# Install Clone the repo with the `--recurse-submodules` option. Get and build ANGLE (see `milepost/ext/angle_install_notes.md`), and put `libEGL.dylib` and `libGLESv2.dylib` in `milepost/bin`. Cd to orca and build milepost (the platform layer), wasm3 (the wasm runtime), then orca: ``` cd Orca ./build.sh milepost ./build.sh wasm3 ./build.sh orca ``` Build the sample orca app: ``` pushd samples/pong ; ./build.sh ; popd ``` This creates a `Pong.app` bundle in `samples/pong` that you can double click to run. You can also build milepost example apps like so: ``` cd milepost pushd examples/canvas ; ./build.sh ; popd pushd examples/perf_text ; ./build.sh ; popd pushd examples/tiger ; ./build.sh ; popd ```