#!/bin/bash set -euxo pipefail # This script is for use in local development only. It wipes the existing db, # creates a new empty one, runs the initial migration to create the schema, # and then imports actual db content on top of that. # TODO(opensource): We should adapt Asaf's seedfile command and then delete this. THIS_PATH=$(pwd) BETA_PATH='/mnt/c/Users/bvisn/Developer/handmade/handmade-beta' # BETA_PATH='/Users/benvisness/Developer/handmade/handmade-beta' pushd $BETA_PATH docker-compose down -v docker-compose up -d postgres s3 sleep 3 docker-compose exec postgres bash -c "psql -U postgres -c \"CREATE ROLE hmn CREATEDB LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';\"" popd go run src/main.go db seedfile local/backups/hmn_pg_dump_live_2021-11-14 # go run src/main.go db seedfile local/backups/hmn_pg_dump_live_2021-10-23