#include #include #include extern float cosf(float); extern float sinf(float); extern float sqrtf(float); #define NUM_BLOCKS_PER_ROW 7 #define NUM_BLOCKS 42 // 7 * 6 #define BLOCKS_WIDTH 810.0f #define BLOCK_HEIGHT 30.0f #define BLOCKS_PADDING 15.0f #define BLOCKS_BOTTOM 300.0f const f32 BLOCK_WIDTH = (BLOCKS_WIDTH - ((NUM_BLOCKS_PER_ROW + 1) * BLOCKS_PADDING)) / NUM_BLOCKS_PER_ROW; #define PADDLE_MAX_LAUNCH_ANGLE 0.7f const mg_color paddleColor = {1, 0, 0, 1}; mp_rect paddle = {BLOCKS_WIDTH/2 - 100, 40, 200, 40}; const mg_color ballColor = {1, 1, 0, 1}; mp_rect ball = {200, 200, 20, 20}; vec2 velocity = {5, 5}; int blockHealth[NUM_BLOCKS]; vec2 frameSize = {100, 100}; bool leftDown = false; bool rightDown = false; mg_surface surface; mg_canvas canvas; mg_image waterImage; mg_image ballImage; mg_image paddleImage; mg_font pongFont; // TODO(ben): Why is this here? Why isn't it forward-declared by some header? mg_surface mg_surface_main(void); f32 lerp(f32 a, f32 b, f32 t); mp_rect blockRect(int i); int checkCollision(mp_rect block); str8 loadFile(mem_arena* arena, str8 filename) { file_handle file = file_open(filename, FILE_ACCESS_READ, 0); if(file_last_error(file) != IO_OK) { log_error("Couldn't open file %s\n", str8_to_cstring(mem_scratch(), filename)); } u64 size = file_size(file); char* buffer = mem_arena_alloc(arena, size); file_read(file, size, buffer); file_close(file); return str8_from_buffer(size, buffer); } ORCA_EXPORT void OnInit(void) { surface = mg_surface_main(); canvas = mg_canvas_create(); waterImage = mg_image_create_from_data(surface, loadFile(mem_scratch(), STR8("/underwater.jpg")), false); ballImage = mg_image_create_from_data(surface, loadFile(mem_scratch(), STR8("/ball.png")), false); paddleImage = mg_image_create_from_data(surface, loadFile(mem_scratch(), STR8("/wall.png")), false); str8 fontStr = loadFile(mem_scratch(), STR8("/Literata-SemiBoldItalic.ttf")); unicode_range ranges[5] = {UNICODE_RANGE_BASIC_LATIN, UNICODE_RANGE_C1_CONTROLS_AND_LATIN_1_SUPPLEMENT, UNICODE_RANGE_LATIN_EXTENDED_A, UNICODE_RANGE_LATIN_EXTENDED_B, UNICODE_RANGE_SPECIALS}; // NOTE(ben): Weird that images are "create from data" but fonts are "create from memory" // TODO: Decide whether we're using strings or explicit pointer + length pongFont = mg_font_create_from_memory(fontStr.len, (byte*)fontStr.ptr, 5, ranges); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BLOCKS; i++) { blockHealth[i] = 2; } mem_arena_clear(mem_scratch()); } ORCA_EXPORT void OnFrameResize(u32 width, u32 height) { log_info("frame resize %u, %u", width, height); frameSize.x = width; frameSize.y = height; } ORCA_EXPORT void OnMouseDown(int button) { log_info("mouse down!"); } ORCA_EXPORT void OnKeyDown(int key) { if(key == KEY_SPACE) { log_error("(this is just for testing errors)"); return; } if(key == KEY_ENTER) { log_warning("(this is just for testing warning)"); return; } log_info("key down: %i", key); if(key == KEY_LEFT) { leftDown = true; } if(key == KEY_RIGHT) { rightDown = true; } } ORCA_EXPORT void OnKeyUp(int key) { if(key == KEY_ENTER || key == KEY_SPACE) { return; } log_info("key up: %i", key); if(key == KEY_LEFT) { leftDown = false; } if(key == KEY_RIGHT) { rightDown = false; } } ORCA_EXPORT void OnFrameRefresh(void) { f32 aspect = frameSize.x/frameSize.y; if(leftDown) { paddle.x -= 10; } else if(rightDown) { paddle.x += 10; } paddle.x = Clamp(paddle.x, 0, frameSize.x - paddle.w); ball.x += velocity.x; ball.y += velocity.y; ball.x = Clamp(ball.x, 0, frameSize.x - ball.w); ball.y = Clamp(ball.y, 0, frameSize.y - ball.h); if (ball.x + ball.w >= frameSize.x) { velocity.x = -velocity.x; } if (ball.x <= 0) { velocity.x = -velocity.x; } if (ball.y + ball.h >= frameSize.y) { velocity.y = -velocity.y; } if ( ball.y <= paddle.y + paddle.h && ball.x+ball.w >= paddle.x && ball.x <= paddle.x + paddle.w && velocity.y < 0 ) { f32 t = ((ball.x + ball.w/2) - paddle.x) / paddle.w; f32 launchAngle = lerp(-PADDLE_MAX_LAUNCH_ANGLE, PADDLE_MAX_LAUNCH_ANGLE, t); f32 speed = sqrtf(velocity.x*velocity.x + velocity.y*velocity.y); velocity = (vec2){ sinf(launchAngle) * speed, cosf(launchAngle) * speed, }; ball.y = paddle.y + paddle.h; log_info("PONG!"); } if (ball.y <= 0) { ball.x = frameSize.x/2. - ball.w; ball.y = frameSize.y/2. - ball.h; } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BLOCKS; i++) { if (blockHealth[i] <= 0) { continue; } mp_rect r = blockRect(i); int result = checkCollision(r); if (result) { log_info("Collision! direction=%d", result); blockHealth[i] -= 1; f32 vx = velocity.x; f32 vy = velocity.y; switch (result) { case 1: case 5: velocity.y = -vy; break; case 3: case 7: velocity.x = -vx; break; case 2: case 6: velocity.x = -vy; velocity.y = -vx; break; case 4: case 8: velocity.x = vy; velocity.y = vx; break; } } } mg_canvas_set_current(canvas); mg_set_color_rgba(10.0f/255.0f, 31.0f/255.0f, 72.0f/255.0f, 1); mg_clear(); mg_mat2x3 transform = {1, 0, 0, 0, -1, frameSize.y}; mg_matrix_push(transform); { mg_set_color_rgba(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BLOCKS; i++) { if (blockHealth[i] <= 0) { continue; } mp_rect r = blockRect(i); mg_rectangle_fill(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); } mg_image_draw(paddleImage, paddle); mg_image_draw(ballImage, ball); } mg_matrix_pop(); mg_set_color_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); mg_set_font(pongFont); mg_set_font_size(14); mg_move_to(10, 20); str8 text = str8_pushf(mem_scratch(), "wahoo I'm did a text. ball is at x = %f, y = %f", ball.x, ball.y ); mg_text_outlines(text); mg_fill(); mg_surface_prepare(surface); mg_render(surface, canvas); mg_surface_present(surface); } mp_rect blockRect(int i) { int row = i / NUM_BLOCKS_PER_ROW; int col = i % NUM_BLOCKS_PER_ROW; return (mp_rect){ BLOCKS_PADDING + (BLOCKS_PADDING + BLOCK_WIDTH) * col, BLOCKS_BOTTOM + (BLOCKS_PADDING + BLOCK_HEIGHT) * row, BLOCK_WIDTH, BLOCK_HEIGHT }; } // Returns a cardinal direction 1-8 for the collision with the block, or zero // if no collision. 1 is straight up and directions proceed clockwise. int checkCollision(mp_rect block) { // Note that all the logic for this game has the origin in the bottom left. f32 ballx2 = ball.x + ball.w; f32 bally2 = ball.y + ball.h; f32 blockx2 = block.x + block.w; f32 blocky2 = block.y + block.h; if ( ballx2 < block.x || blockx2 < ball.x || bally2 < block.y || blocky2 < ball.y ) { // Ball is fully outside block return 0; } // if ( // (block.x <= ball.x && ballx2 <= blockx2) // && (block.y <= ball.y && bally2 <= blocky2) // ) { // // Ball is fully inside block; do not consider as a collision // return 0; // } // If moving right, the ball can bounce off its top right corner, right // side, or bottom right corner. Corner bounces occur if the block's bottom // left corner is in the ball's top right quadrant, or if the block's top // left corner is in the ball's bottom left quadrant. Otherwise, an edge // bounce occurs if the block's left edge falls in either of the ball's // right quadrants. // // This logic generalizes to other directions. // // We assume significant tunneling can't happen. vec2 ballCenter = (vec2){ball.x + ball.w/2, ball.y + ball.h/2}; vec2 blockCenter = (vec2){block.x + block.w/2, block.y + block.h/2}; // Moving right if (velocity.x > 0) { // Ball's top right corner if ( ballCenter.x <= block.x && block.x <= ballx2 && ballCenter.y <= block.y && block.y <= bally2 ) { return 2; } // Ball's bottom right corner if ( ballCenter.x <= block.x && block.x <= ballx2 && ball.y <= blocky2 && blocky2 <= ballCenter.y ) { return 4; } // Ball's right edge if ( ballCenter.x <= block.x && block.x <= ballx2 ) { return 3; } } // Moving up if (velocity.y > 0) { // Ball's top left corner if ( ball.x <= blockx2 && blockx2 <= ballCenter.x && ballCenter.y <= block.y && block.y <= bally2 ) { return 8; } // Ball's top right corner if ( ballCenter.x <= block.x && block.x <= ballx2 && ballCenter.y <= block.y && block.y <= bally2 ) { return 2; } // Ball's top edge if ( ballCenter.y <= block.y && block.y <= bally2 ) { return 1; } } // Moving left if (velocity.x < 0) { // Ball's bottom left corner if ( ball.x <= blockx2 && blockx2 <= ballCenter.x && ball.y <= blocky2 && blocky2 <= ballCenter.y ) { return 6; } // Ball's top left corner if ( ball.x <= blockx2 && blockx2 <= ballCenter.x && ballCenter.y <= block.y && block.y <= bally2 ) { return 8; } // Ball's left edge if ( ball.x <= blockx2 && blockx2 <= ballCenter.x ) { return 7; } } // Moving down if (velocity.y < 0) { // Ball's bottom right corner if ( ballCenter.x <= block.x && block.x <= ballx2 && ball.y <= blocky2 && blocky2 <= ballCenter.y ) { return 4; } // Ball's bottom left corner if ( ball.x <= blockx2 && blockx2 <= ballCenter.x && ball.y <= blocky2 && blocky2 <= ballCenter.y ) { return 6; } // Ball's bottom edge if ( ball.y <= blocky2 && blocky2 <= ballCenter.y ) { return 5; } } return 0; } f32 lerp(f32 a, f32 b, f32 t) { return (1 - t) * a + t * b; }