package discord import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "time" ) type Opcode int // // NOTE(ben): I'm not using iota because 5 is missing const ( OpcodeDispatch Opcode = 0 OpcodeHeartbeat Opcode = 1 OpcodeIdentify Opcode = 2 OpcodePresenceUpdate Opcode = 3 OpcodeVoiceStateUpdate Opcode = 4 OpcodeResume Opcode = 6 OpcodeReconnect Opcode = 7 OpcodeRequestGuildMembers Opcode = 8 OpcodeInvalidSession Opcode = 9 OpcodeHello Opcode = 10 OpcodeHeartbeatACK Opcode = 11 ) type Intent int // // NOTE(ben): I'm not using iota because the opcode thing made me paranoid const ( IntentGuilds Intent = 1 << 0 IntentGuildMembers Intent = 1 << 1 IntentGuildBans Intent = 1 << 2 IntentGuildEmojisAndStickers Intent = 1 << 3 IntentGuildIntegrations Intent = 1 << 4 IntentGuildWebhooks Intent = 1 << 5 IntentGuildInvites Intent = 1 << 6 IntentGuildVoiceStates Intent = 1 << 7 IntentGuildPresences Intent = 1 << 8 IntentGuildMessages Intent = 1 << 9 IntentGuildMessageReactions Intent = 1 << 10 IntentGuildMessageTyping Intent = 1 << 11 IntentDirectMessages Intent = 1 << 12 IntentDirectMessageReactions Intent = 1 << 13 IntentDirectMessageTyping Intent = 1 << 14 ) type GatewayMessage struct { Opcode Opcode `json:"op"` Data interface{} `json:"d"` SequenceNumber *int `json:"s,omitempty"` EventName *string `json:"t,omitempty"` } func (m *GatewayMessage) ToJSON() []byte { mBytes, err := json.Marshal(m) if err != nil { panic(err) } // TODO: check if the payload is too big, either here or where we actually send // return mBytes } type Hello struct { HeartbeatIntervalMs int `json:"heartbeat_interval"` } func HelloFromMap(m interface{}) Hello { // TODO: This should probably have some error handling, right? return Hello{ HeartbeatIntervalMs: int(m.(map[string]interface{})["heartbeat_interval"].(float64)), } } type Identify struct { Token string `json:"token"` Properties IdentifyConnectionProperties `json:"properties"` Intents Intent `json:"intents"` } type IdentifyConnectionProperties struct { OS string `json:"$os"` Browser string `json:"$browser"` Device string `json:"$device"` } type Ready struct { GatewayVersion int `json:"v"` User User `json:"user"` SessionID string `json:"session_id"` } func ReadyFromMap(m interface{}) Ready { mmap := m.(map[string]interface{}) return Ready{ GatewayVersion: int(mmap["v"].(float64)), User: UserFromMap(mmap["user"]), SessionID: mmap["session_id"].(string), } } type Resume struct { Token string `json:"token"` SessionID string `json:"session_id"` SequenceNumber int `json:"seq"` } // type MessageDelete struct { ID string `json:"id"` ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` GuildID string `json:"guild_id"` } func MessageDeleteFromMap(m interface{}) MessageDelete { mmap := m.(map[string]interface{}) return MessageDelete{ ID: mmap["id"].(string), ChannelID: mmap["channel_id"].(string), GuildID: maybeString(mmap, "guild_id"), } } type ChannelType int // const ( ChannelTypeGuildText ChannelType = 0 ChannelTypeDM ChannelType = 1 ChannelTypeGuildVoice ChannelType = 2 ChannelTypeGroupDM ChannelType = 3 ChannelTypeGuildCategory ChannelType = 4 ChannelTypeGuildNews ChannelType = 5 ChannelTypeGuildStore ChannelType = 6 ChannelTypeGuildNewsThread ChannelType = 10 ChannelTypeGuildPublicThread ChannelType = 11 ChannelTypeGuildPrivateThread ChannelType = 12 ChannelTypeGuildStageVoice ChannelType = 13 ) // type Role struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` // more fields not yet present } // type Channel struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type ChannelType `json:"type"` GuildID string `json:"guild_id"` Name string `json:"name"` Receipients []User `json:"recipients"` OwnerID User `json:"owner_id"` ParentID *string `json:"parent_id"` } type MessageType int // const ( MessageTypeDefault MessageType = 0 MessageTypeRecipientAdd MessageType = 1 MessageTypeRecipientRemove MessageType = 2 MessageTypeCall MessageType = 3 MessageTypeChannelNameChange MessageType = 4 MessageTypeChannelIconChange MessageType = 5 MessageTypeChannelPinnedMessage MessageType = 6 MessageTypeGuildMemberJoin MessageType = 7 MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscription MessageType = 8 MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTier1 MessageType = 9 MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTier2 MessageType = 10 MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTier3 MessageType = 11 MessageTypeChannelFollowAdd MessageType = 12 MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryDisqualified MessageType = 14 MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryRequalified MessageType = 15 MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryGracePeriodInitialWarning MessageType = 16 MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryGracePeriodFinalWarning MessageType = 17 MessageTypeThreadCreated MessageType = 18 MessageTypeReply MessageType = 19 MessageTypeApplicationCommand MessageType = 20 MessageTypeThreadStarterMessage MessageType = 21 MessageTypeGuildInviteReminder MessageType = 22 ) // type Message struct { ID string `json:"id"` ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` GuildID *string `json:"guild_id"` Content string `json:"content"` Author User `json:"author"` // note that this may not be an actual valid user (see the docs) Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` Type MessageType `json:"type"` Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"` Embeds []Embed `json:"embeds"` originalMap map[string]interface{} } func (m *Message) JumpURL() string { guildStr := "@me" if m.GuildID != nil { guildStr = *m.GuildID } return fmt.Sprintf("", guildStr, m.ChannelID, m.ID) } func (m *Message) Time() time.Time { t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, m.Timestamp) if err != nil { panic(err) } return t } func (m *Message) OriginalHasFields(fields ...string) bool { if m.originalMap == nil { return false } for _, field := range fields { _, ok := m.originalMap[field] if !ok { return false } } return true } func MessageFromMap(m interface{}) Message { /* Some gateway events, like MESSAGE_UPDATE, do not contain the entire message body. So we need to be defensive on all fields here, except the most basic identifying information. */ mmap := m.(map[string]interface{}) msg := Message{ ID: mmap["id"].(string), ChannelID: mmap["channel_id"].(string), GuildID: maybeStringP(mmap, "guild_id"), Content: maybeString(mmap, "content"), Timestamp: maybeString(mmap, "timestamp"), Type: MessageType(maybeInt(mmap, "type")), originalMap: mmap, } if author, ok := mmap["author"]; ok { msg.Author = UserFromMap(author) } if iattachments, ok := mmap["attachments"]; ok { attachments := iattachments.([]interface{}) for _, iattachment := range attachments { msg.Attachments = append(msg.Attachments, AttachmentFromMap(iattachment)) } } if iembeds, ok := mmap["embeds"]; ok { embeds := iembeds.([]interface{}) for _, iembed := range embeds { msg.Embeds = append(msg.Embeds, EmbedFromMap(iembed)) } } return msg } // type User struct { ID string `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Discriminator string `json:"discriminator"` Avatar *string `json:"avatar"` IsBot bool `json:"bot"` Locale string `json:"locale"` } func UserFromMap(m interface{}) User { mmap := m.(map[string]interface{}) u := User{ ID: mmap["id"].(string), Username: mmap["username"].(string), Discriminator: mmap["discriminator"].(string), } if isBot, ok := mmap["bot"]; ok { u.IsBot = isBot.(bool) } return u } // type GuildMember struct { User *User `json:"user"` Nick *string `json:"nick"` // more fields not yet handled here } // type Attachment struct { ID string `json:"id"` Filename string `json:"filename"` ContentType *string `json:"content_type"` Size int `json:"size"` Url string `json:"url"` ProxyUrl string `json:"proxy_url"` Height *int `json:"height"` Width *int `json:"width"` } func AttachmentFromMap(m interface{}) Attachment { mmap := m.(map[string]interface{}) a := Attachment{ ID: mmap["id"].(string), Filename: mmap["filename"].(string), ContentType: maybeStringP(mmap, "content_type"), Size: int(mmap["size"].(float64)), Url: mmap["url"].(string), ProxyUrl: mmap["proxy_url"].(string), Height: maybeIntP(mmap, "height"), Width: maybeIntP(mmap, "width"), } return a } // type Embed struct { Title *string `json:"title"` Type *string `json:"type"` Description *string `json:"description"` Url *string `json:"url"` Timestamp *string `json:"timestamp"` Color *int `json:"color"` Footer *EmbedFooter `json:"footer"` Image *EmbedImage `json:"image"` Thumbnail *EmbedThumbnail `json:"thumbnail"` Video *EmbedVideo `json:"video"` Provider *EmbedProvider `json:"provider"` Author *EmbedAuthor `json:"author"` Fields []EmbedField `json:"fields"` } type EmbedFooter struct { Text string `json:"text"` IconUrl *string `json:"icon_url"` ProxyIconUrl *string `json:"proxy_icon_url"` } type EmbedImageish struct { Url *string `json:"url"` ProxyUrl *string `json:"proxy_url"` Height *int `json:"height"` Width *int `json:"width"` } type EmbedImage struct { EmbedImageish } type EmbedThumbnail struct { EmbedImageish } type EmbedVideo struct { EmbedImageish } type EmbedProvider struct { Name *string `json:"name"` Url *string `json:"url"` } type EmbedAuthor struct { Name *string `json:"name"` Url *string `json:"url"` IconUrl *string `json:"icon_url"` ProxyIconUrl *string `json:"proxy_icon_url"` } type EmbedField struct { Name string `json:"name"` Value string `json:"value"` Inline *bool `json:"inline"` } func EmbedFromMap(m interface{}) Embed { mmap := m.(map[string]interface{}) e := Embed{ Title: maybeStringP(mmap, "title"), Type: maybeStringP(mmap, "type"), Description: maybeStringP(mmap, "description"), Url: maybeStringP(mmap, "url"), Timestamp: maybeStringP(mmap, "timestamp"), Color: maybeIntP(mmap, "color"), Footer: EmbedFooterFromMap(mmap, "footer"), Image: EmbedImageFromMap(mmap, "image"), Thumbnail: EmbedThumbnailFromMap(mmap, "thumbnail"), Video: EmbedVideoFromMap(mmap, "video"), Provider: EmbedProviderFromMap(mmap, "provider"), Author: EmbedAuthorFromMap(mmap, "author"), Fields: EmbedFieldsFromMap(mmap, "fields"), } return e } func EmbedFooterFromMap(m map[string]interface{}, k string) *EmbedFooter { f, ok := m[k] if !ok { return nil } fMap, ok := f.(map[string]interface{}) if !ok { return nil } return &EmbedFooter{ Text: maybeString(fMap, "text"), IconUrl: maybeStringP(fMap, "icon_url"), ProxyIconUrl: maybeStringP(fMap, "proxy_icon_url"), } } func EmbedImageFromMap(m map[string]interface{}, k string) *EmbedImage { val, ok := m[k] if !ok { return nil } valMap, ok := val.(map[string]interface{}) if !ok { return nil } return &EmbedImage{ EmbedImageish: EmbedImageish{ Url: maybeStringP(valMap, "url"), ProxyUrl: maybeStringP(valMap, "proxy_url"), Height: maybeIntP(valMap, "height"), Width: maybeIntP(valMap, "width"), }, } } func EmbedThumbnailFromMap(m map[string]interface{}, k string) *EmbedThumbnail { val, ok := m[k] if !ok { return nil } valMap, ok := val.(map[string]interface{}) if !ok { return nil } return &EmbedThumbnail{ EmbedImageish: EmbedImageish{ Url: maybeStringP(valMap, "url"), ProxyUrl: maybeStringP(valMap, "proxy_url"), Height: maybeIntP(valMap, "height"), Width: maybeIntP(valMap, "width"), }, } } func EmbedVideoFromMap(m map[string]interface{}, k string) *EmbedVideo { val, ok := m[k] if !ok { return nil } valMap, ok := val.(map[string]interface{}) if !ok { return nil } return &EmbedVideo{ EmbedImageish: EmbedImageish{ Url: maybeStringP(valMap, "url"), ProxyUrl: maybeStringP(valMap, "proxy_url"), Height: maybeIntP(valMap, "height"), Width: maybeIntP(valMap, "width"), }, } } func EmbedProviderFromMap(m map[string]interface{}, k string) *EmbedProvider { val, ok := m[k] if !ok { return nil } valMap, ok := val.(map[string]interface{}) if !ok { return nil } return &EmbedProvider{ Name: maybeStringP(valMap, "name"), Url: maybeStringP(valMap, "url"), } } func EmbedAuthorFromMap(m map[string]interface{}, k string) *EmbedAuthor { val, ok := m[k] if !ok { return nil } valMap, ok := val.(map[string]interface{}) if !ok { return nil } return &EmbedAuthor{ Name: maybeStringP(valMap, "name"), Url: maybeStringP(valMap, "url"), } } func EmbedFieldsFromMap(m map[string]interface{}, k string) []EmbedField { val, ok := m[k] if !ok { return nil } valSlice, ok := val.([]interface{}) if !ok { return nil } var result []EmbedField for _, innerVal := range valSlice { valMap, ok := innerVal.(map[string]interface{}) if !ok { continue } result = append(result, EmbedField{ Name: maybeString(valMap, "name"), Value: maybeString(valMap, "value"), Inline: maybeBoolP(valMap, "inline"), }) } return result } func maybeString(m map[string]interface{}, k string) string { val, ok := m[k] if !ok { return "" } return val.(string) } func maybeStringP(m map[string]interface{}, k string) *string { val, ok := m[k] if !ok { return nil } strval := val.(string) return &strval } func maybeInt(m map[string]interface{}, k string) int { val, ok := m[k] if !ok { return 0 } return int(val.(float64)) } func maybeIntP(m map[string]interface{}, k string) *int { val, ok := m[k] if !ok { return nil } intval := int(val.(float64)) return &intval } func maybeBool(m map[string]interface{}, k string) bool { val, ok := m[k] if !ok { return false } return val.(bool) } func maybeBoolP(m map[string]interface{}, k string) *bool { val, ok := m[k] if !ok { return nil } boolval := val.(bool) return &boolval }