import glob import json import os import platform import urllib.request import shutil import subprocess from zipfile import ZipFile from . import checksum from .bindgen import bindgen from .checksum import dirsum from .gles_gen import gles_gen from .log import * from .utils import pushd, removeall, yeetdir, yeetfile from .embed_text_files import * from .version import check_if_source, is_orca_source, orca_version ANGLE_VERSION = "2023-07-05" MAC_SDK_DIR = "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk" def attach_dev_commands(subparsers): dev_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("dev", help="Commands for building Orca itself. Must be run from within an Orca source checkout.") dev_cmd.set_defaults(func=orca_source_only) dev_sub = dev_cmd.add_subparsers(required=is_orca_source(), title='commands') build_cmd = dev_sub.add_parser("build-runtime", help="Build the Orca runtime from source.") build_cmd.add_argument("--release", action="store_true", help="compile Orca in release mode (default is debug)") build_cmd.set_defaults(func=dev_shellish(build_runtime)) clean_cmd = dev_sub.add_parser("clean", help="Delete all build artifacts and start fresh.") clean_cmd.set_defaults(func=dev_shellish(clean)) install_cmd = dev_sub.add_parser("install", help="Install the Orca tools into a system folder.") install_cmd.add_argument("--no-confirm", action="store_true", help="don't ask the user for confirmation before installing") install_cmd.set_defaults(func=dev_shellish(install)) uninstall_cmd = dev_sub.add_parser("uninstall", help="Uninstall the system installation of Orca.") uninstall_cmd.set_defaults(func=dev_shellish(uninstall)) def orca_source_only(args): print("The Orca dev commands can only be run from an Orca source checkout.") print() print("If you want to build Orca yourself, download the source here:") print("") exit(1) def dev_shellish(func): use_source, source_dir, _ = check_if_source() if not use_source: return orca_source_only def func_from_source(args): os.chdir(source_dir) func(args) return shellish(func_from_source) def build_runtime(args): ensure_programs() ensure_angle() plonk_compile_commands() build_platform_layer("lib", args.release) build_wasm3(args.release) build_orca(args.release) with open("build/orcaruntime.sum", "w") as f: f.write(runtime_checksum()) def runtime_checksum_last(): try: with open("build/orcaruntime.sum", "r") as f: return except FileNotFoundError: return None def runtime_checksum(): return dirsum("src") def clean(args): yeetdir("build") yeetdir("src/ext/angle") yeetdir("scripts/files") yeetdir("scripts/__pycache__") def plonk_compile_commands(): os.makedirs("build", exist_ok=True) with open("scripts/compile_commands.template.json") as infile: out ='"{{ORCAROOT}}"', json.dumps(os.getcwd())) with open("build/compile_commands.json", "w") as outfile: outfile.write(out) def build_platform_layer(target, release): print("Building Orca platform layer...") os.makedirs("build/bin", exist_ok=True) os.makedirs("build/lib", exist_ok=True) if target == "lib": if platform.system() == "Windows": build_platform_layer_lib_win(release) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": build_platform_layer_lib_mac(release) else: log_error(f"can't build platform layer for unknown platform '{platform.system()}'") exit(1) elif target == "test": with pushd("examples/test_app"): # TODO?["./"]) elif target == "clean": removeall("bin") else: log_error(f"unrecognized platform layer target '{target}'") exit(1) def build_platform_layer_lib_win(release): embed_text_files("src\\graphics\\glsl_shaders.h", "glsl_", [ "src\\graphics\\glsl_shaders\\common.glsl", "src\\graphics\\glsl_shaders\\blit_vertex.glsl", "src\\graphics\\glsl_shaders\\blit_fragment.glsl", "src\\graphics\\glsl_shaders\\path_setup.glsl", "src\\graphics\\glsl_shaders\\segment_setup.glsl", "src\\graphics\\glsl_shaders\\backprop.glsl", "src\\graphics\\glsl_shaders\\merge.glsl", "src\\graphics\\glsl_shaders\\raster.glsl", "src\\graphics\\glsl_shaders\\balance_workgroups.glsl", ]) includes = [ "/I", "src", "/I", "src/ext", "/I", "src/ext/angle/include", ] libs = [ "user32.lib", "opengl32.lib", "gdi32.lib", "shcore.lib", "delayimp.lib", "dwmapi.lib", "comctl32.lib", "ole32.lib", "shell32.lib", "shlwapi.lib", "dxgi.lib", "dxguid.lib", "/LIBPATH:src/ext/angle/lib", "libEGL.dll.lib", "libGLESv2.dll.lib", "/DELAYLOAD:libEGL.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:libGLESv2.dll", ][ "cl", "/nologo", "/we4013", "/Zi", "/Zc:preprocessor", "/DOC_BUILD_DLL", "/std:c11", "/experimental:c11atomics", *includes, "src/orca.c", "/Fo:build/bin/orca.o", "/LD", "/link", "/MANIFEST:EMBED", "/MANIFESTINPUT:src/app/win32_manifest.xml", *libs, "/OUT:build/bin/orca.dll", "/IMPLIB:build/bin/orca.dll.lib", ], check=True) def build_platform_layer_lib_mac(release): flags = ["-mmacos-version-min=10.15.4"] cflags = ["-std=c11"] debug_flags = ["-O3"] if release else ["-g", "-DOC_DEBUG", "-DOC_LOG_COMPILE_DEBUG"] ldflags = [f"-L{MAC_SDK_DIR}/usr/lib", f"-F{MAC_SDK_DIR}/System/Library/Frameworks/"] includes = ["-Isrc", "-Isrc/util", "-Isrc/platform", "-Isrc/ext", "-Isrc/ext/angle/include"] # compile metal shader[ "xcrun", "-sdk", "macosx", "metal", # TODO: shaderFlagParam "-fno-fast-math", "-c", "-o", "build/mtl_renderer.air", "src/graphics/mtl_renderer.metal", ], check=True)[ "xcrun", "-sdk", "macosx", "metallib", "-o", "build/bin/mtl_renderer.metallib", "build/mtl_renderer.air", ], check=True) # compile platform layer. We use one compilation unit for all C code, and one # compilation unit for all Objective-C code[ "clang", *debug_flags, "-c", "-o", "build/orca_c.o", *cflags, *flags, *includes, "src/orca.c" ], check=True)[ "clang", *debug_flags, "-c", "-o", "build/orca_objc.o", *flags, *includes, "src/orca.m" ], check=True) # build dynamic library[ "ld", *ldflags, "-dylib", "-o", "build/bin/liborca.dylib", "build/orca_c.o", "build/orca_objc.o", "-Lsrc/ext/angle/bin", "-lc", "-framework", "Carbon", "-framework", "Cocoa", "-framework", "Metal", "-framework", "QuartzCore", "-weak-lEGL", "-weak-lGLESv2", ], check=True) # change dependent libs path to @rpath[ "install_name_tool", "-change", "./libEGL.dylib", "@rpath/libEGL.dylib", "build/bin/liborca.dylib", ], check=True)[ "install_name_tool", "-change", "./libGLESv2.dylib", "@rpath/libGLESv2.dylib", "build/bin/liborca.dylib", ], check=True) # add executable path to rpath. Client executable can still add its own # rpaths if needed, e.g. @executable_path/libs/ etc.[ "install_name_tool", "-id", "@rpath/liborca.dylib", "build/bin/liborca.dylib", ], check=True) def build_wasm3(release): print("Building wasm3...") os.makedirs("build/bin", exist_ok=True) os.makedirs("build/lib", exist_ok=True) os.makedirs("build/obj", exist_ok=True) if platform.system() == "Windows": build_wasm3_lib_win(release) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": build_wasm3_lib_mac(release) else: log_error(f"can't build wasm3 for unknown platform '{platform.system()}'") exit(1) def build_wasm3_lib_win(release): for f in glob.iglob("./src/ext/wasm3/source/*.c"): name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0][ "cl", "/nologo", "/Zi", "/Zc:preprocessor", "/c", "/O2", f"/Fo:build/obj/{name}.obj", "/I", "./src/ext/wasm3/source", f, ], check=True)[ "lib", "/nologo", "/out:build/bin/wasm3.lib", "build/obj/*.obj", ], check=True) def build_wasm3_lib_mac(release): includes = ["-Isrc/ext/wasm3/source"] debug_flags = ["-g", "-O2"] flags = [ *debug_flags, "-foptimize-sibling-calls", "-Wno-extern-initializer", "-Dd_m3VerboseErrorMessages", "-mmacos-version-min=10.15.4" ] for f in glob.iglob("src/ext/wasm3/source/*.c"): name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] + ".o"[ "clang", "-c", *flags, *includes, "-o", f"build/obj/{name}", f, ], check=True)["libtool", "-static", "-o", "build/lib/libwasm3.a", "-no_warning_for_no_symbols", *glob.glob("build/obj/*.o")], check=True)["rm", "-rf", "build/obj"], check=True) def build_orca(release): print("Building Orca runtime...") os.makedirs("build/bin", exist_ok=True) os.makedirs("build/lib", exist_ok=True) if platform.system() == "Windows": build_orca_win(release) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": build_orca_mac(release) else: log_error(f"can't build Orca for unknown platform '{platform.system()}'") exit(1) def build_orca_win(release): gen_all_bindings() # compile orca includes = [ "/I", "src", "/I", "src/ext", "/I", "src/ext/angle/include", "/I", "src/ext/wasm3/source", ] libs = [ "/LIBPATH:build/bin", "orca.dll.lib", "wasm3.lib", ][ "cl", "/Zi", "/Zc:preprocessor", "/std:c11", "/experimental:c11atomics", *includes, "src/runtime.c", "/link", *libs, "/out:build/bin/orca_runtime.exe", ], check=True) def build_orca_mac(release): includes = [ "-Isrc", "-Isrc/ext", "-Isrc/ext/angle/include", "-Isrc/ext/wasm3/source" ] libs = ["-Lbuild/bin", "-Lbuild/lib", "-lorca", "-lwasm3"] debug_flags = ["-O2"] if release else ["-g", "-DOC_DEBUG", "-DOC_LOG_COMPILE_DEBUG"] flags = [ *debug_flags, "-mmacos-version-min=10.15.4"] gen_all_bindings() # compile orca[ "clang", *flags, *includes, *libs, "-o", "build/bin/orca_runtime", "src/runtime.c", ], check=True) # fix libs imports[ "install_name_tool", "-change", "build/bin/liborca.dylib", "@rpath/liborca.dylib", "build/bin/orca_runtime", ], check=True)[ "install_name_tool", "-add_rpath", "@executable_path/", "build/bin/orca_runtime", ], check=True) def gen_all_bindings(): gles_gen("src/ext/gl.xml", "src/wasmbind/gles_api.json", "src/graphics/orca_gl31.h" ) bindgen("gles", "src/wasmbind/gles_api.json", wasm3_bindings="src/wasmbind/gles_api_bind_gen.c", ) bindgen("core", "src/wasmbind/core_api.json", guest_stubs="src/wasmbind/core_api_stubs.c", wasm3_bindings="src/wasmbind/core_api_bind_gen.c", ) bindgen("surface", "src/wasmbind/surface_api.json", guest_stubs="src/graphics/orca_surface_stubs.c", guest_include="graphics/graphics.h", wasm3_bindings="src/wasmbind/surface_api_bind_gen.c", ) bindgen("clock", "src/wasmbind/clock_api.json", guest_include="platform/platform_clock.h", wasm3_bindings="src/wasmbind/clock_api_bind_gen.c", ) bindgen("io", "src/wasmbind/io_api.json", guest_stubs="src/platform/orca_io_stubs.c", wasm3_bindings="src/wasmbind/io_api_bind_gen.c", ) bindgen("subprocess", "src/wasmbind/subprocess_api.json", guest_stubs="src/wasmbind/subprocess_api_stubs.c", wasm3_bindings="src/wasmbind/subprocess_api_bind_gen.c", ) def ensure_programs(): if platform.system() == "Windows": MSVC_MAJOR, MSVC_MINOR = 19, 35 try: cl_only =["cl"], capture_output=True, text=True) desc = cl_only.stderr.splitlines()[0] detect =["cl", "/EP", "scripts\\msvc_version.txt"], capture_output=True, text=True) parts = [x for x in detect.stdout.splitlines() if x] version, arch = int(parts[0]), parts[1] major, minor = int(version / 100), version % 100 if arch != "x64": msg = log_error("MSVC is not running in 64-bit mode. Make sure you are running in") msg.more("an x64 Visual Studio command prompt, such as the \"x64 Native Tools") msg.more("Command Prompt\" from your Start Menu.") msg.more() msg.more("MSVC reported itself as:") msg.more(desc) exit(1) if major < MSVC_MAJOR or minor < MSVC_MINOR: msg = log_error(f"Your version of MSVC is too old. You have version {major}.{minor},") msg.more(f"but version {MSVC_MAJOR}.{MSVC_MINOR} or greater is required.") msg.more() msg.more("MSVC reported itself as:") msg.more(desc) msg.more() msg.more("Please update Visual Studio to the latest version and try again.") exit(1) except FileNotFoundError: msg = log_error("MSVC was not found on your system.") msg.more("If you have already installed Visual Studio, make sure you are running in an") msg.more("x64 Visual Studio command prompt, such as the \"x64 Native Tools Command") msg.more("Prompt\" from your Start Menu. Otherwise, download and install Visual Studio,") msg.more("and ensure that your installation includes \"Desktop development with C++\"") msg.more("and \"C++ Clang Compiler\":") exit(1) if platform.system() == "Darwin": try:["clang", "-v"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except FileNotFoundError: msg = log_error("clang was not found on your system.") msg.more("Run the following to install it:") msg.more() msg.more(" brew install llvm") msg.more() exit(1) if not os.path.exists(MAC_SDK_DIR): msg = log_error("The Xcode command-line tools are not installed.") msg.more("Run the following to install them:") msg.more() msg.more(" xcode-select --install") msg.more() exit(1) def ensure_angle(): if not verify_angle(): download_angle() print("Verifying ANGLE download...") if not verify_angle(): log_error("automatic ANGLE download failed") exit(1) def verify_angle(): checkfiles = None if platform.system() == "Windows": checkfiles = [ "src/ext/angle/bin/libEGL.dll", "src/ext/angle/lib/libEGL.dll.lib", "src/ext/angle/bin/libGLESv2.dll", "src/ext/angle/lib/libGLESv2.dll.lib", ] elif platform.system() == "Darwin": checkfiles = [ "src/ext/angle/bin/libEGL.dylib", "src/ext/angle/bin/libGLESv2.dylib", ] if checkfiles is None: log_warning("could not verify if the correct version of ANGLE is present") return False ok = True for file in checkfiles: if not os.path.isfile(file): ok = False continue if not checksum.checkfile(file): ok = False continue return ok def download_angle(): print("Downloading ANGLE...") if platform.system() == "Windows": build = "windows-2019" elif platform.system() == "Darwin": build = "macos-jank" else: log_error(f"could not automatically download ANGLE for unknown platform {platform.system()}") return os.makedirs("scripts/files", exist_ok=True) filename = f"angle-{build}-{ANGLE_VERSION}.zip" filepath = f"scripts/files/{filename}" url = f"{ANGLE_VERSION}/{filename}" with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response: with open(filepath, "wb") as out: shutil.copyfileobj(response, out) if not checksum.checkfile(filepath): log_error(f"ANGLE download did not match checksum") exit(1) print("Extracting ANGLE...") with ZipFile(filepath, "r") as anglezip: anglezip.extractall(path="scripts/files") shutil.copytree(f"scripts/files/angle/", "src/ext/angle", dirs_exist_ok=True) def prompt(msg): while True: answer = input(f"{msg} (y/n)> ") if answer.lower() in ["y", "yes"]: return True elif answer.lower() in ["n", "no"]: return False else: print("Please enter \"yes\" or \"no\" and press return.") def install_dir(): if platform.system() == "Windows": return os.path.join(os.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA"), "orca") else: return os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", ".orca")) def install(args): if runtime_checksum_last() is None: print("You must build the Orca runtime before you can install it to your") print("system. Please run the following command first:") print() print("orca dev build-runtime") exit(1) if runtime_checksum() != runtime_checksum_last(): print("Your build of the Orca runtime is out of date. We recommend that you") print("rebuild the runtime first with `orca dev build-runtime`.") if not prompt("Do you wish to install the runtime anyway?"): return print() dest = install_dir() bin_dir = os.path.join(dest, "bin") src_dir = os.path.join(dest, "src") runtime_dir = os.path.join(dest, "build", "bin") resources_dir = os.path.join(dest, "resources") version_file = os.path.join(dest, ".orcaversion") version = orca_version() existing_version = None try: with open(version_file, "r") as f: existing_version = except FileNotFoundError: pass if not args.no_confirm: print(f"The Orca command-line tools (version {version}) will be installed to:") print(dest) print() if existing_version is not None: print(f"This will overwrite version {existing_version}.") print() if not prompt("Proceed with the installation?"): return yeetdir(bin_dir) yeetdir(src_dir) yeetdir(runtime_dir) yeetdir(resources_dir) yeetfile(version_file) # The MS Store version of Python does some really stupid stuff with AppData: # # # Any new files and folders created in AppData actually get created in a special # folder specific to the Python version. However, if the files or folders already # exist, the redirect does not happen. So, if we first use the shell to create the # paths we need, the following scripts work regardless of Python install. # # Also apparently you can't just do mkdir in a subprocess call here, hence the # trivial batch scripts. if platform.system() == "Windows":["scripts\\mkdir.bat", bin_dir], check=True)["scripts\\mkdir.bat", src_dir], check=True)["scripts\\touch.bat", version_file], check=True) shutil.copytree("scripts", os.path.join(bin_dir, "sys_scripts")) shutil.copy("orca", bin_dir) shutil.copytree("src", src_dir, dirs_exist_ok=True) shutil.copytree(os.path.join("build", "bin"), runtime_dir, dirs_exist_ok=True) shutil.copytree("resources", resources_dir, dirs_exist_ok=True) if platform.system() == "Windows": shutil.copy("orca.bat", bin_dir) with open(version_file, "w") as f: f.write(version) print() if platform.system() == "Windows": print("The Orca tools have been installed to the following directory:") print(bin_dir) print() print("The tools will need to be on your PATH in order to actually use them.") if prompt("Would you like to automatically add Orca to your PATH?"): try:["powershell", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "scripts\\updatepath.ps1", f'"{bin_dir}"'], check=True) print("Orca has been added to your PATH. Restart any open terminals to use it.") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: msg = log_warning(f"Failed to automatically add Orca to your PATH.") msg.more("Please manually add the following directory to your PATH:") msg.more(bin_dir) else: print("No worries. You can manually add Orca to your PATH in the Windows settings") print("by searching for \"environment variables\".") else: print("The Orca tools have been installed. Make sure the Orca tools are on your PATH by") print("adding the following to your shell config:") print() print(f"export PATH=\"{bin_dir}:$PATH\"") print() def install_path(): if platform.system() == "Windows": orca_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA"), "orca") else: orca_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", ".orca")) bin_dir = os.path.join(orca_dir, "bin") return (orca_dir, bin_dir) def yeet(path): os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) shutil.rmtree(path) def uninstall(args): orca_dir, bin_dir = install_path() if not os.path.exists(orca_dir): print("Orca is not installed on your system.") exit() print(f"Orca is currently installed at {orca_dir}.") if prompt("Are you sure you want to uninstall?"): yeet(orca_dir) if platform.system() == "Windows": print("Orca has been uninstalled from your system.") print() if prompt("Would you like to automatically remove Orca from your PATH?"): try:["powershell", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "scripts\\updatepath.ps1", f'"{bin_dir}"', "-remove"], check=True) print("Orca has been removed from your PATH.") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: msg = log_warning(f"Failed to automatically remove Orca from your PATH.") msg.more("Please manually remove the following directory from your PATH:") msg.more(bin_dir) else: print("Orca has been uninstalled from your system. You may wish to remove it from your PATH.")