Add simplicity-performance fishbowl (#49)

#33 progress: 4/10

Replaced links to #fishbowl-audience comments with comments themselves

Co-authored-by: Ilia Demianenko <>
Reviewed-on: hmn/hmn#49
Co-authored-by: ilidemi <>
Co-committed-by: ilidemi <>
This commit is contained in:
ilidemi 2022-06-18 13:39:08 +00:00 committed by bvisness
parent 141c279335
commit fe3b1d29db
21 changed files with 4839 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ var fishbowls = [...]fishbowlInfo{
Title: "The relationship of simplicity and performance",
Description: "In the community, we talk a lot about performance. We also talk a lot about having simple code—and the two feel somewhat intertwined. What relationship is there between simplicity and performance? Are there better ways to reason about \"simplicity\" with this in mind?",
Month: time.May, Year: 2021,
ContentsPath: "simplicity-performance/simplicity-performance.html",
Slug: "teaching-software",