package website import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "math" "net" "net/http" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type forumCategoryData struct { templates.BaseData NewThreadUrl string MarkReadUrl string Threads []templates.ThreadListItem Pagination templates.Pagination Subcategories []forumSubcategoryData } type forumSubcategoryData struct { Name string Url string Threads []templates.ThreadListItem TotalThreads int } type editorData struct { templates.BaseData SubmitUrl string Title string SubmitLabel string IsEditing bool // false if new post, true if updating existing one EditInitialContents string PostReplyingTo *templates.Post } func ForumCategory(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { const threadsPerPage = 25 c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch category tree") categoryTree := models.GetFullCategoryTree(c.Context(), c.Conn) lineageBuilder := models.MakeCategoryLineageBuilder(categoryTree) c.Perf.EndBlock() currentCatId, valid := validateSubforums(lineageBuilder, c.CurrentProject, c.PathParams["cats"]) if !valid { return FourOhFour(c) } currentSubforumSlugs := lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(currentCatId) c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch count of page threads") numThreads, err := db.QueryInt(c.Context(), c.Conn, ` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM handmade_thread AS thread WHERE thread.category_id = $1 AND NOT thread.deleted `, currentCatId, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to get count of threads")) } c.Perf.EndBlock() numPages := utils.IntMax(int(math.Ceil(float64(numThreads)/threadsPerPage)), 1) page := 1 pageString, hasPage := c.PathParams["page"] if hasPage && pageString != "" { if pageParsed, err := strconv.Atoi(pageString); err == nil { page = pageParsed } else { return c.Redirect(hmnurl.BuildForumCategory(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, 1), http.StatusSeeOther) } } if page < 1 || numPages < page { return c.Redirect(hmnurl.BuildForumCategory(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, utils.IntClamp(1, page, numPages)), http.StatusSeeOther) } howManyThreadsToSkip := (page - 1) * threadsPerPage var currentUserId *int if c.CurrentUser != nil { currentUserId = &c.CurrentUser.ID } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch page threads") type threadQueryResult struct { Thread models.Thread `db:"thread"` FirstPost models.Post `db:"firstpost"` LastPost models.Post `db:"lastpost"` FirstUser *models.User `db:"firstuser"` LastUser *models.User `db:"lastuser"` ThreadLastReadTime *time.Time `db:"tlri.lastread"` CatLastReadTime *time.Time `db:"clri.lastread"` } itMainThreads, err := db.Query(c.Context(), c.Conn, threadQueryResult{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_thread AS thread JOIN handmade_post AS firstpost ON thread.first_id = JOIN handmade_post AS lastpost ON thread.last_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS firstuser ON firstpost.author_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS lastuser ON lastpost.author_id = LEFT JOIN handmade_threadlastreadinfo AS tlri ON ( tlri.thread_id = AND tlri.user_id = $2 ) LEFT JOIN handmade_categorylastreadinfo AS clri ON ( clri.category_id = $1 AND clri.user_id = $2 ) WHERE thread.category_id = $1 AND NOT thread.deleted ORDER BY lastpost.postdate DESC LIMIT $3 OFFSET $4 `, currentCatId, currentUserId, threadsPerPage, howManyThreadsToSkip, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to fetch threads")) } c.Perf.EndBlock() defer itMainThreads.Close() makeThreadListItem := func(row *threadQueryResult) templates.ThreadListItem { hasRead := false if row.ThreadLastReadTime != nil && row.ThreadLastReadTime.After(row.LastPost.PostDate) { hasRead = true } else if row.CatLastReadTime != nil && row.CatLastReadTime.After(row.LastPost.PostDate) { hasRead = true } return templates.ThreadListItem{ Title: row.Thread.Title, Url: hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(row.Thread.CategoryID), row.Thread.ID, row.Thread.Title, 1), FirstUser: templates.UserToTemplate(row.FirstUser, c.Theme), FirstDate: row.FirstPost.PostDate, LastUser: templates.UserToTemplate(row.LastUser, c.Theme), LastDate: row.LastPost.PostDate, Unread: !hasRead, } } var threads []templates.ThreadListItem for _, irow := range itMainThreads.ToSlice() { row := irow.(*threadQueryResult) threads = append(threads, makeThreadListItem(row)) } // --------------------- // Subcategory things // --------------------- var subcats []forumSubcategoryData if page == 1 { subcatNodes := categoryTree[currentCatId].Children for _, catNode := range subcatNodes { c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch count of subcategory threads") // TODO(asaf): [PERF] [MINOR] Consider replacing querying count per subcat with a single query for all cats with GROUP BY. numThreads, err := db.QueryInt(c.Context(), c.Conn, ` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM handmade_thread AS thread WHERE thread.category_id = $1 AND NOT thread.deleted `, catNode.ID, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to get count of threads")) } c.Perf.EndBlock() c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch subcategory threads") // TODO(asaf): [PERF] [MINOR] Consider batching these. itThreads, err := db.Query(c.Context(), c.Conn, threadQueryResult{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_thread AS thread JOIN handmade_post AS firstpost ON thread.first_id = JOIN handmade_post AS lastpost ON thread.last_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS firstuser ON firstpost.author_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS lastuser ON lastpost.author_id = LEFT JOIN handmade_threadlastreadinfo AS tlri ON ( tlri.thread_id = AND tlri.user_id = $2 ) LEFT JOIN handmade_categorylastreadinfo AS clri ON ( clri.category_id = $1 AND clri.user_id = $2 ) WHERE thread.category_id = $1 AND NOT thread.deleted ORDER BY lastpost.postdate DESC LIMIT 3 `, catNode.ID, currentUserId, ) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer itThreads.Close() c.Perf.EndBlock() var threads []templates.ThreadListItem for _, irow := range itThreads.ToSlice() { threadRow := irow.(*threadQueryResult) threads = append(threads, makeThreadListItem(threadRow)) } subcats = append(subcats, forumSubcategoryData{ Name: *catNode.Name, Url: hmnurl.BuildForumCategory(c.CurrentProject.Slug, lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(catNode.ID), 1), Threads: threads, TotalThreads: numThreads, }) } } // --------------------- // Template assembly // --------------------- baseData := getBaseData(c) baseData.Title = c.CurrentProject.Name + " Forums" baseData.Breadcrumbs = []templates.Breadcrumb{ // TODO(ben): This is wrong; it needs to account for subcategories. { Name: c.CurrentProject.Name, Url: hmnurl.BuildProjectHomepage(c.CurrentProject.Slug), }, { Name: "Forums", Url: hmnurl.BuildForumCategory(c.CurrentProject.Slug, nil, 1), Current: true, }, } currentSubforums := lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineage(currentCatId) for i, subforum := range currentSubforums { baseData.Breadcrumbs = append(baseData.Breadcrumbs, templates.Breadcrumb{ Name: *subforum.Name, // NOTE(asaf): All subforum categories must have names. Url: hmnurl.BuildForumCategory(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs[0:i+1], 1), }) } var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("forum_category.html", forumCategoryData{ BaseData: baseData, NewThreadUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumNewThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, false), MarkReadUrl: hmnurl.BuildMarkRead(currentCatId), Threads: threads, Pagination: templates.Pagination{ Current: page, Total: numPages, FirstUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumCategory(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, 1), LastUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumCategory(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, numPages), NextUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumCategory(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, utils.IntClamp(1, page+1, numPages)), PreviousUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumCategory(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, utils.IntClamp(1, page-1, numPages)), }, Subcategories: subcats, }, c.Perf) return res } type forumThreadData struct { templates.BaseData Thread templates.Thread Posts []templates.Post CategoryUrl string ReplyUrl string Pagination templates.Pagination } var threadViewPostsPerPage = 15 func ForumThread(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch category tree") categoryTree := models.GetFullCategoryTree(c.Context(), c.Conn) lineageBuilder := models.MakeCategoryLineageBuilder(categoryTree) c.Perf.EndBlock() currentCatId, valid := validateSubforums(lineageBuilder, c.CurrentProject, c.PathParams["cats"]) if !valid { return FourOhFour(c) } threadId, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PathParams["threadid"]) if err != nil { return FourOhFour(c) } currentSubforumSlugs := lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(currentCatId) c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch current thread") type threadQueryResult struct { Thread models.Thread `db:"thread"` } irow, err := db.QueryOne(c.Context(), c.Conn, threadQueryResult{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_thread AS thread JOIN handmade_category AS cat ON = thread.category_id WHERE = $1 AND NOT thread.deleted AND = $2 `, threadId, currentCatId, // NOTE(asaf): This verifies that the requested thread is under the requested subforum. ) c.Perf.EndBlock() if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, db.ErrNoMatchingRows) { return FourOhFour(c) } else { panic(err) } } thread := irow.(*threadQueryResult).Thread numPosts, err := db.QueryInt(c.Context(), c.Conn, ` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM handmade_post WHERE thread_id = $1 AND NOT deleted `, thread.ID, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to get count of posts for thread")) } page, numPages, ok := getPageInfo(c.PathParams["page"], numPosts, threadViewPostsPerPage) if !ok { urlNoPage := hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, thread.Title, 1) return c.Redirect(urlNoPage, http.StatusSeeOther) } pagination := templates.Pagination{ Current: page, Total: numPages, FirstUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, thread.Title, 1), LastUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, thread.Title, numPages), NextUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, thread.Title, utils.IntClamp(1, page+1, numPages)), PreviousUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, thread.Title, utils.IntClamp(1, page-1, numPages)), } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch posts") type postsQueryResult struct { Post models.Post `db:"post"` Ver models.PostVersion `db:"ver"` Author *models.User `db:"author"` Editor *models.User `db:"editor"` ReplyPost *models.Post `db:"reply"` ReplyAuthor *models.User `db:"reply_author"` } itPosts, err := db.Query(c.Context(), c.Conn, postsQueryResult{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_post AS post JOIN handmade_postversion AS ver ON post.current_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS author ON post.author_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS editor ON ver.editor_id = LEFT JOIN handmade_post AS reply ON post.reply_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS reply_author ON reply.author_id = WHERE post.thread_id = $1 AND NOT post.deleted ORDER BY post.postdate LIMIT $2 OFFSET $3 `, thread.ID, threadViewPostsPerPage, (page-1)*threadViewPostsPerPage, ) c.Perf.EndBlock() if err != nil { panic(err) } defer itPosts.Close() var posts []templates.Post for _, irow := range itPosts.ToSlice() { row := irow.(*postsQueryResult) post := templates.PostToTemplate(&row.Post, row.Author, c.Theme) post.AddContentVersion(row.Ver, row.Editor) post.AddUrls(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, post.ID) if row.ReplyPost != nil { reply := templates.PostToTemplate(row.ReplyPost, row.ReplyAuthor, c.Theme) reply.AddUrls(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, post.ID) post.ReplyPost = &reply } posts = append(posts, post) } baseData := getBaseData(c) baseData.Title = thread.Title // TODO(asaf): Set breadcrumbs var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("forum_thread.html", forumThreadData{ BaseData: baseData, Thread: templates.ThreadToTemplate(&thread), Posts: posts, CategoryUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumCategory(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, 1), ReplyUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumPostReply(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, *thread.FirstID), Pagination: pagination, }, c.Perf) return res } func ForumPostRedirect(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { // TODO(compression): This logic for fetching posts by thread id / post id is gonna // show up in a lot of places. It's used multiple times for forums, and also for blogs. // Consider compressing this later. c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch category tree") categoryTree := models.GetFullCategoryTree(c.Context(), c.Conn) lineageBuilder := models.MakeCategoryLineageBuilder(categoryTree) c.Perf.EndBlock() currentCatId, valid := validateSubforums(lineageBuilder, c.CurrentProject, c.PathParams["cats"]) if !valid { return FourOhFour(c) } requestedThreadId, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PathParams["threadid"]) if err != nil { return FourOhFour(c) } requestedPostId, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PathParams["postid"]) if err != nil { return FourOhFour(c) } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch post ids for thread") type postQuery struct { PostID int `db:""` } postQueryResult, err := db.Query(c.Context(), c.Conn, postQuery{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_post AS post WHERE post.category_id = $1 AND post.thread_id = $2 AND NOT post.deleted ORDER BY postdate `, currentCatId, requestedThreadId, ) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch post ids")) } postQuerySlice := postQueryResult.ToSlice() c.Perf.EndBlock() postIdx := -1 for i, id := range postQuerySlice { if id.(*postQuery).PostID == requestedPostId { postIdx = i break } } if postIdx == -1 { return FourOhFour(c) } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch thread title") type threadTitleQuery struct { ThreadTitle string `db:"thread.title"` } threadTitleQueryResult, err := db.QueryOne(c.Context(), c.Conn, threadTitleQuery{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_thread AS thread WHERE = $1 `, requestedThreadId, ) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch thread title")) } c.Perf.EndBlock() threadTitle := threadTitleQueryResult.(*threadTitleQuery).ThreadTitle page := (postIdx / threadViewPostsPerPage) + 1 return c.Redirect(hmnurl.BuildForumThreadWithPostHash( c.CurrentProject.Slug, lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(currentCatId), requestedThreadId, threadTitle, page, requestedPostId, ), http.StatusSeeOther) } func ForumNewThread(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { baseData := getBaseData(c) baseData.Title = "Create New Thread" baseData.MathjaxEnabled = true // TODO(ben): Set breadcrumbs c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch category tree") categoryTree := models.GetFullCategoryTree(c.Context(), c.Conn) lineageBuilder := models.MakeCategoryLineageBuilder(categoryTree) c.Perf.EndBlock() currentCatId, valid := validateSubforums(lineageBuilder, c.CurrentProject, c.PathParams["cats"]) if !valid { return FourOhFour(c) } var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("editor.html", editorData{ BaseData: baseData, SubmitUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumNewThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(currentCatId), true), SubmitLabel: "Post New Thread", }, c.Perf) return res } func ForumNewThreadSubmit(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { tx, err := c.Conn.Begin(c.Context()) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer tx.Rollback(c.Context()) c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch category tree") categoryTree := models.GetFullCategoryTree(c.Context(), c.Conn) lineageBuilder := models.MakeCategoryLineageBuilder(categoryTree) c.Perf.EndBlock() currentCatId, valid := validateSubforums(lineageBuilder, c.CurrentProject, c.PathParams["cats"]) if !valid { return FourOhFour(c) } c.Req.ParseForm() title := c.Req.Form.Get("title") unparsed := c.Req.Form.Get("body") sticky := false if c.CurrentUser.IsStaff && c.Req.Form.Get("sticky") != "" { sticky = true } // Create thread var threadId int err = tx.QueryRow(c.Context(), ` INSERT INTO handmade_thread (title, sticky, category_id, first_id, last_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING id `, title, sticky, currentCatId, -1, -1, ).Scan(&threadId) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to create thread")) } postId, _ := createNewForumPostAndVersion(c.Context(), tx, currentCatId, threadId, c.CurrentUser.ID, c.CurrentProject.ID, unparsed, c.Req.Host, nil) // Update thread with post id _, err = tx.Exec(c.Context(), ` UPDATE handmade_thread SET first_id = $1, last_id = $1 WHERE id = $2 `, postId, threadId, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to set thread post ids")) } err = tx.Commit(c.Context()) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to create new forum thread")) } newThreadUrl := hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(currentCatId), threadId, title, 1) return c.Redirect(newThreadUrl, http.StatusSeeOther) } func ForumPostReply(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { // TODO(compression): This logic for fetching posts by thread id / post id is gonna // show up in a lot of places. It's used multiple times for forums, and also for blogs. // Consider compressing this later. c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch category tree") categoryTree := models.GetFullCategoryTree(c.Context(), c.Conn) lineageBuilder := models.MakeCategoryLineageBuilder(categoryTree) c.Perf.EndBlock() currentCatId, valid := validateSubforums(lineageBuilder, c.CurrentProject, c.PathParams["cats"]) if !valid { return FourOhFour(c) } requestedThreadId, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PathParams["threadid"]) if err != nil { return FourOhFour(c) } requestedPostId, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PathParams["postid"]) if err != nil { return FourOhFour(c) } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch post to reply to") // TODO: Scope this down to just what you need type postQuery struct { Thread models.Thread `db:"thread"` Post models.Post `db:"post"` CurrentVersion models.PostVersion `db:"ver"` Author *models.User `db:"author"` Editor *models.User `db:"editor"` } postQueryResult, err := db.QueryOne(c.Context(), c.Conn, postQuery{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_thread AS thread JOIN handmade_post AS post ON post.thread_id = JOIN handmade_postversion AS ver ON post.current_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS author ON post.author_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS editor ON ver.editor_id = WHERE post.category_id = $1 AND post.thread_id = $2 AND = $3 AND NOT post.deleted ORDER BY postdate `, currentCatId, requestedThreadId, requestedPostId, ) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, db.ErrNoMatchingRows) { return FourOhFour(c) } else { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch reply post")) } } result := postQueryResult.(*postQuery) baseData := getBaseData(c) baseData.Title = fmt.Sprintf("Replying to \"%s\" | %s", result.Thread.Title, *categoryTree[currentCatId].Name) baseData.MathjaxEnabled = true // TODO(ben): Set breadcrumbs templatePost := templates.PostToTemplate(&result.Post, result.Author, c.Theme) templatePost.AddContentVersion(result.CurrentVersion, result.Editor) var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("editor.html", editorData{ BaseData: baseData, SubmitUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumPostReply(c.CurrentProject.Slug, lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(currentCatId), requestedThreadId, requestedPostId), SubmitLabel: "Submit Reply", Title: "Replying to post", PostReplyingTo: &templatePost, }, c.Perf) return res } func ForumPostReplySubmit(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { tx, err := c.Conn.Begin(c.Context()) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer tx.Rollback(c.Context()) c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch category tree") categoryTree := models.GetFullCategoryTree(c.Context(), c.Conn) lineageBuilder := models.MakeCategoryLineageBuilder(categoryTree) c.Perf.EndBlock() currentCatId, valid := validateSubforums(lineageBuilder, c.CurrentProject, c.PathParams["cats"]) if !valid { return FourOhFour(c) } threadId, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PathParams["threadid"]) if err != nil { return FourOhFour(c) } postId, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PathParams["postid"]) if err != nil { return FourOhFour(c) } c.Req.ParseForm() unparsed := c.Req.Form.Get("body") newPostId, _ := createNewForumPostAndVersion(c.Context(), tx, currentCatId, threadId, c.CurrentUser.ID, c.CurrentProject.ID, unparsed, c.Req.Host, &postId) err = tx.Commit(c.Context()) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to reply to forum post")) } newPostUrl := hmnurl.BuildForumPost(c.CurrentProject.Slug, lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(currentCatId), threadId, newPostId) return c.Redirect(newPostUrl, http.StatusSeeOther) } func ForumPostEdit(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { // TODO(compression): This logic for fetching posts by thread id / post id is gonna // show up in a lot of places. It's used multiple times for forums, and also for blogs. // Consider compressing this later. c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch category tree") categoryTree := models.GetFullCategoryTree(c.Context(), c.Conn) lineageBuilder := models.MakeCategoryLineageBuilder(categoryTree) c.Perf.EndBlock() currentCatId, valid := validateSubforums(lineageBuilder, c.CurrentProject, c.PathParams["cats"]) if !valid { return FourOhFour(c) } requestedThreadId, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PathParams["threadid"]) if err != nil { return FourOhFour(c) } requestedPostId, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PathParams["postid"]) if err != nil { return FourOhFour(c) } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch post to edit") // TODO: Scope this down to just what you need type postQuery struct { Thread models.Thread `db:"thread"` Post models.Post `db:"post"` CurrentVersion models.PostVersion `db:"ver"` Author *models.User `db:"author"` Editor *models.User `db:"editor"` } postQueryResult, err := db.QueryOne(c.Context(), c.Conn, postQuery{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_thread AS thread JOIN handmade_post AS post ON post.thread_id = JOIN handmade_postversion AS ver ON post.current_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS author ON post.author_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS editor ON ver.editor_id = WHERE post.category_id = $1 AND post.thread_id = $2 AND = $3 AND NOT post.deleted ORDER BY postdate `, currentCatId, requestedThreadId, requestedPostId, ) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, db.ErrNoMatchingRows) { return FourOhFour(c) } else { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch reply post")) } } result := postQueryResult.(*postQuery) // Ensure that the user is permitted to edit the post isPostAuthor := result.Author != nil && result.Author.ID == c.CurrentUser.ID if !(isPostAuthor || c.CurrentUser.IsStaff) { return FourOhFour(c) } baseData := getBaseData(c) baseData.Title = fmt.Sprintf("Editing \"%s\" | %s", result.Thread.Title, *categoryTree[currentCatId].Name) baseData.MathjaxEnabled = true // TODO(ben): Set breadcrumbs templatePost := templates.PostToTemplate(&result.Post, result.Author, c.Theme) templatePost.AddContentVersion(result.CurrentVersion, result.Editor) var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("editor.html", editorData{ BaseData: baseData, SubmitUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumPostEdit(c.CurrentProject.Slug, lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(currentCatId), requestedThreadId, requestedPostId), Title: result.Thread.Title, SubmitLabel: "Submit Edited Post", IsEditing: true, EditInitialContents: result.CurrentVersion.TextRaw, }, c.Perf) return res } func ForumPostEditSubmit(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { tx, err := c.Conn.Begin(c.Context()) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer tx.Rollback(c.Context()) c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch category tree") categoryTree := models.GetFullCategoryTree(c.Context(), c.Conn) lineageBuilder := models.MakeCategoryLineageBuilder(categoryTree) c.Perf.EndBlock() currentCatId, valid := validateSubforums(lineageBuilder, c.CurrentProject, c.PathParams["cats"]) if !valid { return FourOhFour(c) } threadId, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PathParams["threadid"]) if err != nil { return FourOhFour(c) } postId, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PathParams["postid"]) if err != nil { return FourOhFour(c) } // Ensure that the user is permitted to edit the post type postResult struct { AuthorID *int `db:""` } iresult, err := db.QueryOne(c.Context(), c.Conn, postResult{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_post AS post LEFT JOIN auth_user AS author ON post.author_id = WHERE post.category_id = $1 AND post.thread_id = $2 AND = $3 AND NOT post.deleted ORDER BY postdate `, currentCatId, threadId, postId, ) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, db.ErrNoMatchingRows) { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to get author of post to delete")) } result := iresult.(*postResult) isPostAuthor := result.AuthorID != nil && *result.AuthorID == c.CurrentUser.ID if !(isPostAuthor || c.CurrentUser.IsStaff) { return FourOhFour(c) } c.Req.ParseForm() unparsed := c.Req.Form.Get("body") editReason := c.Req.Form.Get("editreason") createForumPostVersion(c.Context(), tx, postId, unparsed, c.Req.Host, editReason, &c.CurrentUser.ID) err = tx.Commit(c.Context()) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to edit forum post")) } postUrl := hmnurl.BuildForumPost(c.CurrentProject.Slug, lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(currentCatId), threadId, postId) return c.Redirect(postUrl, http.StatusSeeOther) } func createNewForumPostAndVersion(ctx context.Context, tx pgx.Tx, catId, threadId, userId, projectId int, unparsedContent string, ipString string, replyId *int) (postId, versionId int) { // Create post err := tx.QueryRow(ctx, ` INSERT INTO handmade_post (postdate, category_id, thread_id, current_id, author_id, category_kind, project_id, reply_id, preview) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9) RETURNING id `, time.Now(), catId, threadId, -1, userId, models.CatKindForum, projectId, replyId, "", // empty preview, will be updated later ).Scan(&postId) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to create post")) } versionId = createForumPostVersion(ctx, tx, postId, unparsedContent, ipString, "", nil) return } func createForumPostVersion(ctx context.Context, tx pgx.Tx, postId int, unparsedContent string, ipString string, editReason string, editorId *int) (versionId int) { parsed := parsing.ParsePostInput(unparsedContent, parsing.RealMarkdown) ip := net.ParseIP(ipString) const previewMaxLength = 100 parsedPlaintext := parsing.ParsePostInput(unparsedContent, parsing.PlaintextMarkdown) preview := parsedPlaintext if len(preview) > previewMaxLength-1 { preview = preview[:previewMaxLength-1] + "…" } // Create post version err := tx.QueryRow(ctx, ` INSERT INTO handmade_postversion (post_id, text_raw, text_parsed, ip, date, edit_reason, editor_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) RETURNING id `, postId, unparsedContent, parsed, ip, time.Now(), editReason, editorId, ).Scan(&versionId) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to create post version")) } // Update post with version id and preview _, err = tx.Exec(ctx, ` UPDATE handmade_post SET current_id = $1, preview = $2 WHERE id = $3 `, versionId, preview, postId, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to set current post version and preview")) } return } func validateSubforums(lineageBuilder *models.CategoryLineageBuilder, project *models.Project, catPath string) (int, bool) { if project.ForumID == nil { return -1, false } subforumCatId := *project.ForumID if len(catPath) == 0 { return subforumCatId, true } catPath = strings.ToLower(catPath) valid := false catSlugs := strings.Split(catPath, "/") lastSlug := catSlugs[len(catSlugs)-1] if len(lastSlug) > 0 { lastSlugCatId := lineageBuilder.FindIdBySlug(project.ID, lastSlug) if lastSlugCatId != -1 { subforumSlugs := lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(lastSlugCatId) allMatch := true for i, subforum := range subforumSlugs { if subforum != catSlugs[i] { allMatch = false break } } valid = allMatch } if valid { subforumCatId = lastSlugCatId } } return subforumCatId, valid }