Add [youtube] tags to bbcode

This commit is contained in:
Ben Visness 2021-06-20 16:44:07 -05:00
parent 540d1765db
commit efdc2216f9
3 changed files with 106 additions and 9 deletions

Binary file not shown.

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@ -17,18 +17,105 @@ var BBCodePriority = 1 // TODO: This is maybe too high a priority?
var reTag = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<open>\[\s*(?P<opentagname>[a-zA-Z]+))|(?P<close>\[\s*\/\s*(?P<closetagname>[a-zA-Z]+)\s*\])`)
var bbcodeCompiler = bbcode.NewCompiler(false, false)
var previewBBCodeCompiler = bbcode.NewCompiler(false, false)
var realBBCodeCompiler = bbcode.NewCompiler(false, false)
var REYoutubeVidOnly = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11}$`)
func init() {
previewBBCodeCompiler.SetTag("youtube", makeYoutubeBBCodeFunc(true))
realBBCodeCompiler.SetTag("youtube", makeYoutubeBBCodeFunc(false))
func makeYoutubeBBCodeFunc(preview bool) bbcode.TagCompilerFunc {
return func(bn *bbcode.BBCodeNode) (*bbcode.HTMLTag, bool) {
if len(bn.Children) != 1 {
return bbcode.NewHTMLTag("<missing video URL>"), false
if bn.Children[0].Token.ID != bbcode.TEXT {
return bbcode.NewHTMLTag("<missing video URL>"), false
contents := bn.Children[0].Token.Value.(string)
vid := ""
if m := REYoutubeLong.FindStringSubmatch(contents); m != nil {
vid = m[REYoutubeLong.SubexpIndex("vid")]
} else if m := REYoutubeShort.FindStringSubmatch(contents); m != nil {
vid = m[REYoutubeShort.SubexpIndex("vid")]
} else if m := REYoutubeVidOnly.MatchString(contents); m {
vid = contents
if vid == "" {
return bbcode.NewHTMLTag("<bad video URL>"), false
if preview {
<div class="mw6">
<img src="` + vid + `/hqdefault.jpg">
out := bbcode.NewHTMLTag("")
out.Name = "div"
out.Attrs["class"] = "mw6"
img := bbcode.NewHTMLTag("")
img.Name = "img"
img.Attrs = map[string]string{
"src": "" + vid + "/hqdefault.jpg",
return out, false
} else {
<div class="mw6">
<div class="aspect-ratio aspect-ratio--16x9">
<iframe class="aspect-ratio--object" src="` + vid + `" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
out := bbcode.NewHTMLTag("")
out.Name = "div"
out.Attrs["class"] = "mw6"
aspect := bbcode.NewHTMLTag("")
aspect.Name = "div"
aspect.Attrs["class"] = "aspect-ratio aspect-ratio--16x9"
iframe := bbcode.NewHTMLTag("")
iframe.Name = "iframe"
iframe.Attrs = map[string]string{
"class": "aspect-ratio--object",
"src": "" + vid,
"frameborder": "0",
"allowfullscreen": "",
iframe.AppendChild(nil) // render a closing tag lol
return out, false
// ----------------------
// Parser and delimiters
// ----------------------
type bbcodeParser struct{}
func NewBBCodeParser() parser.InlineParser {
return bbcodeParser{}
type bbcodeParser struct {
Preview bool
var _ parser.InlineParser = &bbcodeParser{}
func (s bbcodeParser) Trigger() []byte {
return []byte{'['}
@ -65,6 +152,7 @@ func (s bbcodeParser) Parse(parent gast.Node, block text.Reader, pc parser.Conte
if depth == 0 {
// We have balanced out!
endIndex = m[1] // the end index of this closing tag (exclusive)
@ -77,7 +165,12 @@ func (s bbcodeParser) Parse(parent gast.Node, block text.Reader, pc parser.Conte
unparsedBBCode := restOfSource[:endIndex]
return NewBBCode(bbcodeCompiler.Compile(string(unparsedBBCode)))
compiler := realBBCodeCompiler
if s.Preview {
compiler = previewBBCodeCompiler
return NewBBCode(compiler.Compile(string(unparsedBBCode)))
func extractStringBySubmatchIndices(src []byte, m []int, subexpIndex int) string {
@ -148,11 +241,13 @@ func (r *BBCodeHTMLRenderer) renderBBCode(w util.BufWriter, source []byte, n gas
// Extension
// ----------------------
type BBCodeExtension struct{}
type BBCodeExtension struct {
Preview bool
func (e BBCodeExtension) Extend(m goldmark.Markdown) {
util.Prioritized(NewBBCodeParser(), BBCodePriority),
util.Prioritized(bbcodeParser{Preview: e.Preview}, BBCodePriority),
util.Prioritized(NewBBCodeHTMLRenderer(), BBCodePriority),

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@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ var previewMarkdown = goldmark.New(
Preview: true,
Preview: true,
var realMarkdown = goldmark.New(