package config import ( "fmt" "" "" ) type Environment string const ( Live Environment = "live" Beta = "beta" Dev = "dev" ) type HMNConfig struct { Env Environment Addr string PrivateAddr string BaseUrl string LogLevel zerolog.Level Postgres PostgresConfig Auth AuthConfig Admin AdminConfig Email EmailConfig DigitalOcean DigitalOceanConfig Discord DiscordConfig Twitch TwitchConfig Matrix MatrixConfig EpisodeGuide EpisodeGuide DevConfig DevConfig PreviewGeneration PreviewGenerationConfig } type PostgresConfig struct { User string Password string Hostname string Port int DbName string LogLevel tracelog.LogLevel MinConn int32 MaxConn int32 } type AuthConfig struct { CookieDomain string CookieSecure bool } type DigitalOceanConfig struct { AssetsSpacesKey string AssetsSpacesSecret string AssetsSpacesRegion string AssetsSpacesEndpoint string AssetsSpacesBucket string AssetsPublicUrlRoot string RunFakeServer bool FakeAddr string } type EmailConfig struct { ServerAddress string ServerPort int FromAddress string MailerUsername string MailerPassword string FromName string ForceToAddress string } type DiscordConfig struct { BotToken string BotUserID string OAuthClientID string OAuthClientSecret string GuildID string MemberRoleID string ShowcaseChannelID string LibraryChannelID string StreamsChannelID string } type TwitchConfig struct { ClientID string ClientSecret string EventSubSecret string // NOTE(asaf): Between 10-100 chars long. Anything will do. BaseUrl string BaseIDUrl string } type MatrixConfig struct { Username string Password string BaseUrl string AnnouncementsRoomID string } type EpisodeGuide struct { CineraOutputPath string Projects map[string]string // NOTE(asaf): Maps from slugs to default episode guide topic } type AdminConfig struct { AtomUsername string AtomPassword string } type DevConfig struct { LiveTemplates bool // load templates live from the filesystem instead of embedding them } type PreviewGenerationConfig struct { FFMpegPath string CPULimitPath string } func init() { if Config.EpisodeGuide.Projects == nil { Config.EpisodeGuide.Projects = make(map[string]string) } } func (info PostgresConfig) DSN() string { return fmt.Sprintf("user=%s password=%s host=%s port=%d dbname=%s", info.User, info.Password, info.Hostname, info.Port, info.DbName) }