/************************************************************//** * * @file: main.c * @author: Martin Fouilleul * @date: 11/04/2023 * *****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #define MG_INCLUDE_GL_API #include"milepost.h" #include"orca_runtime.h" #include"memory_impl.c" #define LOG_SUBSYSTEM "Orca" /* void orca_log(int len, const char* ptr) { log_info("%.*s", len, ptr); } */ void orca_log_entry(log_level level, int fileLen, char* file, int functionLen, char* function, int line, int msgLen, char* msg) { log_entry(level, str8_from_buffer(fileLen, file), str8_from_buffer(functionLen, function), line, "%.*s\n", msgLen, msg); } void mg_matrix_push_flat(float a11, float a12, float a13, float a21, float a22, float a23) { mg_mat2x3 m = {a11, a12, a13, a21, a22, a23}; mg_matrix_push(m); } int orca_assert(const char* file, const char* function, int line, const char* src, const char* note) { mem_arena* scratch = mem_scratch(); str8 msg = str8_pushf(scratch, "Assertion failed in function %s() in file \"%s\", line %i:\n%s\nNote: %s\n", function, file, line, src, note); const char* msgCStr = str8_to_cstring(scratch, msg); log_error(msgCStr); const char* options[] = {"OK"}; mp_alert_popup("Assertion Failed", msgCStr, 1, options); //TODO: should terminate more gracefully... exit(-1); } mg_font mg_font_create_default() { //NOTE(martin): create default font str8 fontPath = mp_app_get_resource_path(mem_scratch(), "../resources/OpenSansLatinSubset.ttf"); char* fontPathCString = str8_to_cstring(mem_scratch(), fontPath); FILE* fontFile = fopen(fontPathCString, "r"); if(!fontFile) { log_error("Could not load font file '%s': %s\n", fontPathCString, strerror(errno)); return(mg_font_nil()); } unsigned char* fontData = 0; fseek(fontFile, 0, SEEK_END); u32 fontDataSize = ftell(fontFile); rewind(fontFile); fontData = (unsigned char*)malloc(fontDataSize); fread(fontData, 1, fontDataSize, fontFile); fclose(fontFile); unicode_range ranges[5] = {UNICODE_RANGE_BASIC_LATIN, UNICODE_RANGE_C1_CONTROLS_AND_LATIN_1_SUPPLEMENT, UNICODE_RANGE_LATIN_EXTENDED_A, UNICODE_RANGE_LATIN_EXTENDED_B, UNICODE_RANGE_SPECIALS}; mg_font font = mg_font_create_from_memory(fontDataSize, fontData, 5, ranges); free(fontData); return(font); } #include"bindgen_core_api.c" #include"canvas_api_bind.c" #include"bindgen_gles_api.c" #include"manual_gles_api.c" typedef struct orca_app { mp_window window; mg_surface surface; mg_surface mtlSurface; mg_canvas canvas; orca_runtime runtime; } orca_app; char m3_type_to_tag(M3ValueType type) { switch(type) { case c_m3Type_none: return('v'); case c_m3Type_i32: return('i'); case c_m3Type_i64: return('I'); case c_m3Type_f32: return('f'); case c_m3Type_f64: return('d'); case c_m3Type_unknown: return('!'); } } void orca_runtime_init(orca_runtime* runtime) { memset(runtime, 0, sizeof(orca_runtime)); mem_base_allocator* allocator = mem_base_allocator_default(); runtime->wasmMemory.committed = 0; runtime->wasmMemory.reserved = 4ULL<<30; runtime->wasmMemory.ptr = mem_base_reserve(allocator, runtime->wasmMemory.reserved); } orca_app __orcaApp; orca_runtime* orca_runtime_get() { return(&__orcaApp.runtime); } void* orca_runloop(void* user) { orca_app* app = &__orcaApp; orca_runtime_init(&app->runtime); //NOTE: loads wasm module const char* bundleNameCString = "module"; str8 modulePath = mp_app_get_resource_path(mem_scratch(), "../wasm/module.wasm"); const char* modulePathCString = str8_to_cstring(mem_scratch(), modulePath); FILE* file = fopen(modulePathCString, "rb"); if(!file) { log_error("Couldn't load wasm module at %s\n", modulePathCString); return((void*)-1); } fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); u64 wasmSize = ftell(file); rewind(file); app->runtime.wasmBytecode.len = wasmSize; app->runtime.wasmBytecode.ptr = malloc_array(char, wasmSize); fread(app->runtime.wasmBytecode.ptr, 1, app->runtime.wasmBytecode.len, file); fclose(file); u32 stackSize = 65536; app->runtime.m3Env = m3_NewEnvironment(); app->runtime.m3Runtime = m3_NewRuntime(app->runtime.m3Env, stackSize, NULL); m3_RuntimeSetMemoryCallbacks(app->runtime.m3Runtime, wasm_memory_resize_callback, wasm_memory_free_callback, &app->runtime.wasmMemory); //NOTE: host memory will be freed when runtime is freed. //TODO check errors m3_ParseModule(app->runtime.m3Env, &app->runtime.m3Module, (u8*)app->runtime.wasmBytecode.ptr, app->runtime.wasmBytecode.len); m3_LoadModule(app->runtime.m3Runtime, app->runtime.m3Module); m3_SetModuleName(app->runtime.m3Module, bundleNameCString); mem_scratch_clear(); //NOTE: bind orca APIs bindgen_link_core_api(app->runtime.m3Module); bindgen_link_canvas_api(app->runtime.m3Module); bindgen_link_gles_api(app->runtime.m3Module); manual_link_gles_api(app->runtime.m3Module); //NOTE: compile M3Result res = m3_CompileModule(app->runtime.m3Module); if(res) { M3ErrorInfo errInfo = {}; m3_GetErrorInfo(app->runtime.m3Runtime, &errInfo); log_error("wasm error: %s\n", errInfo.message); return((void*)-1); } //NOTE: Find heap base u32 heapBase = 0; { IM3Global global = m3_FindGlobal(app->runtime.m3Module, "__heap_base"); if(global) { M3TaggedValue val; M3Result res = m3_GetGlobal(global, &val); if(!res && val.type == c_m3Type_i32) { heapBase = val.value.i32; } else { log_error("couldn't get value of __heap_base\n"); return((void*)-1); } } else { log_error("couldn't locate __heap_base\n"); return((void*)-1); } } //NOTE: align heap base on 16Bytes heapBase = AlignUpOnPow2(heapBase, 16); log_info("mem_size = %u, __heap_base = %u\n", m3_GetMemorySize(app->runtime.m3Runtime), heapBase); //NOTE: Find and type check event handlers. for(int i=0; iruntime.m3Runtime, desc->name.ptr); if(handler) { bool checked = false; //NOTE: check function signature int retCount = m3_GetRetCount(handler); int argCount = m3_GetArgCount(handler); if(retCount == desc->retTags.len && argCount == desc->argTags.len) { checked = true; for(int retIndex = 0; retIndex < retCount; retIndex++) { M3ValueType m3Type = m3_GetRetType(handler, retIndex); char tag = m3_type_to_tag(m3Type); if(tag != desc->retTags.ptr[retIndex]) { checked = false; break; } } if(checked) { for(int argIndex = 0; argIndex < argCount; argIndex++) { M3ValueType m3Type = m3_GetArgType(handler, argIndex); char tag = m3_type_to_tag(m3Type); if(tag != desc->argTags.ptr[argIndex]) { checked = false; break; } } } } if(checked) { app->runtime.eventHandlers[i] = handler; } else { log_error("type mismatch for event handler %.*s\n", (int)desc->name.len, desc->name.ptr); } } } //mg_canvas_prepare(app->canvas); //NOTE: prepare GL surface mg_surface_prepare(app->surface); IM3Function* eventHandlers = app->runtime.eventHandlers; //NOTE: call init handler if(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_START]) { m3_Call(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_START], 0, 0); } if(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_FRAME_RESIZE]) { mp_rect frame = mg_surface_get_frame(app->surface); u32 width = (u32)frame.w; u32 height = (u32)frame.h; const void* args[2] = {&width, &height}; m3_Call(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_FRAME_RESIZE], 2, args); } while(!mp_should_quit()) { mp_event event = {0}; while(mp_next_event(&event)) { switch(event.type) { case MP_EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE: { mp_request_quit(); } break; case MP_EVENT_WINDOW_RESIZE: { mp_rect frame = {0, 0, event.frame.rect.w, event.frame.rect.h}; mg_surface_set_frame(app->mtlSurface, frame); if(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_FRAME_RESIZE]) { u32 width = (u32)event.frame.rect.w; u32 height = (u32)event.frame.rect.h; const void* args[2] = {&width, &height}; m3_Call(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_FRAME_RESIZE], 2, args); } } break; case MP_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON: { if(event.key.action == MP_KEY_PRESS) { if(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN]) { int key = event.key.code; const void* args[1] = {&key}; m3_Call(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN], 1, args); } } else { if(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_MOUSE_UP]) { int key = event.key.code; const void* args[1] = {&key}; m3_Call(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_MOUSE_UP], 1, args); } } } break; case MP_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE: { if(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE]) { const void* args[4] = {&event.move.x, &event.move.y, &event.move.deltaX, &event.move.deltaY}; m3_Call(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE], 4, args); } } break; case MP_EVENT_KEYBOARD_KEY: { if(event.key.action == MP_KEY_PRESS) { if(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_KEY_DOWN]) { const void* args[1] = {&event.key.code}; m3_Call(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_KEY_DOWN], 1, args); } } else if(event.key.action == MP_KEY_RELEASE) { if(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_KEY_UP]) { const void* args[1] = {&event.key.code}; m3_Call(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_KEY_UP], 1, args); } } } break; default: break; } } mg_canvas_prepare(app->canvas); if(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_FRAME_REFRESH]) { m3_Call(eventHandlers[G_EVENT_FRAME_REFRESH], 0, 0); } mg_present(); //TODO: update and render mem_scratch_clear(); } return(0); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { log_set_level(LOG_LEVEL_INFO); mp_init(); mp_clock_init(); mp_rect windowRect = {.x = 100, .y = 100, .w = 810, .h = 610}; mp_window window = mp_window_create(windowRect, "orca", 0); //NOTE: create surface and canvas mg_surface surface = mg_surface_create_for_window(window, MG_BACKEND_GLES); mg_surface_swap_interval(surface, 1); /* mg_canvas canvas = mg_canvas_create(surface); if(mg_canvas_is_nil(canvas)) { printf("Error: couldn't create canvas\n"); return(-1); } */ //NOTE: show window and start runloop mp_window_bring_to_front(window); mp_window_focus(window); mg_surface mtlSurface = mg_surface_create_for_window(window, MG_BACKEND_DEFAULT); mg_surface_swap_interval(mtlSurface, 1); mg_canvas canvas = mg_canvas_create(mtlSurface); __orcaApp = (orca_app){.window = window, .surface = surface, .mtlSurface = mtlSurface, .canvas = canvas}; pthread_t runloopThread; pthread_create(&runloopThread, 0, orca_runloop, 0); while(!mp_should_quit()) { mp_pump_events(0); //TODO: what to do with mem scratch here? } void* res; pthread_join(runloopThread, &res); // mg_canvas_destroy(canvas); // mg_surface_destroy(surface); mp_window_destroy(window); mp_terminate(); return(0); } #undef LOG_SUBSYSTEM