/************************************************************************* * * Orca * Copyright 2023 Martin Fouilleul and the Orca project contributors * See LICENSE.txt for licensing information * **************************************************************************/ #include #include const oc_str8 clockNumberStrings[] = { OC_STR8_LIT("12"), OC_STR8_LIT("1"), OC_STR8_LIT("2"), OC_STR8_LIT("3"), OC_STR8_LIT("4"), OC_STR8_LIT("5"), OC_STR8_LIT("6"), OC_STR8_LIT("7"), OC_STR8_LIT("8"), OC_STR8_LIT("9"), OC_STR8_LIT("10"), OC_STR8_LIT("11"), }; oc_surface surface = { 0 }; oc_canvas canvas = { 0 }; oc_font font = { 0 }; oc_vec2 frameSize = { 100, 100 }; f64 lastSeconds = 0; oc_mat2x3 mat_transform(f32 x, f32 y, f32 radians) { oc_mat2x3 rotation = oc_mat2x3_rotate(radians); oc_mat2x3 translation = oc_mat2x3_translate(x, y); return oc_mat2x3_mul_m(translation, rotation); } ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_init(void) { oc_window_set_title(OC_STR8("clock")); oc_window_set_size((oc_vec2){ .x = 400, .y = 400 }); surface = oc_surface_canvas(); canvas = oc_canvas_create(); oc_unicode_range ranges[5] = { OC_UNICODE_BASIC_LATIN, OC_UNICODE_C1_CONTROLS_AND_LATIN_1_SUPPLEMENT, OC_UNICODE_LATIN_EXTENDED_A, OC_UNICODE_LATIN_EXTENDED_B, OC_UNICODE_SPECIALS }; font = oc_font_create_from_path(OC_STR8("/segoeui.ttf"), 5, ranges); } ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_resize(u32 width, u32 height) { frameSize.x = width; frameSize.y = height; } ORCA_EXPORT void oc_on_frame_refresh(void) { oc_canvas_select(canvas); oc_set_color_rgba(.05, .05, .05, 1); oc_clear(); const f64 timestampSecs = oc_clock_time(OC_CLOCK_DATE); const f64 secs = fmod(timestampSecs, 60); const f64 minutes = fmod(timestampSecs, 60 * 60) / 60; const f64 hours = fmod(timestampSecs, 60 * 60 * 24) / (60 * 60); const f64 hoursAs12Format = fmod(hours, 12.0); if(lastSeconds != floor(secs)) { lastSeconds = floor(secs); oc_log_info("current time: %.0f:%.0f:%.0f", floor(hours), floor(minutes), floor(secs)); } const f32 secondsRotation = (M_PI * 2) * (secs / 60.0) - (M_PI / 2); const f32 minutesRotation = (M_PI * 2) * (minutes / 60.0) - (M_PI / 2); const f32 hoursRotation = (M_PI * 2) * (hoursAs12Format / 12.0) - (M_PI / 2); const f32 centerX = frameSize.x / 2; const f32 centerY = frameSize.y / 2; const f32 clockRadius = oc_min(frameSize.x, frameSize.y) * 0.5f * 0.85f; const f32 DEFAULT_CLOCK_RADIUS = 260; const f32 uiScale = clockRadius / DEFAULT_CLOCK_RADIUS; const f32 fontSize = 26 * uiScale; oc_set_font(font); oc_set_font_size(fontSize); // clock backing oc_set_color_rgba(1, 1, 1, 1); oc_circle_fill(centerX, centerY, clockRadius); // clock face for(int i = 0; i < oc_array_size(clockNumberStrings); ++i) { oc_rect textRect = oc_font_text_metrics(font, fontSize, clockNumberStrings[i]).ink; const f32 angle = i * ((M_PI * 2) / 12.0f) - (M_PI / 2); oc_mat2x3 transform = mat_transform(centerX - (textRect.w / 2) - textRect.x, centerY - (textRect.h / 2) - textRect.y, angle); oc_vec2 pos = oc_mat2x3_mul(transform, (oc_vec2){ clockRadius * 0.8f, 0 }); oc_set_color_rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1); oc_text_fill(pos.x, pos.y, clockNumberStrings[i]); } // hours hand oc_matrix_push(mat_transform(centerX, centerY, hoursRotation)); { oc_set_color_rgba(.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1); oc_rounded_rectangle_fill(0, -7.5 * uiScale, clockRadius * 0.5f, 15 * uiScale, 5 * uiScale); } oc_matrix_pop(); // minutes hand oc_matrix_push(mat_transform(centerX, centerY, minutesRotation)); { oc_set_color_rgba(.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1); oc_rounded_rectangle_fill(0, -5 * uiScale, clockRadius * 0.7f, 10 * uiScale, 5 * uiScale); } oc_matrix_pop(); // seconds hand oc_matrix_push(mat_transform(centerX, centerY, secondsRotation)); { oc_set_color_rgba(1, 0.2, 0.2, 1); oc_rounded_rectangle_fill(0, -2.5 * uiScale, clockRadius * 0.8f, 5 * uiScale, 5 * uiScale); } oc_matrix_pop(); oc_set_color_rgba(.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1); oc_circle_fill(centerX, centerY, 10 * uiScale); oc_surface_select(surface); oc_render(canvas); oc_surface_present(surface); }