import hashlib import json import os import re import shutil from .log import * from .utils import yeetdir from .version import src_dir, orca_version def attach_source_commands(subparsers): source_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("source", help="Commands for helping compile the Orca source code into your project.") source_sub = source_cmd.add_subparsers(title="commands") cflags_cmd = source_sub.add_parser("cflags", help="Get help setting up a C or C++ compiler to compile the Orca source.") cflags_cmd.add_argument("srcdir", nargs="?", default=src_dir(), help="the directory containing the Orca source code (defaults to system installation)") cflags_cmd.set_defaults(func=shellish(cflags)) vendor_cmd = source_sub.add_parser("vendor", help="Copy the Orca source code into your project.") vendor_cmd.add_argument("dir", type=str, help="the directory into which the Orca source code will be copied") vendor_cmd.set_defaults(func=shellish(vendor)) def vendor(args): # Verify that we are ok to vendor into the requested dir. if os.path.exists(args.dir): try: with open(vendor_file_path(args.dir), "r") as f: vendor_info = json.load(f) version = vendor_info["version"] print(f"Orca version {version} is currently installed in that directory.") if vendor_checksum(args.dir) != vendor_info["checksum"]: log_error(f"The contents of your vendor directory have been modified. This command will exit to avoid overwriting any local changes. To proceed, manually delete {args.dir} and try again.") exit(1) except FileNotFoundError: if len(os.listdir(args.dir)) > 0: log_error(f"The requested directory already exists and does not appear to contain Orca source code. To avoid deleting anything important, please either provide the correct path or manually empty {args.dir} first.") exit(1) yeetdir(args.dir) shutil.copytree(src_dir(), args.dir) with open(vendor_file_path(args.dir), "w") as f: json.dump({ "version": orca_version(), "checksum": vendor_checksum(args.dir), }, f, indent=2) print(f"Version {orca_version()} of the Orca source code has been copied to {args.dir}.") def vendor_file_path(vendor_dir): return os.path.join(vendor_dir, ".orcavendor") def vendor_checksum(dir): return dirhash(dir, excluded_extensions=["orcavendor"]) def cflags(args): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.srcdir, "orca.h")): log_error(f"The provided path does not seem to contain the Orca source code: {args.srcdir}") exit(1) def path_contains(a, b): a_abs = os.path.abspath(a) b_abs = os.path.abspath(b) return os.path.commonpath([a_abs, b_abs]) == a_abs def nicepath(path): path_abs = os.path.abspath(path) if path_contains(os.getcwd(), path_abs): return os.path.relpath(path_abs) else: return path_abs include = nicepath(args.srcdir) orcac = nicepath(os.path.join(args.srcdir, "orca.c")) extinclude = nicepath(os.path.join(args.srcdir, "ext")) sysinclude = nicepath(os.path.join(args.srcdir, "libc-shim/include")) libcsource = nicepath(os.path.join(args.srcdir, "libc-shim/src/*.c")) print("To compile Orca as part of your C or C++ project, you must:") print(f"> Put the following directory on your SYSTEM include search path:") print(f" {sysinclude}") print(f"> Put the following directories on your include search path:") print(f" {include}") print(f" {extinclude}") print(f"> Compile the following file as a single translation unit:") print(f" {orcac}") print(f"> Compile the following files as separate translation units:") print(f" {libcsource}") print() print("The following clang flags are also required:") print("> --target=wasm32 (to compile to wasm)") print("> --no-standard-libraries (to use only our libc shim)") print("> -mbulk-memory (to enable memset/memcpy intrinsics, which are required)") print("> -D__ORCA__ (to signal that the Orca source code is being compiled to run on Orca itself)") print("> -Wl,--no-entry (to prevent wasm-ld from looking for a _start symbol)") print("> -Wl,--export-dynamic (to expose your module's functions to Orca)") print() print("And the following clang flags are recommended:") print("> -g -O2 (to compile with optimizations and debug info)") print() print("Complete clang example:") print() print(f"clang --target=wasm32 --no-standard-libraries -mbulk-memory -g -O2 -D__ORCA__ -Wl,--no-entry -Wl,--export-dynamic -isystem {sysinclude} -I {include} -I {extinclude} {orcac} {libcsource} your-main.c") print() if not path_contains(os.getcwd(), args.srcdir): print("If these paths look crazy to you, consider vendoring the source code into your") print("project using `orca source vendor`.") print() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Directory-hashing implementation pulled from the checksumdir package on pypi. # Licensed under the MIT license. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dirhash( dirname, hash_func=hashlib.sha1, excluded_files=None, ignore_hidden=False, followlinks=False, excluded_extensions=None, include_paths=False ): if not excluded_files: excluded_files = [] if not excluded_extensions: excluded_extensions = [] if not os.path.isdir(dirname): raise TypeError("{} is not a directory.".format(dirname)) hashvalues = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirname, topdown=True, followlinks=followlinks): if ignore_hidden and"/\.", root): continue dirs.sort() files.sort() for fname in files: if ignore_hidden and fname.startswith("."): continue if fname.split(".")[-1:][0] in excluded_extensions: continue if fname in excluded_files: continue hashvalues.append(_filehash(os.path.join(root, fname), hash_func)) if include_paths: hasher = hash_func() # get the resulting relative path into array of elements path_list = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, fname)).split(os.sep) # compute the hash on joined list, removes all os specific separators hasher.update(''.join(path_list).encode('utf-8')) hashvalues.append(hasher.hexdigest()) return _reduce_hash(hashvalues, hash_func) def _filehash(filepath, hashfunc): hasher = hashfunc() blocksize = 64 * 1024 if not os.path.exists(filepath): return hasher.hexdigest() with open(filepath, "rb") as fp: while True: data = if not data: break hasher.update(data) return hasher.hexdigest() def _reduce_hash(hashlist, hashfunc): hasher = hashfunc() for hashvalue in sorted(hashlist): hasher.update(hashvalue.encode("utf-8")) return hasher.hexdigest()