{{ template "base.html" . }} {{ define "extrahead" }} {{ end }} {{ define "content" }}
{{ csrftoken .Session }}
{{ .User.Username }}
If you would like to change your username, please contact us.
Real name:
{{ template "image_selector.html" imageselectordata "avatar" .User.AvatarUrl false }}
(Allowed image types: PNG, JPEG and GIF. Avatars may weigh up to 1MB and will be resized if larger than 400x400 pixels)
Short bio:
Forum signature:
Old password:
New password:
Your password must be 8 or more characters, and must differ from your username and current password. Other than that, please follow best practices.
New password confirmation:
Relevant links to put on your profile.
Format: url [Title] (e.g. http://example.com/ Example Site)
(1 per line, 10 max)
Include some information about yourself, such as your background, interests, occupation, etc.
{{ if .DiscordUser }} Linked account: {{ .DiscordUser.Username }}#{{ .DiscordUser.Discriminator }} Unlink account {{ else }} You haven't linked your Discord account. Link account {{ end }}
Snippets will only be created while this setting is on.
{{ if .DiscordUser }}
Create snippets from all of my #project-showcase posts
Use this if you have a backlog of content in #project-showcase that you want on your profile.
{{ if gt .DiscordNumUnsavedMessages 0 }}
WARNING: {{ .DiscordNumUnsavedMessages }} of your messages are currently waiting to be processed. If you run this command now, some snippets may still be missing.
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ csrftoken .Session }}
{{ end }}