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* @file: graphics.h
* @author: Martin Fouilleul
* @date: 23/01/2023
* @revision:
#ifndef __GRAPHICS_H_
#define __GRAPHICS_H_
//NOTE(martin): graphics surface
typedef struct mg_surface { u64 h; } mg_surface;
mg_surface mg_surface_nil();
bool mg_surface_is_nil(mg_surface surface);
void mg_surface_destroy(mg_surface surface);
void mg_surface_prepare(mg_surface surface);
void mg_surface_present(mg_surface surface);
void mg_surface_swap_interval(mg_surface surface, int swap);
mp_rect mg_surface_get_frame(mg_surface surface);
void mg_surface_set_frame(mg_surface surface, mp_rect frame);
bool mg_surface_get_hidden(mg_surface surface);
void mg_surface_set_hidden(mg_surface surface, bool hidden);
//NOTE(martin): graphics canvas structs
typedef struct mg_canvas { u64 h; } mg_canvas;
typedef struct mg_stream { u64 h; } mg_stream;
typedef struct mg_font { u64 h; } mg_font;
typedef struct mg_mat2x3
f32 m[6];
} mg_mat2x3;
typedef struct mg_color
f32 r;
f32 g;
f32 b;
f32 a;
f32 c[4];
} mg_color;
typedef enum {MG_JOINT_MITER = 0,
MG_JOINT_NONE } mg_joint_type;
typedef enum {MG_CAP_NONE = 0,
MG_CAP_SQUARE } mg_cap_type;
typedef struct mg_font_extents
f32 ascent; // the extent above the baseline (by convention a positive value extends above the baseline)
f32 descent; // the extent below the baseline (by convention, positive value extends below the baseline)
f32 leading; // spacing between one row's descent and the next row's ascent
f32 xHeight; // height of the lower case letter 'x'
f32 capHeight; // height of the upper case letter 'M'
f32 width; // maximum width of the font
} mg_font_extents;
typedef struct mg_text_extents
f32 xBearing;
f32 yBearing;
f32 width;
f32 height;
f32 xAdvance;
f32 yAdvance;
} mg_text_extents;
//NOTE(martin): graphics canvas
mg_canvas mg_canvas_create(mg_surface surface);
void mg_canvas_destroy(mg_canvas canvas);
mg_canvas mg_canvas_set_current(mg_canvas canvas);
void mg_flush();
//NOTE(martin): transform, viewport and clipping
void mg_viewport(mp_rect viewPort);
void mg_matrix_push(mg_mat2x3 matrix);
void mg_matrix_pop();
void mg_clip_push(f32 x, f32 y, f32 w, f32 h);
void mg_clip_pop();
//NOTE(martin): graphics attributes setting/getting
void mg_set_color(mg_color color);
void mg_set_color_rgba(f32 r, f32 g, f32 b, f32 a);
void mg_set_width(f32 width);
void mg_set_tolerance(f32 tolerance);
void mg_set_joint(mg_joint_type joint);
void mg_set_max_joint_excursion(f32 maxJointExcursion);
void mg_set_cap(mg_cap_type cap);
void mg_set_font(mg_font font);
void mg_set_font_size(f32 size);
void mg_set_text_flip(bool flip);
mg_color mg_get_color();
f32 mg_get_width();
f32 mg_get_tolerance();
mg_joint_type mg_get_joint();
f32 mg_get_max_joint_excursion();
mg_cap_type mg_get_cap();
mg_font mg_get_font();
f32 mg_get_font_size();
bool mg_get_text_flip();
//NOTE(martin): path construction
vec2 mg_get_position();
void mg_move_to(f32 x, f32 y);
void mg_line_to(f32 x, f32 y);
void mg_quadratic_to(f32 x1, f32 y1, f32 x2, f32 y2);
void mg_cubic_to(f32 x1, f32 y1, f32 x2, f32 y2, f32 x3, f32 y3);
void mg_close_path();
mp_rect mg_glyph_outlines(str32 glyphIndices);
void mg_codepoints_outlines(str32 string);
void mg_text_outlines(str8 string);
//NOTE(martin): clear/fill/stroke
void mg_clear();
void mg_fill();
void mg_stroke();
//NOTE(martin): 'fast' shapes primitives
void mg_rectangle_fill(f32 x, f32 y, f32 w, f32 h);
void mg_rectangle_stroke(f32 x, f32 y, f32 w, f32 h);
void mg_rounded_rectangle_fill(f32 x, f32 y, f32 w, f32 h, f32 r);
void mg_rounded_rectangle_stroke(f32 x, f32 y, f32 w, f32 h, f32 r);
void mg_ellipse_fill(f32 x, f32 y, f32 rx, f32 ry);
void mg_ellipse_stroke(f32 x, f32 y, f32 rx, f32 ry);
void mg_circle_fill(f32 x, f32 y, f32 r);
void mg_circle_stroke(f32 x, f32 y, f32 r);
void mg_arc(f32 x, f32 y, f32 r, f32 arcAngle, f32 startAngle);
//NOTE(martin): fonts
mg_font mg_font_nil();
mg_font mg_font_create_from_memory(u32 size, byte* buffer, u32 rangeCount, unicode_range* ranges);
void mg_font_destroy(mg_font font);
//NOTE(martin): the following int valued functions return -1 if font is invalid or codepoint is not present in font//
//TODO(martin): add enum error codes
mg_font_extents mg_font_get_extents(mg_font font);
mg_font_extents mg_font_get_scaled_extents(mg_font font, f32 emSize);
f32 mg_font_get_scale_for_em_pixels(mg_font font, f32 emSize);
//NOTE(martin): if you need to process more than one codepoint, first convert your codepoints to glyph indices, then use the
// glyph index versions of the functions, which can take an array of glyph indices.
str32 mg_font_get_glyph_indices(mg_font font, str32 codePoints, str32 backing);
str32 mg_font_push_glyph_indices(mg_font font, mem_arena* arena, str32 codePoints);
u32 mg_font_get_glyph_index(mg_font font, utf32 codePoint);
int mg_font_get_codepoint_extents(mg_font font, utf32 codePoint, mg_text_extents* outExtents);
int mg_font_get_glyph_extents(mg_font font, str32 glyphIndices, mg_text_extents* outExtents);
mp_rect mg_text_bounding_box_utf32(mg_font font, f32 fontSize, str32 text);
mp_rect mg_text_bounding_box(mg_font font, f32 fontSize, str8 text);
//NOTE(martin): images
typedef struct mg_image { u64 h; } mg_image;
mg_image mg_image_nil();
bool mg_image_equal(mg_image a, mg_image b);
mg_image mg_image_create_from_rgba8(u32 width, u32 height, u8* pixels);
mg_image mg_image_create_from_data(str8 data, bool flip);
mg_image mg_image_create_from_file(str8 path, bool flip);
void mg_image_drestroy(mg_image image);
vec2 mg_image_size(mg_image image);
void mg_image_draw(mg_image image, mp_rect rect);
void mg_rounded_image_draw(mg_image image, mp_rect rect, f32 roundness);
#endif //__GRAPHICS_H_