Add metaprogramming fishbowl (#61)

#33 progress: 9/10

Pulled a couple of conversations from the audience

Co-authored-by: Ilia Demianenko <>
Reviewed-on: hmn/hmn#61
Co-authored-by: ilidemi <>
Co-committed-by: ilidemi <>
This commit is contained in:
ilidemi 2022-06-29 19:29:35 +00:00 committed by bvisness
parent 3a39e81b67
commit 72c9fa45fc
24 changed files with 12961 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ var fishbowls = [...]fishbowlInfo{
Title: "Compile-time introspection and metaprogramming", Title: "Compile-time introspection and metaprogramming",
Description: `Thanks to new languages like Zig and Jai, compile-time execution and metaprogramming are a popular topic of discussion in the community. This fishbowl explores metaprogramming in more detail, and discusses to what extent it is actually necessary, or just a waste of time.`, Description: `Thanks to new languages like Zig and Jai, compile-time execution and metaprogramming are a popular topic of discussion in the community. This fishbowl explores metaprogramming in more detail, and discusses to what extent it is actually necessary, or just a waste of time.`,
Month: time.June, Year: 2020, Month: time.June, Year: 2020,
ContentsPath: "metaprogramming/metaprogramming.html",
}, },
{ {
Slug: "lisp-jam", Slug: "lisp-jam",