/************************************************************//** * * @file: memory_impl.c * @author: Martin Fouilleul * @date: 17/04/2023 * *****************************************************************/ #include"orca_app.h" void* wasm_memory_resize_callback(void* p, unsigned long size, void* userData) { wasm_memory* memory = (wasm_memory*)userData; if(memory->committed >= size) { return(memory->ptr); } else if(memory->committed < memory->reserved) { u32 commitSize = size - memory->committed; mem_base_allocator* allocator = mem_base_allocator_default(); mem_base_commit(allocator, memory->ptr + memory->committed, commitSize); memory->committed += commitSize; return(memory->ptr); } else { DEBUG_ASSERT(0, "Out of memory"); return(0); } } void wasm_memory_free_callback(void* p, void* userData) { wasm_memory* memory = (wasm_memory*)userData; mem_base_allocator* allocator = mem_base_allocator_default(); mem_base_release(allocator, memory->ptr, memory->reserved); memset(memory, 0, sizeof(wasm_memory)); } extern u32 orca_mem_grow(u64 size) { orca_runtime* runtime = orca_runtime_get(); wasm_memory* memory = &runtime->wasmMemory; size = AlignUpOnPow2(size, d_m3MemPageSize); u64 totalSize = size + m3_GetMemorySize(runtime->m3Runtime); u32 addr = memory->committed; //NOTE: call resize memory, which will call our custom resize callback... this is a bit involved because // wasm3 doesn't allow resizing the memory directly M3Result res = ResizeMemory(runtime->m3Runtime, totalSize/d_m3MemPageSize); return(addr); }