
const tr = oc.Color{ .r = 48.0 / 255.0, .g = 164.0 / 255.0, .b = 219.0 / 255.0 };
const br = oc.Color{ .r = 151.0 / 255.0, .g = 222.0 / 255.0, .b = 150.0 / 255.0 };
var pixels: [width * height]u32 = undefined;
for (0..height) |y| {
for (0..width) |x| {
const h: f32 = @floatFromInt(height - 1);
const w: f32 = @floatFromInt(width - 1);
const y_norm: f32 = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(y)) / h;
const x_norm: f32 = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(x)) / w;
const tl_weight = (1 - x_norm) * (1 - y_norm);
const bl_weight = (1 - x_norm) * y_norm;
const tr_weight = x_norm * (1 - y_norm);
const br_weight = x_norm * y_norm;
const r: f32 = tl_weight * tl.r + bl_weight * bl.r + tr_weight * tr.r + br_weight * br.r;
const g: f32 = tl_weight * tl.g + bl_weight * bl.g + tr_weight * tr.g + br_weight * br.g;
const b: f32 = tl_weight * tl.b + bl_weight * bl.b + tr_weight * tr.b + br_weight * br.b;
const color = oc.Color{ .r = r, .g = g, .b = b, .a = 1.0 };
pixels[y * width + x] = color.toRgba8();
gradient_image = oc.Image.create(surface, width, height);
gradient_image.uploadRegionRgba8(oc.Rect.xywh(0, 0, width, height), @ptrCast((&pixels).ptr));
export fn oc_on_resize(width: u32, height: u32) void {
frame_size = Vec2{ .x = @floatFromInt(width), .y = @floatFromInt(height) };
oc.log.info("frame resize: {d:.2}, {d:.2}", .{ frame_size.x, frame_size.y }, @src());
export fn oc_on_mouse_down(button: oc.MouseButton) void {
oc.log.info("mouse down! {}", .{button}, @src());
export fn oc_on_mouse_up(button: oc.MouseButton) void {
oc.log.info("mouse up! {}", .{button}, @src());
export fn oc_on_mouse_wheel(dx: f32, dy: f32) void {
oc.log.info("mouse wheel! dx: {d:.2}, dy: {d:.2}", .{ dx, dy }, @src());
export fn oc_on_key_down(scan: oc.ScanCode, key: oc.KeyCode) void {
oc.log.info("key down: {} {}", .{ scan, key }, @src());
export fn oc_on_key_up(scan: oc.ScanCode, key: oc.KeyCode) void {
oc.log.info("key up: {} {}", .{ scan, key }, @src());
switch (key) {
oc.KeyCode.Escape => oc.requestQuit(),
oc.KeyCode.B => oc.abort("aborting", .{}, @src()),
oc.KeyCode.A => oc.assert(false, "test assert failed", .{}, @src()),
oc.KeyCode.W => oc.log.warn("logging a test warning", .{}, @src()),
oc.KeyCode.E => oc.log.err("logging a test error", .{}, @src()),
else => {},
export fn oc_on_frame_refresh() void {
counter += 1;
const secs: f64 = oc.clock.time(.Date);
if (last_seconds != @floor(secs)) {
last_seconds = @floor(secs);
oc.log.info("seconds since Jan 1, 1970: {d:.0}", .{secs}, @src());
_ = canvas.select();
oc.Canvas.setColorRgba(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 1.0);
oc.Canvas.setColorRgba(1.0, 0.05, 0.05, 1.0);
const translation: Mat2x3 = .{ .m = [_]f32{ 1, 0, 50, 0, 1, 50 } };
defer Mat2x3.pop();
oc.assert(std.meta.eql(Mat2x3.top(), translation), "top of matrix stack should be what we pushed", .{}, @src());
oc.Canvas.rectangleFill(50, 0, 10, 10);
oc.Canvas.rectangleStroke(70, 0, 10, 10);
oc.Canvas.roundedRectangleFill(90, 0, 10, 10, 3);
oc.Canvas.roundedRectangleStroke(110, 0, 10, 10, 3);
const green = oc.Color{ .r = 0.05, .g = 1, .b = 0.05, .a = 1 };
oc.assert(std.meta.eql(oc.Canvas.getColor(), green), "color should be green", .{}, @src());
oc.Canvas.ellipseFill(140, 5, 10, 5);
oc.Canvas.ellipseStroke(170, 5, 10, 5);
oc.Canvas.circleFill(195, 5, 5);
oc.Canvas.circleStroke(215, 5, 5);
oc.Canvas.arc(230, 5, 5, 0, std.math.pi);
rotation_demo += 0.03;
const rot = Mat2x3.rotate(rotation_demo);
const trans = Mat2x3.translate(285, 55);
Mat2x3.push(Mat2x3.mul_m(trans, rot));
defer Mat2x3.pop();
oc.Canvas.rectangleFill(-5, -5, 10, 10);
var scratch_scope = oc.Arena.scratchBegin();
defer scratch_scope.end();
var scratch: *oc.Arena = scratch_scope.arena;
var str1: Str8 = Str8.collate(scratch, &[_][]const u8{ "Hello", "from", "Zig!" }, ">> ", " ", " <<") catch |e| fatal(e, @src());
var str2_list = oc.Str8List.init();
str2_list.push(scratch, Str8.fromSlice("All")) catch |e| fatal(e, @src());
str2_list.pushf(scratch, "your", .{}) catch |e| fatal(e, @src());
str2_list.pushSlice(scratch, "base!!") catch |e| fatal(e, @src());
oc.assert(str2_list.containsSlice("All"), "str2_list should have the string we just pushed", .{}, @src());
var elt_first = str2_list.list.first;
var elt_last = str2_list.list.last;
oc.assert(elt_first != null, "list checks", .{}, @src());
oc.assert(elt_last != null, "list checks", .{}, @src());
oc.assert(elt_first != elt_last, "list checks", .{}, @src());
oc.assert(elt_first.?.next != null, "list checks", .{}, @src());
oc.assert(elt_first.?.prev == null, "list checks", .{}, @src());
oc.assert(elt_last.?.next == null, "list checks", .{}, @src());
oc.assert(elt_last.?.prev != null, "list checks", .{}, @src());
oc.assert(elt_first.?.next != elt_last, "list checks", .{}, @src());
oc.assert(elt_last.?.prev != elt_first, "list checks", .{}, @src());
var str2: Str8 = str2_list.collate(scratch, Str8.fromSlice("<< "), Str8.fromSlice("-"), Str8.fromSlice(" >>")) catch |e| fatal(e, @src());
const font_size = 18;
const text_metrics = font.textMetrics(font_size, str1);
const text_rect = text_metrics.ink;
const center_x = frame_size.x / 2;
const text_begin_x = center_x - text_rect.w / 2;
Mat2x3.push(Mat2x3.translate(text_begin_x, 100));
defer Mat2x3.pop();
oc.Canvas.setColorRgba(1.0, 0.05, 0.05, 1.0);
oc.Canvas.moveTo(0, 0);
oc.Canvas.moveTo(0, 35);
var scratch_scope = oc.Arena.scratchBegin();
defer scratch_scope.end();
var scratch: *oc.Arena = scratch_scope.arena;
var separators = oc.Str8List.init();
separators.pushSlice(scratch, " ") catch |e| fatal(e, @src());
separators.pushSlice(scratch, "|") catch |e| fatal(e, @src());
separators.pushSlice(scratch, "-") catch |e| fatal(e, @src());
const big_string = Str8.fromSlice("This is |a one-word string that | has no spaces in it");
var strings: oc.Str8List = big_string.split(scratch, separators) catch |e| fatal(e, @src());
var collated = strings.join(scratch) catch |e| fatal(e, @src());
oc.Canvas.moveTo(0, 170);
const orca_size = orca_image.size();
const trans = Mat2x3.translate(0, 200);
const scale = Mat2x3.scaleUniform(0.25);
Mat2x3.push(Mat2x3.mul_m(trans, scale));
defer Mat2x3.pop();
orca_image.draw(oc.Rect.xywh(0, 0, orca_size.x, orca_size.y));
var half_size = orca_size;
half_size.x /= 2;
orca_image.drawRegion(oc.Rect.xywh(0, 0, half_size.x, half_size.y), oc.Rect.xywh(orca_size.x + 10, 0, half_size.x, half_size.y));
const x_offset = orca_size.x * 0.25 + orca_size.x * 0.25 * 0.5 + 5;
const gradient_size = gradient_image.size();
const trans = Mat2x3.translate(x_offset, 200);
const scale = Mat2x3.scaleUniform((orca_size.y * 0.25) / gradient_size.y);
Mat2x3.push(Mat2x3.mul_m(trans, scale));
defer Mat2x3.pop();
gradient_image.draw(oc.Rect.xywh(0, 0, gradient_size.x, gradient_size.y));
export fn oc_on_terminate() void {
oc.log.info("byebye {}", .{counter}, @src());
fn fatal(err: anyerror, source: std.builtin.SourceLocation) noreturn {
oc.abort("Caught fatal {}", .{err}, source);
fn oneMinusLerp(a: anytype, b: anytype, t: anytype) @TypeOf(a, b, t) {
return 1.0 - lerp(a, b, t);
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
### Build and run
Zig version `0.11.0` or greater is required for this sample. To build and run:
orca dev build-runtime
zig build run
These two commands build the runtime - the native host executable - and the sample as a loadable wasm library, then runs it. To only build the sample without running it, use `zig build bundle`.
### Warning
Zig bindings for Orca are in-progress and experimental. You may encounter bugs since not all the bound APIs have been tested extensively - this sample is currently the only code doing so! Additionally, not all APIs have zig coverage yet, notably:
* `gles`
As more APIs get tested, there is a possibility of breaking changes. Please report any bugs you find on the Handmade discord in the #orca channel.
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
fn addSourceString(str: []const u8, strings: *std.ArrayList(u8), sources: *std.ArrayList([]const u8)) !void {
var begin = strings.items.len;
try strings.appendSlice(str);
var realstring = strings.items[begin..];
try sources.append(realstring);
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
var wasm_target = std.zig.CrossTarget{
.cpu_arch = .wasm32,
.os_tag = .freestanding,
var orca_source_strings = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(b.allocator, 1024 * 4);
var orca_sources = try std.ArrayList([]const u8).initCapacity(b.allocator, 128);
defer orca_source_strings.deinit();
defer orca_sources.deinit();
try addSourceString("../../src/orca.c", &orca_source_strings, &orca_sources);
var libc_shim_dir = try std.fs.cwd().openIterableDir("../../src/libc-shim/src", .{});
var walker = try libc_shim_dir.walk(b.allocator);
defer walker.deinit();
while (try walker.next()) |entry| {
const extension = std.fs.path.extension(entry.path);
if (std.mem.eql(u8, extension, ".c")) {
var path_buffer: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
var abs_path = try libc_shim_dir.dir.realpath(entry.path, &path_buffer);
try addSourceString(abs_path, &orca_source_strings, &orca_sources);
const orca_compile_opts = [_][]const u8{
"-isystem ../../src/libc-shim/include",
var orca_lib = b.addStaticLibrary(.{
.name = "orca",
.target = wasm_target,
.optimize = optimize,
orca_lib.rdynamic = true;
orca_lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "../../src" });
orca_lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "../../src/libc-shim/include" });
orca_lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "../../src/ext" });
orca_lib.addCSourceFiles(orca_sources.items, &orca_compile_opts);
// builds the wasm module out of the orca C sources and main.zig
const orca_module: *std.Build.Module = b.createModule(.{
.source_file = .{ .path = "../../src/orca.zig" },
const wasm_lib = b.addSharedLibrary(.{
.name = "module",
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = wasm_target,
.optimize = optimize,
wasm_lib.rdynamic = true;
wasm_lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "../../src" });
wasm_lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "../../src/libc-shim/include" });
wasm_lib.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "../../ext" });
wasm_lib.addModule("orca", orca_module);
// copies the wasm module into zig-out/wasm_lib
// Runs the orca build command
const bundle_cmd_str = [_][]const u8{ "orca", "bundle", "--orca-dir", "../..", "--name", "UI", "--resource-dir", "data", "zig-out/lib/module.wasm" };
var bundle_cmd = b.addSystemCommand(&bundle_cmd_str);
const bundle_step = b.step("bundle", "Runs the orca toolchain to bundle the wasm module into an orca app.");
// Runs the app
const run_cmd_windows = [_][]const u8{"UI/bin/UI.exe"};
const run_cmd_macos = [_][]const u8{ "open", "UI.app" };
const run_cmd_str: []const []const u8 = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => &run_cmd_windows,
.macos => &run_cmd_macos,
else => @compileError("unsupported platform"),
var run_cmd = b.addSystemCommand(run_cmd_str);
const run_step = b.step("run", "Runs the bundled app using the Orca runtime.");
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
const std = @import("std");
const oc = @import("orca");
const ui = oc.ui;
var frame_size: oc.Vec2 = .{ .x = 1200, .y = 838 };
var surface: oc.Surface = undefined;
var canvas: oc.Canvas = undefined;
var font_regular: oc.Font = undefined;
var font_bold: oc.Font = undefined;
var ui_ctx: ui.Context = undefined;
var text_arena: oc.Arena = undefined;
var log_arena: oc.Arena = undefined;
var log_lines: oc.Str8List = undefined;
const Cmd = enum {
var cmd: Cmd = .None;
export fn oc_on_init() void {
oc.windowSetTitle("Orca Zig UI Demo");
surface = oc.Surface.canvas();
canvas = oc.Canvas.create();
var fonts = [_]*oc.Font{ &font_regular, &font_bold };
var font_names = [_][]const u8{ "/OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "/OpenSans-Bold.ttf" };
for (fonts, font_names) |font, name| {
var scratch = oc.Arena.scratchBegin();
defer scratch.end();
var file = oc.File.open(oc.Str8.fromSlice(name), .{ .read = true }, .{});
if (file.lastError() != oc.io.Error.Ok) {
oc.log.err("Couldn't open file {s}", .{name}, @src());
var size = file.getSize();
var buffer = scratch.arena.push(size) catch {
oc.log.err("Out of memory", .{}, @src());
_ = file.read(size, buffer);
var ranges = oc.UnicodeRange.range(&[_]oc.UnicodeRange.Enum{
font.* = oc.Font.createFromMemory(buffer[0..size], &ranges);
text_arena = oc.Arena.init();
log_arena = oc.Arena.init();
log_lines = oc.Str8List.init();
export fn oc_on_raw_event(event: *oc.CEvent) void {
export fn oc_on_resize(width: u32, height: u32) void {
frame_size.x = @floatFromInt(width);
frame_size.y = @floatFromInt(height);
export fn oc_on_frame_refresh() void {
var scratch = oc.Arena.scratchBegin();
defer scratch.end();
switch (cmd) {
.SetDarkTheme => ui.setTheme(ui.dark_theme),
.SetLightTheme => ui.setTheme(ui.light_theme),
.None => {},
cmd = .None;
var default_style = ui.Style{ .font = font_regular };
ui.beginFrame(frame_size, &default_style);
defer ui.endFrame();
// Menu bar
defer ui.menuBarEnd();
defer ui.menuEnd();
if (ui.menuButton("Quit").pressed) {
defer ui.menuEnd();
if (ui.menuButton("Dark theme").pressed) {
cmd = .SetDarkTheme;
if (ui.menuButton("Light theme").pressed) {
cmd = .SetLightTheme;
ui.panelBegin("main panel", .{});
defer ui.panelEnd();
.size = .{
.width = .fill_parent,
.height = .{ .custom = .{ .kind = .Parent, .value = 1, .relax = 1 } },
.layout = .{
.axis = .X,
.margin = .{ .x = 16, .y = 16 },
.spacing = 16,
_ = ui.boxBegin("Background", .{ .draw_background = true });
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
_ = canvas.select();
var checkbox_checked: bool = false;
var v_slider_value: f32 = 0;
var v_slider_logged_value: f32 = 0;
var v_slider_log_time: f64 = 0;
var radio_selected: usize = 0;
var h_slider_value: f32 = 0;
var h_slider_logged_value: f32 = 0;
var h_slider_log_time: f64 = 0;
var text: []const u8 = "Text box";
var selected: ?usize = null;
fn widgets(arena: *oc.Arena) void {
columnBegin("Widgets", 1.0 / 3.0);
defer columnEnd();
.size = .{
.width = .fill_parent,
.layout = .{
.axis = .X,
.spacing = 32,
_ = ui.boxBegin("top", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
.layout = .{
.axis = .Y,
.spacing = 24,
_ = ui.boxBegin("top_left", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
// Label
_ = ui.makeLabel("Label");
// Button
if (ui.button("Button").clicked) {
logPush("Button clicked");
.layout = .{
.axis = .X,
.alignment = .{ .y = .Center },
.spacing = 8,
_ = ui.boxBegin("checkbox", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
// Checkbox
if (ui.checkbox("checkbox", &checkbox_checked).clicked) {
if (checkbox_checked) {
logPush("Checkbox checked");
} else {
logPush("Checkbox unhecked");
_ = ui.makeLabel("Checkbox");
// Vertical slider
ui.styleNext(.{ .size = .{ .height = .{ .pixels = 130 } } });
_ = ui.slider("v_slider", &v_slider_value);
var now = oc.clock.time(.Monotonic);
if ((now - v_slider_log_time) >= 0.2 and v_slider_value != v_slider_logged_value) {
logPushf("Vertical slider moved to {d:.3}", .{v_slider_value});
v_slider_logged_value = v_slider_value;
v_slider_log_time = now;
.layout = .{
.axis = .Y,
.spacing = 24,
_ = ui.boxBegin("top right", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
// Tooltip
if (ui.makeLabel("Tooltip").hovering) {
// Radio group
var options = [_][]const u8{
"Radio 1",
"Radio 2",
var radio_group_info = ui.RadioGroupInfo{
.selected_index = radio_selected,
.options = &options,
var result = ui.radioGroup("radio_group", &radio_group_info);
radio_selected = result.selected_index.?;
if (result.changed) {
logPushf("Selected {s}", .{options[radio_selected]});
// Horizontal slider
ui.styleNext(.{ .size = .{ .width = .{ .pixels = 130 } } });
_ = ui.slider("h_slider", &h_slider_value);
if ((now - h_slider_log_time) >= 0.2 and h_slider_value != h_slider_logged_value) {
logPushf("Slider moved to {d:.3}", .{h_slider_value});
h_slider_logged_value = h_slider_value;
h_slider_log_time = now;
// Text box
.size = .{
.width = .{ .pixels = 305 },
.height = .text,
var textResult = ui.textBox("text", arena, text);
if (textResult.changed) {
text = text_arena.pushStr(textResult.text) catch {
oc.log.err("Out of memory", .{}, @src());
if (textResult.accepted) {
logPushf("Entered text {s}", .{text});
// Select
var options = [_][]const u8{
"Option 1",
"Option 2",
var select_popup_info = ui.SelectPopupInfo{
.selected_index = selected,
.options = &options,
.placeholder = "Select",
var selectResult = ui.selectPopup("select", &select_popup_info);
if (selectResult.selected_index != selected) {
logPushf("Selected {s}", .{options[selectResult.selected_index.?]});
selected = selectResult.selected_index;
// Scrollable panel
.size = .{
.width = .fill_parent,
.height = .{
.custom = .{ .kind = .Parent, .value = 1, .relax = 1, .min_size = 200 },
.bg_color = ui_ctx.theme.bg2,
.border_color = ui_ctx.theme.border,
.border_size = 1,
.roundness = ui_ctx.theme.roundness_small,
_ = ui.panelBegin("log", .{ .draw_background = true, .draw_border = true });
defer ui.panelEnd();
.layout = .{
.margin = .{ .x = 16, .y = 16 },
_ = ui.boxBegin("contents", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
if (log_lines.list.empty()) {
ui.styleNext(.{ .color = ui_ctx.theme.text2 });
_ = ui.makeLabel("Log");
var i: i32 = 0;
var log_lines_iter = log_lines.iter();
while (log_lines_iter.next()) |log_line| {
var buf: [15]u8 = undefined;
var id = std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, "{d}", .{i}) catch unreachable;
_ = ui.boxBegin(id, .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
_ = ui.makeLabel(log_line.string.slice());
i += 1;
var styling_selected_radio: ?usize = 0;
var unselected_width: f32 = 16;
var unselected_height: f32 = 16;
var unselected_roundness: f32 = 8;
var unselected_bg_color: oc.Color = oc.Color.rgba(0.086, 0.086, 0.102, 1);
var unselected_border_color: oc.Color = oc.Color.rgba(0.976, 0.976, 0.976, 0.35);
var unselected_border_size: f32 = 1;
var unselected_when_status: ui.Status = .{};
var unselected_status_index: ?usize = 0;
var selected_width: f32 = 16;
var selected_height: f32 = 16;
var selected_roundness: f32 = 8;
var selected_center_color: oc.Color = oc.Color.rgba(1, 1, 1, 1);
var selected_bg_color: oc.Color = oc.Color.rgba(0.33, 0.66, 1, 1);
var selected_when_status: ui.Status = .{};
var selected_status_index: ?usize = 0;
var label_font_color: oc.Color = oc.Color.rgba(0.976, 0.976, 0.976, 1);
var label_font_color_selected: ?usize = 0;
var label_font: *oc.Font = &font_regular;
var label_font_selected: ?usize = 0;
var label_font_size: f32 = 14;
fn styling(arena: *oc.Arena) void {
// Styling
// Initial values here are hardcoded from the dark theme and everything is overridden all
// the time. In a real program you'd only override what you need and supply the values from
// ui_ctx.theme or ui_ctx.theme.palette.
// Rule-based styling is described at
// https://www.forkingpaths.dev/posts/23-03-10/rule_based_styling_imgui_ctx.html
columnBegin("Styling", 2.0 / 3.0);
defer columnEnd();
.size = .{
.width = .fill_parent,
.height = .{ .pixels = 152 },
.layout = .{
.margin = .{ .x = 310, .y = 16 },
.bg_color = ui.dark_theme.bg0,
.roundness = ui.dark_theme.roundness_small,
_ = ui.boxBegin("styled_radios", .{ .draw_background = true, .draw_border = true });
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
var unselected_tag = ui.Tag.make("radio");
var unselected_pattern = ui.Pattern.init();
unselected_pattern.push(arena, .{ .sel = .{ .tag = unselected_tag } });
if (!unselected_when_status.empty()) {
unselected_pattern.push(arena, .{ .op = .And, .sel = .{ .status = unselected_when_status } });
ui.styleMatchAfter(unselected_pattern, .{
.size = .{
.width = .{ .pixels = unselected_width },
.height = .{ .pixels = unselected_height },
.bg_color = unselected_bg_color,
.border_color = unselected_border_color,
.border_size = unselected_border_size,
.roundness = unselected_roundness,
var selected_tag = ui.Tag.make("radio_selected");
var selected_pattern = ui.Pattern.init();
selected_pattern.push(arena, .{ .sel = .{ .tag = selected_tag } });
if (!selected_when_status.empty()) {
selected_pattern.push(arena, .{ .op = .And, .sel = .{ .status = selected_when_status } });
ui.styleMatchAfter(selected_pattern, .{
.size = .{
.width = .{ .pixels = selected_width },
.height = .{ .pixels = selected_height },
.color = selected_center_color,
.bg_color = selected_bg_color,
.roundness = selected_roundness,
var label_tag = ui.Tag.make("label");
var label_pattern = ui.Pattern.init();
label_pattern.push(arena, .{ .sel = .{ .tag = label_tag } });
ui.styleMatchAfter(label_pattern, .{
.color = label_font_color,
.font = label_font.*,
.font_size = label_font_size,
var options = [_][]const u8{
var radio_group_info = ui.RadioGroupInfo{
.selected_index = styling_selected_radio,
.options = &options,
var result = ui.radioGroup("radio_group", &radio_group_info);
styling_selected_radio = result.selected_index;
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .axis = .X, .spacing = 32 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("controls", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .axis = .Y, .spacing = 16 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("unselected", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
ui.styleNext(.{ .font_size = 16 });
_ = ui.makeLabel("Radio style");
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .spacing = 4 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("size", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
var width_slider = (unselected_width - 8) / 16;
labeledSlider("Width", &width_slider);
unselected_width = 8 + width_slider * 16;
var height_slider = (unselected_height - 8) / 16;
labeledSlider("Height", &height_slider);
unselected_height = 8 + height_slider * 16;
var roundness_slider = (unselected_roundness - 4) / 8;
labeledSlider("Roundness", &roundness_slider);
unselected_roundness = 4 + roundness_slider * 8;
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .spacing = 4 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("background", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
labeledSlider("Background R", &unselected_bg_color.r);
labeledSlider("Background G", &unselected_bg_color.g);
labeledSlider("Background B", &unselected_bg_color.b);
labeledSlider("Background A", &unselected_bg_color.a);
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .spacing = 4 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("border", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
labeledSlider("Border R", &unselected_border_color.r);
labeledSlider("Border G", &unselected_border_color.g);
labeledSlider("Border B", &unselected_border_color.b);
labeledSlider("Border A", &unselected_border_color.a);
var border_size_slider = unselected_border_size / 5;
labeledSlider("Border size", &border_size_slider);
unselected_border_size = border_size_slider * 5;
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .spacing = 10 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("status_override", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
_ = ui.makeLabel("Override");
var status_options = [_][]const u8{
"When hovering",
"When active",
var status_info = ui.RadioGroupInfo{
.selected_index = unselected_status_index,
.options = &status_options,
var status_result = ui.radioGroup("status", &status_info);
unselected_status_index = status_result.selected_index;
unselected_when_status = switch (unselected_status_index.?) {
0 => .{},
1 => .{ .hover = true },
2 => .{ .active = true },
else => unreachable,
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .axis = .Y, .spacing = 16 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("selected", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
ui.styleNext(.{ .font_size = 16 });
_ = ui.makeLabel("Radio selected style");
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .spacing = 4 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("size", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
var width_slider = (selected_width - 8) / 16;
labeledSlider("Width", &width_slider);
selected_width = 8 + width_slider * 16;
var height_slider = (selected_height - 8) / 16;
labeledSlider("Height", &height_slider);
selected_height = 8 + height_slider * 16;
var roundness_slider = (selected_roundness - 4) / 8;
labeledSlider("Roundness", &roundness_slider);
selected_roundness = 4 + roundness_slider * 8;
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .spacing = 4 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("color", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
labeledSlider("Center R", &selected_center_color.r);
labeledSlider("Center G", &selected_center_color.g);
labeledSlider("Center B", &selected_center_color.b);
labeledSlider("Center A", &selected_center_color.a);
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .spacing = 4 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("background", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
labeledSlider("Background R", &selected_bg_color.r);
labeledSlider("Background G", &selected_bg_color.g);
labeledSlider("Background B", &selected_bg_color.b);
labeledSlider("Background A", &selected_bg_color.a);
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .spacing = 10 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("status_override", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
ui.styleNext(.{ .size = .{ .height = .{ .pixels = 30 } } });
_ = ui.boxMake("spacer", .{});
_ = ui.makeLabel("Override");
var status_options = [_][]const u8{
"When hovering",
"When active",
var status_info = ui.RadioGroupInfo{
.selected_index = selected_status_index,
.options = &status_options,
var status_result = ui.radioGroup("status", &status_info);
selected_status_index = status_result.selected_index;
selected_when_status = switch (selected_status_index.?) {
0 => .{},
1 => .{ .hover = true },
2 => .{ .active = true },
else => unreachable,
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .axis = .Y, .spacing = 10 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("label", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
ui.styleNext(.{ .font_size = 16 });
_ = ui.makeLabel("Label style");
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .axis = .X, .spacing = 8 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("font_color", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
ui.styleMatchAfter(ui.Pattern.owner(), .{
.size = .{ .width = .{ .pixels = 100 } },
_ = ui.makeLabel("Font color");
var color_names = [_][]const u8{
"Light green",
var colors = [_]oc.Color{
var color_info = ui.SelectPopupInfo{
.selected_index = label_font_color_selected,
.options = &color_names,
var color_result = ui.selectPopup("color", &color_info);
label_font_color_selected = color_result.selected_index;
label_font_color = colors[label_font_color_selected.?];
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .axis = .X, .spacing = 8 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin("font", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
ui.styleMatchAfter(ui.Pattern.owner(), .{
.size = .{ .width = .{ .pixels = 100 } },
_ = ui.makeLabel("Font");
var font_names = [_][]const u8{
var fonts = [_]*oc.Font{
var font_info = ui.SelectPopupInfo{
.selected_index = label_font_selected,
.options = &font_names,
var font_result = ui.selectPopup("font_style", &font_info);
label_font_selected = font_result.selected_index;
label_font = fonts[label_font_selected.?];
var font_size_slider = (label_font_size - 8) / 16;
labeledSlider("Font size", &font_size_slider);
label_font_size = 8 + font_size_slider * 16;
fn columnBegin(header: []const u8, widthFraction: f32) void {
.size = .{
.width = .{
.custom = .{ .kind = .Parent, .value = widthFraction, .relax = 1 },
.height = .fill_parent,
.layout = .{
.axis = .Y,
.margin = .{ .y = 8 },
.spacing = 24,
.bg_color = ui_ctx.theme.bg1,
.border_color = ui_ctx.theme.border,
.border_size = 1,
.roundness = ui_ctx.theme.roundness_small,
_ = ui.boxBegin(header, .{ .draw_background = true, .draw_border = true });
.size = .{ .width = .fill_parent },
.layout = .{ .alignment = .{ .x = .Center } },
_ = ui.boxBegin("header", .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
ui.styleNext(.{ .font_size = 18 });
_ = ui.makeLabel(header);
.size = .{
.width = .fill_parent,
.height = .{
.custom = .{ .kind = .Parent, .value = 1, .relax = 1 },
.layout = .{
.alignment = .{ .x = .Start },
.margin = .{ .x = 16 },
.spacing = 24,
_ = ui.boxBegin("contents", .{});
fn columnEnd() void {
_ = ui.boxEnd(); // contents
_ = ui.boxEnd(); // column
fn labeledSlider(label: []const u8, value: *f32) void {
ui.styleNext(.{ .layout = .{ .axis = .X, .spacing = 8 } });
_ = ui.boxBegin(label, .{});
defer _ = ui.boxEnd();
ui.styleMatchAfter(ui.Pattern.owner(), .{
.size = .{ .width = .{ .pixels = 100 } },
_ = ui.makeLabel(label);
.size = .{ .width = .{ .pixels = 100 } },
_ = ui.slider("slider", value);
fn logPush(line: []const u8) void {
log_lines.push(&log_arena, oc.Str8.fromSlice(line)) catch {
oc.log.err("Out of memory", .{}, @src());
fn logPushf(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) void {
var str = oc.Str8.pushf(&log_arena, fmt, args) catch {
oc.log.err("Out of memory", .{}, @src());
log_lines.push(&log_arena, str) catch {
oc.log.err("Out of memory", .{}, @src());
/// This makes sure the light theme doesn't break the styling overrides
/// You won't need it in a real program as long as your colors come from ui_ctx.theme or ui_ctx.theme.palette
fn resetNextRadioGroupToDarkTheme(arena: *oc.Arena) void {
var unselected_tag = ui.Tag.make("radio");
var unselected_pattern = ui.Pattern.init();
unselected_pattern.push(arena, .{ .sel = .{ .tag = unselected_tag } });
ui.styleMatchAfter(unselected_pattern, .{
.border_color = ui.dark_theme.text3,
.border_size = 1,
var unselected_hover_pattern = ui.Pattern.init();
unselected_hover_pattern.push(arena, .{ .sel = .{ .tag = unselected_tag } });
unselected_hover_pattern.push(arena, .{ .op = .And, .sel = .{ .status = .{ .hover = true } } });
ui.styleMatchAfter(unselected_hover_pattern, .{
.bg_color = ui.dark_theme.fill0,
.border_color = ui.dark_theme.primary,
var unselected_active_pattern = ui.Pattern.init();
unselected_active_pattern.push(arena, .{ .sel = .{ .tag = unselected_tag } });
unselected_active_pattern.push(arena, .{ .op = .And, .sel = .{ .status = .{ .active = true } } });
ui.styleMatchAfter(unselected_active_pattern, .{
.bg_color = ui.dark_theme.fill1,
.border_color = ui.dark_theme.primary,
var selected_tag = ui.Tag.make("radio_selected");
var selected_pattern = ui.Pattern.init();
selected_pattern.push(arena, .{ .sel = .{ .tag = selected_tag } });
ui.styleMatchAfter(selected_pattern, .{
.color = ui.dark_theme.palette.white,
.bg_color = ui.dark_theme.primary,
var selected_hover_pattern = ui.Pattern.init();
selected_hover_pattern.push(arena, .{ .sel = .{ .tag = selected_tag } });
selected_hover_pattern.push(arena, .{ .op = .And, .sel = .{ .status = .{ .hover = true } } });
ui.styleMatchAfter(selected_hover_pattern, .{
.bg_color = ui.dark_theme.primary_hover,
var selected_active_pattern = ui.Pattern.init();
selected_active_pattern.push(arena, .{ .sel = .{ .tag = selected_tag } });
selected_active_pattern.push(arena, .{ .op = .And, .sel = .{ .status = .{ .active = true } } });
ui.styleMatchAfter(selected_active_pattern, .{
.bg_color = ui.dark_theme.primary_active,
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ oc_key_code oc_scancode_to_keycode(oc_scan_code scanCode)
return (oc_appData.keyMap[scanCode]);
#define OC_DEFAULT_KEYMAP_ENTRY(sc, sv, ...) [(int) sc] = (oc_key_code)sc,
#define OC_DEFAULT_KEYMAP_ENTRY(sc, sv, kc, ...) [(int) sc] = OC_VA_NOPT(sv, ##__VA_ARGS__) __VA_ARGS__,
oc_key_code oc_defaultKeyMap[OC_SCANCODE_COUNT] = {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -8,11 +8,10 @@
#include "platform.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
extern "C" {
oc_host_platform oc_get_host_platform()
oc_host_platform oc_get_host_platform(void)
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ typedef enum
} oc_host_platform;
ORCA_API oc_host_platform oc_get_host_platform();
ORCA_API oc_host_platform oc_get_host_platform(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
@ -8,11 +8,10 @@
#include "platform.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
extern "C" {
oc_host_platform oc_get_host_platform()
oc_host_platform oc_get_host_platform(void)
@ -1778,7 +1778,7 @@ oc_ui_sig oc_ui_button_behavior(oc_ui_box* box)
oc_ui_box_set_hot(box, false);
if(!sig.hovering && !sig.dragging)
if(!sig.hovering || !sig.dragging)
@ -1873,7 +1873,7 @@ void oc_ui_checkbox_draw(oc_ui_box* box, void* data)
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_checkbox(const char* name, bool* checked)
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_checkbox_str8(oc_str8 name, bool* checked)
oc_ui_context* ui = oc_ui_get_context();
oc_ui_theme* theme = ui->theme;
@ -1918,7 +1918,7 @@ oc_ui_sig oc_ui_checkbox(const char* name, bool* checked)
box = oc_ui_box_make(name, flags);
box = oc_ui_box_make_str8(name, flags);
oc_ui_tag_box(box, "checkbox");
oc_ui_box_set_draw_proc(box, oc_ui_checkbox_draw, 0);
@ -1968,7 +1968,7 @@ oc_ui_sig oc_ui_checkbox(const char* name, bool* checked)
box = oc_ui_box_make(name, flags);
box = oc_ui_box_make_str8(name, flags);
oc_ui_tag_box(box, "checkbox");
@ -1981,16 +1981,21 @@ oc_ui_sig oc_ui_checkbox(const char* name, bool* checked)
return (sig);
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_checkbox(const char* name, bool* checked)
return oc_ui_checkbox_str8(OC_STR8(name), checked);
// slider / scrollbar
oc_ui_box* oc_ui_slider(const char* label, f32* value)
oc_ui_box* oc_ui_slider_str8(oc_str8 name, f32* value)
oc_ui_context* ui = oc_ui_get_context();
oc_ui_theme* theme = ui->theme;
oc_ui_style_match_before(oc_ui_pattern_all(), &(oc_ui_style){ 0 }, OC_UI_STYLE_LAYOUT);
oc_ui_box* frame = oc_ui_box_begin(label, 0);
oc_ui_box* frame = oc_ui_box_begin_str8(name, 0);
oc_ui_axis trackAxis = (frame->rect.w > frame->rect.h) ? OC_UI_AXIS_X : OC_UI_AXIS_Y;
oc_ui_axis secondAxis = (trackAxis == OC_UI_AXIS_Y) ? OC_UI_AXIS_X : OC_UI_AXIS_Y;
@ -2161,12 +2166,17 @@ oc_ui_box* oc_ui_slider(const char* label, f32* value)
return (frame);
oc_ui_box* oc_ui_scrollbar(const char* label, f32 thumbRatio, f32* scrollValue)
oc_ui_box* oc_ui_slider(const char* name, f32* value)
return oc_ui_slider_str8(OC_STR8(name), value);
oc_ui_box* oc_ui_scrollbar_str8(oc_str8 name, f32 thumbRatio, f32* scrollValue)
oc_ui_context* ui = oc_ui_get_context();
oc_ui_theme* theme = ui->theme;
oc_ui_style_match_before(oc_ui_pattern_all(), &(oc_ui_style){ 0 }, OC_UI_STYLE_LAYOUT);
oc_ui_box* frame = oc_ui_box_begin(label, 0);
oc_ui_box* frame = oc_ui_box_begin_str8(name, 0);
f32 minThumbRatio = 17. / oc_max(frame->rect.w, frame->rect.h);
thumbRatio = oc_min(oc_max(thumbRatio, minThumbRatio), 1.);
@ -2292,10 +2302,15 @@ oc_ui_box* oc_ui_scrollbar(const char* label, f32 thumbRatio, f32* scrollValue)
return (frame);
oc_ui_box* oc_ui_scrollbar(const char* name, f32 thumbRatio, f32* scrollValue)
return oc_ui_scrollbar_str8(OC_STR8(name), thumbRatio, scrollValue);
// panels
void oc_ui_panel_begin(const char* str, oc_ui_flags flags)
void oc_ui_panel_begin_str8(oc_str8 str, oc_ui_flags flags)
flags = flags
@ -2311,7 +2326,7 @@ void oc_ui_panel_begin(const char* str, oc_ui_flags flags)
.layout.margin.y = 0 },
oc_ui_box_begin(str, flags);
oc_ui_box_begin_str8(str, flags);
oc_ui_style_next(&(oc_ui_style){ .size.width = { OC_UI_SIZE_PARENT, 1 },
.size.height = { OC_UI_SIZE_PARENT, 1 } },
@ -2320,6 +2335,11 @@ void oc_ui_panel_begin(const char* str, oc_ui_flags flags)
oc_ui_box_begin("contents", 0);
void oc_ui_panel_begin(const char* str, oc_ui_flags flags)
oc_ui_panel_begin_str8(OC_STR8(str), flags);
void oc_ui_panel_end(void)
oc_ui_box_end(); // contents
@ -2413,7 +2433,7 @@ void oc_ui_tooltip_arrow_draw(oc_ui_box* box, void* data)
void oc_ui_tooltip(const char* label)
void oc_ui_tooltip_str8(oc_str8 label)
oc_ui_context* ui = oc_ui_get_context();
oc_ui_theme* theme = ui->theme;
@ -2424,7 +2444,7 @@ void oc_ui_tooltip(const char* label)
.floatTarget.x = p.x,
.floatTarget.y = p.y };
oc_ui_style_next(&containerStyle, OC_UI_STYLE_FLOAT);
oc_ui_container(label, OC_UI_FLAG_OVERLAY)
oc_ui_container_str8(label, OC_UI_FLAG_OVERLAY)
oc_ui_style arrowStyle = { .size.width = { OC_UI_SIZE_PIXELS, 24 },
.size.height = { OC_UI_SIZE_PIXELS, 24 },
@ -2460,17 +2480,22 @@ void oc_ui_tooltip(const char* label)
oc_ui_box* contents = oc_ui_box_begin("contents", OC_UI_FLAG_DRAW_BACKGROUND);
void oc_ui_tooltip(const char* label)
// Menus
void oc_ui_menu_bar_begin(const char* name)
void oc_ui_menu_bar_begin_str8(oc_str8 name)
oc_ui_style style = {
.size.width = { OC_UI_SIZE_PARENT, 1, 0 },
@ -2481,7 +2506,7 @@ void oc_ui_menu_bar_begin(const char* name)
oc_ui_style_next(&style, mask);
oc_ui_box* bar = oc_ui_box_begin(name, OC_UI_FLAG_DRAW_BACKGROUND);
oc_ui_box* bar = oc_ui_box_begin_str8(name, OC_UI_FLAG_DRAW_BACKGROUND);
oc_ui_sig sig = oc_ui_box_sig(bar);
oc_ui_context* ui = oc_ui_get_context();
@ -2491,16 +2516,21 @@ void oc_ui_menu_bar_begin(const char* name)
void oc_ui_menu_bar_begin(const char* name)
void oc_ui_menu_bar_end(void)
oc_ui_box_end(); // menu bar
void oc_ui_menu_begin(const char* label)
void oc_ui_menu_begin_str8(oc_str8 label)
oc_ui_context* ui = oc_ui_get_context();
oc_ui_theme* theme = ui->theme;
oc_ui_box* container = oc_ui_box_make(label, 0);
oc_ui_box* container = oc_ui_box_make_str8(label, 0);
oc_ui_style_next(&(oc_ui_style){ .size.width = { OC_UI_SIZE_CHILDREN },
@ -2525,7 +2555,7 @@ void oc_ui_menu_begin(const char* label)
oc_ui_style_next(&(oc_ui_style){ .size.width = { OC_UI_SIZE_TEXT },
.size.height = { OC_UI_SIZE_TEXT } },
oc_ui_box* buttonLabel = oc_ui_box_make(label, OC_UI_FLAG_DRAW_TEXT);
oc_ui_box* buttonLabel = oc_ui_box_make_str8(label, OC_UI_FLAG_DRAW_TEXT);
oc_ui_box_end(); // button
@ -2592,13 +2622,18 @@ void oc_ui_menu_begin(const char* label)
void oc_ui_menu_begin(const char* label)
void oc_ui_menu_end(void)
oc_ui_box_pop(); // menu
oc_ui_box_pop(); // container
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_menu_button(const char* name)
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_menu_button_str8(oc_str8 label)
oc_ui_context* ui = oc_ui_get_context();
oc_ui_theme* theme = ui->theme;
@ -2627,11 +2662,16 @@ oc_ui_sig oc_ui_menu_button(const char* name)
oc_ui_box* box = oc_ui_box_make(name, flags);
oc_ui_box* box = oc_ui_box_make_str8(label, flags);
oc_ui_sig sig = oc_ui_box_sig(box);
return (sig);
oc_ui_sig oc_ui_menu_button(const char* label)
return oc_ui_menu_button_str8(OC_STR8(label));
// Select
@ -2689,14 +2729,14 @@ void oc_ui_select_popup_draw_checkmark(oc_ui_box* box, void* data)
oc_ui_select_popup_info oc_ui_select_popup(const char* name, oc_ui_select_popup_info* info)
oc_ui_select_popup_info oc_ui_select_popup_str8(oc_str8 name, oc_ui_select_popup_info* info)
oc_ui_select_popup_info result = *info;
oc_ui_context* ui = oc_ui_get_context();
oc_ui_theme* theme = ui->theme;
oc_ui_container(name, 0)
oc_ui_container_str8(name, 0)
oc_ui_pattern hoverPattern = { 0 };
oc_ui_pattern_push(&ui->frameArena, &hoverPattern, (oc_ui_selector){ .kind = OC_UI_SEL_STATUS, .status = OC_UI_HOVER });
@ -2908,6 +2948,11 @@ oc_ui_select_popup_info oc_ui_select_popup(const char* name, oc_ui_select_popup_
return (result);
oc_ui_select_popup_info oc_ui_select_popup(const char* name, oc_ui_select_popup_info* info)
return oc_ui_select_popup_str8(OC_STR8(name), info);
// Radio group
@ -2926,7 +2971,7 @@ void oc_ui_radio_indicator_draw(oc_ui_box* box, void* data)
oc_ui_radio_group_info oc_ui_radio_group(const char* name, oc_ui_radio_group_info* info)
oc_ui_radio_group_info oc_ui_radio_group_str8(oc_str8 name, oc_ui_radio_group_info* info)
oc_ui_radio_group_info result = *info;
@ -2937,7 +2982,7 @@ oc_ui_radio_group_info oc_ui_radio_group(const char* name, oc_ui_radio_group_inf
.layout.spacing = 12 },
oc_ui_container(name, 0)
oc_ui_container_str8(name, 0)
for(int i = 0; i < info->optionCount; i++)
@ -3036,6 +3081,11 @@ oc_ui_radio_group_info oc_ui_radio_group(const char* name, oc_ui_radio_group_inf
return (result);
oc_ui_radio_group_info oc_ui_radio_group(const char* name, oc_ui_radio_group_info* info)
return oc_ui_radio_group_str8(OC_STR8(name), info);
// text box
@ -3817,7 +3867,7 @@ void oc_ui_text_box_render(oc_ui_box* box, void* data)
oc_ui_text_box_result oc_ui_text_box(const char* name, oc_arena* arena, oc_str8 text)
oc_ui_text_box_result oc_ui_text_box_str8(oc_str8 name, oc_arena* arena, oc_str8 text)
oc_ui_context* ui = oc_ui_get_context();
oc_ui_theme* theme = ui->theme;
@ -3853,7 +3903,7 @@ oc_ui_text_box_result oc_ui_text_box(const char* name, oc_arena* arena, oc_str8
oc_ui_flags frameFlags = OC_UI_FLAG_CLICKABLE
oc_ui_box* frame = oc_ui_box_begin(name, frameFlags);
oc_ui_box* frame = oc_ui_box_begin_str8(name, frameFlags);
oc_ui_tag_box(frame, "frame");
oc_font font = frame->style.font;
f32 fontSize = frame->style.fontSize;
@ -4136,6 +4186,11 @@ oc_ui_text_box_result oc_ui_text_box(const char* name, oc_arena* arena, oc_str8
return (result);
oc_ui_text_box_result oc_ui_text_box(const char* name, oc_arena* arena, oc_str8 text)
return oc_ui_text_box_str8(OC_STR8(name), arena, text);
// Themes
// doc/UIColors.md has them visualized
@ -518,7 +518,6 @@ struct oc_ui_box
oc_list beforeRules;
oc_list afterRules;
//oc_ui_style_tag tag;
oc_ui_style* targetStyle;
oc_ui_style style;
u32 z;
@ -632,8 +631,6 @@ typedef struct oc_ui_context
i32 editWordSelectionInitialCursor;
i32 editWordSelectionInitialMark;
bool clipboardRegistered;
oc_ui_theme* theme;
} oc_ui_context;
@ -731,39 +728,28 @@ ORCA_API void oc_ui_style_match_after(oc_ui_pattern pattern, oc_ui_style* style,
// Basic widget helpers
ORCA_API oc_ui_sig oc_ui_label(const char* label);
ORCA_API oc_ui_sig oc_ui_label_str8(oc_str8 label);
ORCA_API oc_ui_sig oc_ui_button(const char* label);
ORCA_API oc_ui_sig oc_ui_checkbox(const char* name, bool* checked);
ORCA_API oc_ui_box* oc_ui_slider(const char* label, f32* value);
ORCA_API oc_ui_box* oc_ui_scrollbar(const char* label, f32 thumbRatio, f32* scrollValue);
ORCA_API oc_ui_box* oc_ui_slider(const char* name, f32* value);
ORCA_API oc_ui_box* oc_ui_scrollbar(const char* name, f32 thumbRatio, f32* scrollValue);
ORCA_API void oc_ui_tooltip(const char* label);
ORCA_API void oc_ui_panel_begin(const char* name, oc_ui_flags flags);
ORCA_API void oc_ui_panel_end(void);
#define oc_ui_panel(s, f) oc_defer_loop(oc_ui_panel_begin(s, f), oc_ui_panel_end())
ORCA_API void oc_ui_menu_bar_begin(const char* label);
ORCA_API void oc_ui_menu_bar_begin(const char* name);
ORCA_API void oc_ui_menu_bar_end(void);
#define oc_ui_menu_bar(name) oc_defer_loop(oc_ui_menu_bar_begin(name), oc_ui_menu_bar_end())
ORCA_API void oc_ui_menu_begin(const char* label);
ORCA_API void oc_ui_menu_end(void);
#define oc_ui_menu(name) oc_defer_loop(oc_ui_menu_begin(name), oc_ui_menu_end())
#define oc_ui_menu(label) oc_defer_loop(oc_ui_menu_begin(label), oc_ui_menu_end())
ORCA_API oc_ui_sig oc_ui_menu_button(const char* name);
ORCA_API oc_ui_sig oc_ui_menu_button(const char* label);
typedef struct oc_ui_text_box_result
Reference in New Issue