import xml.etree.ElementTree as et from argparse import ArgumentParser from datetime import datetime #--------------------------------------------------------------- #NOTE: get args #--------------------------------------------------------------- parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-s", "--spec") parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory") args = parser.parse_args() apiName = 'gl_api' loaderName = 'gl_loader' apiPath = + '/' + apiName + '.h' loaderHeaderPath = + '/' + loaderName + '.h' loaderCPath = + '/' + loaderName + '.c' #--------------------------------------------------------------- #NOTE: gather all GL functions in GL 4.1, 4.3, and GLES 3.0 and 3.1 #--------------------------------------------------------------- def gather_api(tree, api, version): procs = [] for feature in tree.iterfind('feature[@api="'+ api +'"]'): if float(feature.get('number')) > version: break for require in feature.iter('require'): if require.get('profile') == 'compatibility': continue for command in require.iter('command'): procs.append(command.get('name')) for remove in feature.iter('remove'): for command in remove.iter('command'): procs.remove(command.get('name')) return(procs) tree = et.parse(args.spec) # put all GL commands in a dict commands = dict() commandsSpec = tree.find('./commands') for command in commandsSpec.iter('command'): name = command.find('proto/name') commands[name.text] = command #gather command names per API gl41 = gather_api(tree, 'gl', 4.1) gl43 = gather_api(tree, 'gl', 4.3) gl44 = gather_api(tree, 'gl', 4.4) gles31 = gather_api(tree, 'gles2', 3.1) gles32 = gather_api(tree, 'gles2', 3.2) glall = list(set().union(gl41, gl43, gl44, gles31, gles32)) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # helpers #--------------------------------------------------------------- def emit_doc(f, name, ext): f.write("/********************************************************\n") f.write("*\n") f.write("*\t@file: " + name + ext + '\n') f.write("*\t@note: auto-generated by from gl.xml\n") f.write("*\t@date: %s\n" %"%d/%m%Y")) f.write("*\n") f.write("*********************************************************/\n") def emit_begin_guard(f, name): guard = '__' + name.upper() + '_H__' f.write("#ifndef " + guard + "\n") f.write("#define " + guard + "\n\n") def emit_end_guard(f, name): guard = '__' + name.upper() + '_H__' f.write("#endif // " + guard + "\n") def remove_prefix(s, prefix): if s.startswith(prefix): return s[len(prefix):] #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate GL API header file #--------------------------------------------------------------- f = open(apiPath, 'w') emit_doc(f, apiName, '.h') emit_begin_guard(f, apiName) f.write('#include"GL/glcorearb.h"\n') f.write('#include"GLES3/gl32.h"\n\n') # generate interface struct f.write('typedef struct oc_gl_api\n{\n') f.write(' const char* name;\n') for func in glall: f.write('\t' + 'PFN' + func.upper() + 'PROC ' + remove_prefix(func, 'gl') + ';\n') f.write('} oc_gl_api;\n\n') # generate interface macros # TODO guard for different api/versions and only #define functions present in desired version f.write("ORCA_API oc_gl_api* oc_gl_get_api(void);\n\n") for func in glall: f.write('#define ' + func + ' oc_gl_get_api()->' + remove_prefix(func, 'gl') + '\n') emit_end_guard(f, apiName) f.close() #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate GL loader header #--------------------------------------------------------------- f = open(loaderHeaderPath, 'w') emit_doc(f, loaderName, '.h') emit_begin_guard(f, loaderName) f.write('#include"gl_api.h"\n\n') f.write("typedef void*(*oc_gl_load_proc)(const char* name);\n\n") f.write("void oc_gl_load_gl41(oc_gl_api* api, oc_gl_load_proc loadProc);\n") f.write("void oc_gl_load_gl43(oc_gl_api* api, oc_gl_load_proc loadProc);\n") f.write("void oc_gl_load_gl44(oc_gl_api* api, oc_gl_load_proc loadProc);\n") f.write("void oc_gl_load_gles30(oc_gl_api* api, oc_gl_load_proc loadProc);\n") f.write("void oc_gl_load_gles31(oc_gl_api* api, oc_gl_load_proc loadProc);\n\n") f.write("void oc_gl_select_api(oc_gl_api* api);\n\n") emit_end_guard(f, loaderName) f.close() #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate GL loader code #--------------------------------------------------------------- def emit_loader(f, name, procs): f.write('void oc_gl_load_'+ name +'(oc_gl_api* api, oc_gl_load_proc loadProc)\n') f.write("{\n") f.write(' api->name = "'+ name +'";\n') for proc in glall: if proc in procs: f.write(' api->' + remove_prefix(proc, 'gl') + ' = loadProc("' + proc + '");\n') else: f.write(' api->' + remove_prefix(proc, 'gl') + ' = oc_' + proc + '_noimpl;\n') f.write("}\n\n") def emit_null_api(f, procs): f.write('oc_gl_api oc_glNoAPI;\n\n') for name in procs: command = commands.get(name) if command == None: print("Couldn't find definition for required command '" + name + "'") exit(-1) proto = command.find("proto") ptype = proto.find("ptype") retType = '' if proto.text != None: retType += proto.text if ptype != None: if ptype.text != None: retType += ptype.text if ptype.tail != None: retType += ptype.tail retType = retType.strip() f.write(retType + ' oc_' + name + '_noimpl(') params = command.findall('param') if len(params) == 0: f.write('void') for i, param in enumerate(params): argName = param.find('name').text typeNode = param.find('ptype') typeName = '' if param.text != None: typeName += param.text if typeNode != None: if typeNode.text != None: typeName += typeNode.text if typeNode.tail != None: typeName += typeNode.tail typeName = typeName.strip() f.write(typeName + ' ' + argName) if i < len(params)-1: f.write(', ') f.write(')\n') f.write('{\n') f.write(' if(oc_glAPI == &oc_glNoAPI)\n') f.write(' {\n') f.write(' oc_log_error("No GL or GLES API is selected. Make sure you call oc_surface_prepare() before calling OpenGL API functions.\\n");\n') f.write(' }\n') f.write(' else\n') f.write(' {\n') f.write(' oc_log_error("'+ name +' is not part of currently selected %s API\\n", oc_glAPI->name);\n') f.write(' }\n') if retType != 'void': f.write(' return(('+ retType +')0);\n') f.write('}\n') f.write('oc_gl_api oc_glNoAPI = {\n') for proc in procs: f.write(' .' + remove_prefix(proc, 'gl') + ' = oc_' + proc + '_noimpl,\n') f.write("};\n\n") f = open(loaderCPath, 'w') emit_doc(f, loaderName, '.c') f.write('#include"' + loaderName + '.h"\n') f.write('#include"platform/platform.h"\n\n') f.write("oc_thread_local oc_gl_api* oc_glAPI = 0;\n") emit_null_api(f, glall) emit_loader(f, 'gl41', gl41) emit_loader(f, 'gl43', gl43) emit_loader(f, 'gl44', gl44) emit_loader(f, 'gles31', gles31) emit_loader(f, 'gles32', gles32) f.write("void oc_gl_select_api(oc_gl_api* api){ oc_glAPI = api; }\n") f.write("void oc_gl_deselect_api(){ oc_glAPI = &oc_glNoAPI; }\n") f.write("oc_gl_api* oc_gl_get_api(void) { return(oc_glAPI); }\n\n") f.close()