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Handmade Seattle

November 11 - 12. In person and online.
Catch up
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*/}} {{ if not .User }}

We are a community of programmers producing quality software through deeper understanding.

Originally inspired by Casey Muratori's Handmade Hero, we have grown into a thriving community focused on building truly high-quality software. We're not low-level in the typical sense. Instead we realize that to write great software, you need to understand things at more than a surface level.

Modern software is a mess. The status quo needs to change. But we're optimistic that we can change it.

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{{/* The order of the grid children should be as desired on mobile, then adapted to larger sizes using CSS grid properties. */}}

Latest News

{{ template "timeline_item.html" .NewsPost }}

Around the Network

4 RSS Feed {{ if .User }}
{{ csrftoken .Session }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination.html" .Pagination }}
{{ range .TimelineItems }} {{ template "timeline_item.html" . }} {{ end }}
{{ template "pagination.html" .Pagination }}
{{ if .ShowcaseTimelineJson }}
{{ template "showcase_templates.html" }}

Community Showcase

This is a selection of recent work done by community members. Want to participate? Join us on Discord.
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{{ end }}