/************************************************************************* * * Orca * Copyright 2023 Martin Fouilleul and the Orca project contributors * See LICENSE.txt for licensing information * **************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES //NOTE: necessary for MSVC #include #include "orca.h" oc_font create_font() { //NOTE(martin): create font oc_arena_scope* scratch = oc_scratch_begin(); oc_str8 fontPath = oc_path_executable_relative(scratch.arena, OC_STR8("../../resources/OpenSansLatinSubset.ttf")); char* fontPathCString = oc_str8_to_cstring(scratch.arena, fontPath); FILE* fontFile = fopen(fontPathCString, "r"); if(!fontFile) { oc_log_error("Could not load font file '%s': %s\n", fontPathCString, strerror(errno)); oc_scratch_end(scratch); return (oc_font_nil()); } unsigned char* fontData = 0; fseek(fontFile, 0, SEEK_END); u32 fontDataSize = ftell(fontFile); rewind(fontFile); fontData = (unsigned char*)malloc(fontDataSize); fread(fontData, 1, fontDataSize, fontFile); fclose(fontFile); oc_unicode_range ranges[5] = { OC_UNICODE_BASIC_LATIN, OC_UNICODE_C1_CONTROLS_AND_LATIN_1_SUPPLEMENT, OC_UNICODE_LATIN_EXTENDED_A, OC_UNICODE_LATIN_EXTENDED_B, OC_UNICODE_SPECIALS }; oc_font font = oc_font_create_from_memory(oc_str8_from_buffer(fontDataSize, (char*)fontData), 5, ranges); free(fontData); oc_scratch_end(scratch); return (font); } int main() { oc_init(); oc_rect windowRect = { .x = 100, .y = 100, .w = 810, .h = 610 }; oc_window window = oc_window_create(windowRect, OC_STR8("test"), 0); oc_rect contentRect = oc_window_get_content_rect(window); //NOTE: create surface oc_surface surface = oc_surface_create_for_window(window, OC_CANVAS); if(oc_surface_is_nil(surface)) { oc_log_error("Error: couldn't create surface\n"); return (-1); } oc_surface_swap_interval(surface, 0); oc_canvas canvas = oc_canvas_create(); if(oc_canvas_is_nil(canvas)) { printf("Error: couldn't create canvas\n"); return (-1); } oc_font font = create_font(); // start app oc_window_bring_to_front(window); oc_window_focus(window); f32 x = 400, y = 300; f32 speed = 0; f32 dx = speed, dy = speed; f64 frameTime = 0; while(!oc_should_quit()) { f64 startTime = oc_clock_time(OC_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); oc_arena_scope* scratch = oc_scratch_begin(); oc_pump_events(0); oc_event* event = 0; while((event = oc_next_event(scratch.arena)) != 0) { switch(event->type) { case OC_EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE: { oc_request_quit(); } break; case OC_EVENT_KEYBOARD_KEY: { if(event->key.action == OC_KEY_PRESS || event->key.action == OC_KEY_REPEAT) { f32 factor = (event->key.mods & OC_KEYMOD_SHIFT) ? 10 : 1; if(event->key.code == OC_KEY_LEFT) { x -= 0.3 * factor; } else if(event->key.code == OC_KEY_RIGHT) { x += 0.3 * factor; } else if(event->key.code == OC_KEY_UP) { y -= 0.3 * factor; } else if(event->key.code == OC_KEY_DOWN) { y += 0.3 * factor; } } } break; default: break; } } if(x - 200 < 0) { x = 200; dx = speed; } if(x + 200 > contentRect.w) { x = contentRect.w - 200; dx = -speed; } if(y - 200 < 0) { y = 200; dy = speed; } if(y + 200 > contentRect.h) { y = contentRect.h - 200; dy = -speed; } x += dx; y += dy; // background oc_set_color_rgba(0, 1, 1, 1); oc_clear(); oc_set_color_rgba(1, 0, 1, 1); oc_rectangle_fill(0, 0, 100, 100); // head oc_set_color_rgba(1, 1, 0, 1); oc_circle_fill(x, y, 200); // smile f32 frown = frameTime > 0.033 ? -100 : 0; oc_set_color_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); oc_set_width(20); oc_move_to(x - 100, y + 100); oc_cubic_to(x - 50, y + 150 + frown, x + 50, y + 150 + frown, x + 100, y + 100); oc_stroke(); // eyes oc_ellipse_fill(x - 70, y - 50, 30, 50); oc_ellipse_fill(x + 70, y - 50, 30, 50); // text oc_set_color_rgba(0, 0, 1, 1); oc_set_font(font); oc_set_font_size(12); oc_move_to(50, 600 - 50); oc_str8 text = oc_str8_pushf(scratch.arena, "Orca vector graphics test program (frame time = %fs, fps = %f)...", frameTime, 1. / frameTime); oc_text_outlines(text); oc_fill(); oc_log_info("Orca vector graphics test program (frame time = %fs, fps = %f)...\n", frameTime, 1. / frameTime); oc_surface_select(surface); oc_render(canvas); oc_surface_present(surface); oc_scratch_end(scratch); frameTime = oc_clock_time(OC_CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - startTime; } oc_font_destroy(font); oc_canvas_destroy(canvas); oc_surface_destroy(surface); oc_window_destroy(window); oc_terminate(); return (0); }