package website import ( "fmt" "net/http" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type forumData struct { templates.BaseData NewThreadUrl string MarkReadUrl string Threads []templates.ThreadListItem Pagination templates.Pagination Subforums []forumSubforumData } type forumSubforumData struct { Name string Url string Threads []templates.ThreadListItem TotalThreads int } type editActionType string type editorData struct { templates.BaseData SubmitUrl string SubmitLabel string // The following are filled out automatically by the // getEditorDataFor* functions. Title string CanEditTitle bool IsEditing bool EditInitialContents string PostReplyingTo *templates.Post } func getEditorDataForNew(baseData templates.BaseData, replyPost *templates.Post) editorData { result := editorData{ BaseData: baseData, CanEditTitle: replyPost == nil, PostReplyingTo: replyPost, } if replyPost != nil { result.Title = "Replying to post" } return result } func getEditorDataForEdit(baseData templates.BaseData, p postAndRelatedModels) editorData { return editorData{ BaseData: baseData, Title: p.Thread.Title, CanEditTitle: p.Thread.FirstID == p.Post.ID, IsEditing: true, EditInitialContents: p.CurrentVersion.TextRaw, } } func Forum(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { const threadsPerPage = 25 cd, ok := getCommonForumData(c) if !ok { return FourOhFour(c) } currentSubforumSlugs := cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(cd.SubforumID) c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch count of page threads") numThreads, err := db.QueryInt(c.Context(), c.Conn, ` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM handmade_thread AS thread WHERE thread.subforum_id = $1 AND NOT thread.deleted `, cd.SubforumID, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to get count of threads")) } c.Perf.EndBlock() numPages := NumPages(numThreads, threadsPerPage) page, ok := ParsePageNumber(c, "page", numPages) if !ok { c.Redirect(hmnurl.BuildForum(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, page), http.StatusSeeOther) } howManyThreadsToSkip := (page - 1) * threadsPerPage var currentUserId *int if c.CurrentUser != nil { currentUserId = &c.CurrentUser.ID } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch page threads") type threadQueryResult struct { Thread models.Thread `db:"thread"` FirstPost models.Post `db:"firstpost"` LastPost models.Post `db:"lastpost"` FirstUser *models.User `db:"firstuser"` LastUser *models.User `db:"lastuser"` ThreadLastReadTime *time.Time `db:"tlri.lastread"` ForumLastReadTime *time.Time `db:"slri.lastread"` } itMainThreads, err := db.Query(c.Context(), c.Conn, threadQueryResult{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_thread AS thread JOIN handmade_post AS firstpost ON thread.first_id = JOIN handmade_post AS lastpost ON thread.last_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS firstuser ON firstpost.author_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS lastuser ON lastpost.author_id = LEFT JOIN handmade_threadlastreadinfo AS tlri ON ( tlri.thread_id = AND tlri.user_id = $2 ) LEFT JOIN handmade_subforumlastreadinfo AS slri ON ( slri.subforum_id = $1 AND slri.user_id = $2 ) WHERE thread.subforum_id = $1 AND NOT thread.deleted ORDER BY lastpost.postdate DESC LIMIT $3 OFFSET $4 `, cd.SubforumID, currentUserId, threadsPerPage, howManyThreadsToSkip, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to fetch threads")) } c.Perf.EndBlock() defer itMainThreads.Close() makeThreadListItem := func(row *threadQueryResult) templates.ThreadListItem { hasRead := false if row.ThreadLastReadTime != nil && row.ThreadLastReadTime.After(row.LastPost.PostDate) { hasRead = true } else if row.ForumLastReadTime != nil && row.ForumLastReadTime.After(row.LastPost.PostDate) { hasRead = true } return templates.ThreadListItem{ Title: row.Thread.Title, Url: hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(*row.Thread.SubforumID), row.Thread.ID, row.Thread.Title, 1), FirstUser: templates.UserToTemplate(row.FirstUser, c.Theme), FirstDate: row.FirstPost.PostDate, LastUser: templates.UserToTemplate(row.LastUser, c.Theme), LastDate: row.LastPost.PostDate, Unread: !hasRead, } } var threads []templates.ThreadListItem for _, irow := range itMainThreads.ToSlice() { row := irow.(*threadQueryResult) threads = append(threads, makeThreadListItem(row)) } // --------------------- // Subforum things // --------------------- var subforums []forumSubforumData if page == 1 { subforumNodes := cd.SubforumTree[cd.SubforumID].Children for _, sfNode := range subforumNodes { c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch count of subforum threads") // TODO(asaf): [PERF] [MINOR] Consider replacing querying count per subforum with a single query for all subforums with GROUP BY. numThreads, err := db.QueryInt(c.Context(), c.Conn, ` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM handmade_thread AS thread WHERE thread.subforum_id = $1 AND NOT thread.deleted `, sfNode.ID, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to get count of threads")) } c.Perf.EndBlock() c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch subforum threads") // TODO(asaf): [PERF] [MINOR] Consider batching these. itThreads, err := db.Query(c.Context(), c.Conn, threadQueryResult{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_thread AS thread JOIN handmade_post AS firstpost ON thread.first_id = JOIN handmade_post AS lastpost ON thread.last_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS firstuser ON firstpost.author_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS lastuser ON lastpost.author_id = LEFT JOIN handmade_threadlastreadinfo AS tlri ON ( tlri.thread_id = AND tlri.user_id = $2 ) LEFT JOIN handmade_subforumlastreadinfo AS slri ON ( slri.subforum_id = $1 AND slri.user_id = $2 ) WHERE thread.subforum_id = $1 AND NOT thread.deleted ORDER BY lastpost.postdate DESC LIMIT 3 `, sfNode.ID, currentUserId, ) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer itThreads.Close() c.Perf.EndBlock() var threads []templates.ThreadListItem for _, irow := range itThreads.ToSlice() { threadRow := irow.(*threadQueryResult) threads = append(threads, makeThreadListItem(threadRow)) } subforums = append(subforums, forumSubforumData{ Name: sfNode.Name, Url: hmnurl.BuildForum(c.CurrentProject.Slug, cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(sfNode.ID), 1), Threads: threads, TotalThreads: numThreads, }) } } // --------------------- // Template assembly // --------------------- baseData := getBaseData(c) baseData.Title = c.CurrentProject.Name + " Forums" baseData.Breadcrumbs = []templates.Breadcrumb{ // TODO(ben): This is wrong; it needs to account for subforums. { Name: c.CurrentProject.Name, Url: hmnurl.BuildProjectHomepage(c.CurrentProject.Slug), }, { Name: "Forums", Url: hmnurl.BuildForum(c.CurrentProject.Slug, nil, 1), Current: true, }, } currentSubforums := cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineage(cd.SubforumID) for i, subforum := range currentSubforums { baseData.Breadcrumbs = append(baseData.Breadcrumbs, templates.Breadcrumb{ Name: subforum.Name, Url: hmnurl.BuildForum(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs[0:i+1], 1), }) } var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("forum.html", forumData{ BaseData: baseData, NewThreadUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumNewThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, false), MarkReadUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumMarkRead(cd.SubforumID), Threads: threads, Pagination: templates.Pagination{ Current: page, Total: numPages, FirstUrl: hmnurl.BuildForum(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, 1), LastUrl: hmnurl.BuildForum(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, numPages), NextUrl: hmnurl.BuildForum(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, utils.IntClamp(1, page+1, numPages)), PreviousUrl: hmnurl.BuildForum(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, utils.IntClamp(1, page-1, numPages)), }, Subforums: subforums, }, c.Perf) return res } func ForumMarkRead(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch subforum tree") subforumTree := models.GetFullSubforumTree(c.Context(), c.Conn) lineageBuilder := models.MakeSubforumLineageBuilder(subforumTree) c.Perf.EndBlock() sfId, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PathParams["sfid"]) if err != nil { return FourOhFour(c) } tx, err := c.Conn.Begin(c.Context()) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer tx.Rollback(c.Context()) sfIds := []int{sfId} if sfId == 0 { // Mark literally everything as read _, err := tx.Exec(c.Context(), ` UPDATE auth_user SET marked_all_read_at = NOW() WHERE id = $1 `, c.CurrentUser.ID, ) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to mark all posts as read")) } // Delete thread unread info _, err = tx.Exec(c.Context(), ` DELETE FROM handmade_threadlastreadinfo WHERE user_id = $1; `, c.CurrentUser.ID, ) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to delete thread unread info")) } // Delete subforum unread info _, err = tx.Exec(c.Context(), ` DELETE FROM handmade_subforumlastreadinfo WHERE user_id = $1; `, c.CurrentUser.ID, ) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to delete subforum unread info")) } } else { c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Update SLRIs") _, err = tx.Exec(c.Context(), ` INSERT INTO handmade_subforumlastreadinfo (subforum_id, user_id, lastread) SELECT id, $2, $3 FROM handmade_subforum WHERE id = ANY ($1) ON CONFLICT (subforum_id, user_id) DO UPDATE SET lastread = EXCLUDED.lastread `, sfIds, c.CurrentUser.ID, time.Now(), ) c.Perf.EndBlock() if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to update forum slris")) } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Delete TLRIs") _, err = tx.Exec(c.Context(), ` DELETE FROM handmade_threadlastreadinfo WHERE user_id = $2 AND thread_id IN ( SELECT id FROM handmade_thread WHERE subforum_id = ANY ($1) ) `, sfIds, c.CurrentUser.ID, ) c.Perf.EndBlock() if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to delete unnecessary tlris")) } } err = tx.Commit(c.Context()) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to commit SLRI/TLRI updates")) } var redirUrl string if sfId == 0 { redirUrl = hmnurl.BuildFeed() } else { redirUrl = hmnurl.BuildForum(c.CurrentProject.Slug, lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(sfId), 1) } return c.Redirect(redirUrl, http.StatusSeeOther) } type forumThreadData struct { templates.BaseData Thread templates.Thread Posts []templates.Post SubforumUrl string ReplyUrl string Pagination templates.Pagination } var threadViewPostsPerPage = 15 func ForumThread(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { cd, ok := getCommonForumData(c) if !ok { return FourOhFour(c) } currentSubforumSlugs := cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(cd.SubforumID) thread := FetchThread(c.Context(), c.Conn, cd.ThreadID) numPosts, err := db.QueryInt(c.Context(), c.Conn, ` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM handmade_post WHERE thread_id = $1 AND NOT deleted `, thread.ID, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to get count of posts for thread")) } page, numPages, ok := getPageInfo(c.PathParams["page"], numPosts, threadViewPostsPerPage) if !ok { urlNoPage := hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, thread.Title, 1) return c.Redirect(urlNoPage, http.StatusSeeOther) } pagination := templates.Pagination{ Current: page, Total: numPages, FirstUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, thread.Title, 1), LastUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, thread.Title, numPages), NextUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, thread.Title, utils.IntClamp(1, page+1, numPages)), PreviousUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, thread.Title, utils.IntClamp(1, page-1, numPages)), } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch posts") _, postsAndStuff := FetchThreadPostsAndStuff( c.Context(), c.Conn, cd.ThreadID, page, threadViewPostsPerPage, ) c.Perf.EndBlock() var posts []templates.Post for _, p := range postsAndStuff { post := templates.PostToTemplate(&p.Post, p.Author, c.Theme) post.AddContentVersion(p.CurrentVersion, p.Editor) addForumUrlsToPost(&post, c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, post.ID) if p.ReplyPost != nil { reply := templates.PostToTemplate(p.ReplyPost, p.ReplyAuthor, c.Theme) addForumUrlsToPost(&reply, c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, post.ID) post.ReplyPost = &reply } posts = append(posts, post) } // Update thread last read info if c.CurrentUser != nil { c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Update TLRI") _, err = c.Conn.Exec(c.Context(), ` INSERT INTO handmade_threadlastreadinfo (thread_id, user_id, lastread) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) ON CONFLICT (thread_id, user_id) DO UPDATE SET lastread = EXCLUDED.lastread `, cd.ThreadID, c.CurrentUser.ID, time.Now(), ) c.Perf.EndBlock() if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to update forum tlri")) } } baseData := getBaseData(c) baseData.Title = thread.Title // TODO(asaf): Set breadcrumbs var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("forum_thread.html", forumThreadData{ BaseData: baseData, Thread: templates.ThreadToTemplate(&thread), Posts: posts, SubforumUrl: hmnurl.BuildForum(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, 1), ReplyUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumPostReply(c.CurrentProject.Slug, currentSubforumSlugs, thread.ID, thread.FirstID), Pagination: pagination, }, c.Perf) return res } func ForumPostRedirect(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { cd, ok := getCommonForumData(c) if !ok { return FourOhFour(c) } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch post ids for thread") type postQuery struct { PostID int `db:""` } postQueryResult, err := db.Query(c.Context(), c.Conn, postQuery{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_post AS post WHERE post.thread_id = $1 AND NOT post.deleted ORDER BY postdate `, cd.ThreadID, ) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch post ids")) } postQuerySlice := postQueryResult.ToSlice() c.Perf.EndBlock() postIdx := -1 for i, id := range postQuerySlice { if id.(*postQuery).PostID == cd.PostID { postIdx = i break } } if postIdx == -1 { return FourOhFour(c) } c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch thread title") type threadTitleQuery struct { ThreadTitle string `db:"thread.title"` } threadTitleQueryResult, err := db.QueryOne(c.Context(), c.Conn, threadTitleQuery{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_thread AS thread WHERE = $1 `, cd.ThreadID, ) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch thread title")) } c.Perf.EndBlock() threadTitle := threadTitleQueryResult.(*threadTitleQuery).ThreadTitle page := (postIdx / threadViewPostsPerPage) + 1 return c.Redirect(hmnurl.BuildForumThreadWithPostHash( c.CurrentProject.Slug, cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(cd.SubforumID), cd.ThreadID, threadTitle, page, cd.PostID, ), http.StatusSeeOther) } func ForumNewThread(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { baseData := getBaseData(c) baseData.Title = "Create New Thread" baseData.MathjaxEnabled = true // TODO(ben): Set breadcrumbs cd, ok := getCommonForumData(c) if !ok { return FourOhFour(c) } editData := getEditorDataForNew(baseData, nil) editData.SubmitUrl = hmnurl.BuildForumNewThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(cd.SubforumID), true) editData.SubmitLabel = "Post New Thread" var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("editor.html", editData, c.Perf) return res } func ForumNewThreadSubmit(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { tx, err := c.Conn.Begin(c.Context()) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer tx.Rollback(c.Context()) cd, ok := getCommonForumData(c) if !ok { return FourOhFour(c) } err = c.Req.ParseForm() if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusBadRequest, oops.New(err, "the form data was invalid")) } title := c.Req.Form.Get("title") unparsed := c.Req.Form.Get("body") sticky := false if c.CurrentUser.IsStaff && c.Req.Form.Get("sticky") != "" { sticky = true } if title == "" { return RejectRequest(c, "You must provide a title for your post.") } if unparsed == "" { return RejectRequest(c, "You must provide a body for your post.") } // Create thread var threadId int err = tx.QueryRow(c.Context(), ` INSERT INTO handmade_thread (title, sticky, type, project_id, subforum_id, first_id, last_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) RETURNING id `, title, sticky, models.ThreadTypeForumPost, c.CurrentProject.ID, cd.SubforumID, -1, -1, ).Scan(&threadId) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to create thread")) } // Create everything else CreateNewPost(c.Context(), tx, c.CurrentProject.ID, threadId, models.ThreadTypeForumPost, c.CurrentUser.ID, nil, unparsed, c.Req.Host) err = tx.Commit(c.Context()) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to create new forum thread")) } newThreadUrl := hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(cd.SubforumID), threadId, title, 1) return c.Redirect(newThreadUrl, http.StatusSeeOther) } func ForumPostReply(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { cd, ok := getCommonForumData(c) if !ok { return FourOhFour(c) } postData := FetchPostAndStuff(c.Context(), c.Conn, cd.ThreadID, cd.PostID) baseData := getBaseData(c) baseData.Title = fmt.Sprintf("Replying to post | %s", cd.SubforumTree[cd.SubforumID].Name) baseData.MathjaxEnabled = true // TODO(ben): Set breadcrumbs replyPost := templates.PostToTemplate(&postData.Post, postData.Author, c.Theme) replyPost.AddContentVersion(postData.CurrentVersion, postData.Editor) editData := getEditorDataForNew(baseData, &replyPost) editData.SubmitUrl = hmnurl.BuildForumPostReply(c.CurrentProject.Slug, cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(cd.SubforumID), cd.ThreadID, cd.PostID) editData.SubmitLabel = "Submit Reply" var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("editor.html", editData, c.Perf) return res } func ForumPostReplySubmit(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { cd, ok := getCommonForumData(c) if !ok { return FourOhFour(c) } tx, err := c.Conn.Begin(c.Context()) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer tx.Rollback(c.Context()) err = c.Req.ParseForm() if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusBadRequest, oops.New(nil, "the form data was invalid")) } unparsed := c.Req.Form.Get("body") if unparsed == "" { return RejectRequest(c, "Your reply cannot be empty.") } newPostId, _ := CreateNewPost(c.Context(), tx, c.CurrentProject.ID, cd.ThreadID, models.ThreadTypeForumPost, c.CurrentUser.ID, &cd.PostID, unparsed, c.Req.Host) err = tx.Commit(c.Context()) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to reply to forum post")) } newPostUrl := hmnurl.BuildForumPost(c.CurrentProject.Slug, cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(cd.SubforumID), cd.ThreadID, newPostId) return c.Redirect(newPostUrl, http.StatusSeeOther) } func ForumPostEdit(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { cd, ok := getCommonForumData(c) if !ok { return FourOhFour(c) } if !UserCanEditPost(c.Context(), c.Conn, *c.CurrentUser, cd.PostID) { return FourOhFour(c) } postData := FetchPostAndStuff(c.Context(), c.Conn, cd.ThreadID, cd.PostID) baseData := getBaseData(c) if postData.Thread.FirstID == postData.Post.ID { baseData.Title = fmt.Sprintf("Editing \"%s\" | %s", postData.Thread.Title, cd.SubforumTree[cd.SubforumID].Name) } else { baseData.Title = fmt.Sprintf("Editing Post | %s", cd.SubforumTree[cd.SubforumID].Name) } baseData.MathjaxEnabled = true // TODO(ben): Set breadcrumbs editData := getEditorDataForEdit(baseData, postData) editData.SubmitUrl = hmnurl.BuildForumPostEdit(c.CurrentProject.Slug, cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(cd.SubforumID), cd.ThreadID, cd.PostID) editData.SubmitLabel = "Submit Edited Post" var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("editor.html", editData, c.Perf) return res } func ForumPostEditSubmit(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { cd, ok := getCommonForumData(c) if !ok { return FourOhFour(c) } if !UserCanEditPost(c.Context(), c.Conn, *c.CurrentUser, cd.PostID) { return FourOhFour(c) } tx, err := c.Conn.Begin(c.Context()) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer tx.Rollback(c.Context()) c.Req.ParseForm() // TODO(ben): Validation unparsed := c.Req.Form.Get("body") editReason := c.Req.Form.Get("editreason") CreatePostVersion(c.Context(), tx, cd.PostID, unparsed, c.Req.Host, editReason, &c.CurrentUser.ID) err = tx.Commit(c.Context()) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to edit forum post")) } postUrl := hmnurl.BuildForumPost(c.CurrentProject.Slug, cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(cd.SubforumID), cd.ThreadID, cd.PostID) return c.Redirect(postUrl, http.StatusSeeOther) } func ForumPostDelete(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { cd, ok := getCommonForumData(c) if !ok { return FourOhFour(c) } if !UserCanEditPost(c.Context(), c.Conn, *c.CurrentUser, cd.PostID) { return FourOhFour(c) } postData := FetchPostAndStuff(c.Context(), c.Conn, cd.ThreadID, cd.PostID) baseData := getBaseData(c) baseData.Title = fmt.Sprintf("Deleting post in \"%s\" | %s", postData.Thread.Title, cd.SubforumTree[cd.SubforumID].Name) baseData.MathjaxEnabled = true // TODO(ben): Set breadcrumbs templatePost := templates.PostToTemplate(&postData.Post, postData.Author, c.Theme) templatePost.AddContentVersion(postData.CurrentVersion, postData.Editor) type forumPostDeleteData struct { templates.BaseData Post templates.Post SubmitUrl string } var res ResponseData res.MustWriteTemplate("forum_post_delete.html", forumPostDeleteData{ BaseData: baseData, SubmitUrl: hmnurl.BuildForumPostDelete(c.CurrentProject.Slug, cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(cd.SubforumID), cd.ThreadID, cd.PostID), Post: templatePost, }, c.Perf) return res } func ForumPostDeleteSubmit(c *RequestContext) ResponseData { cd, ok := getCommonForumData(c) if !ok { return FourOhFour(c) } if !UserCanEditPost(c.Context(), c.Conn, *c.CurrentUser, cd.PostID) { return FourOhFour(c) } tx, err := c.Conn.Begin(c.Context()) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer tx.Rollback(c.Context()) threadDeleted := DeletePost(c.Context(), tx, cd.ThreadID, cd.PostID) err = tx.Commit(c.Context()) if err != nil { return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to delete post")) } if threadDeleted { forumUrl := hmnurl.BuildForum(c.CurrentProject.Slug, cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(cd.SubforumID), 1) return c.Redirect(forumUrl, http.StatusSeeOther) } else { threadUrl := hmnurl.BuildForumThread(c.CurrentProject.Slug, cd.LineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(cd.SubforumID), cd.ThreadID, "", 1) // TODO: Go to the last page of the thread? Or the post before the post we just deleted? return c.Redirect(threadUrl, http.StatusSeeOther) } } type commonForumData struct { c *RequestContext SubforumID int ThreadID int PostID int SubforumTree models.SubforumTree LineageBuilder *models.SubforumLineageBuilder } /* Gets data that is used on basically every forums-related route. Parses path params for subforum, thread, and post ids and validates that all those resources do in fact exist. Returns false if any data is invalid and you should return a 404. */ func getCommonForumData(c *RequestContext) (commonForumData, bool) { c.Perf.StartBlock("FORUMS", "Fetch common forum data") defer c.Perf.EndBlock() c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch subforum tree") subforumTree := models.GetFullSubforumTree(c.Context(), c.Conn) lineageBuilder := models.MakeSubforumLineageBuilder(subforumTree) c.Perf.EndBlock() res := commonForumData{ c: c, SubforumTree: subforumTree, LineageBuilder: lineageBuilder, } if subforums, hasSubforums := c.PathParams["subforums"]; hasSubforums { sfId, valid := validateSubforums(lineageBuilder, c.CurrentProject, subforums) if !valid { return commonForumData{}, false } res.SubforumID = sfId // No need to validate that subforum exists here; it's handled by validateSubforums. } if threadIdStr, hasThreadId := c.PathParams["threadid"]; hasThreadId { threadId, err := strconv.Atoi(threadIdStr) if err != nil { return commonForumData{}, false } res.ThreadID = threadId c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Verify that the thread exists") threadExists, err := db.QueryBool(c.Context(), c.Conn, ` SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM handmade_thread WHERE id = $1 AND subforum_id = $2 AND NOT deleted `, res.ThreadID, res.SubforumID, ) c.Perf.EndBlock() if err != nil { panic(err) } if !threadExists { return commonForumData{}, false } } if postIdStr, hasPostId := c.PathParams["postid"]; hasPostId { postId, err := strconv.Atoi(postIdStr) if err != nil { return commonForumData{}, false } res.PostID = postId c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Verify that the post exists") postExists, err := db.QueryBool(c.Context(), c.Conn, ` SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM handmade_post WHERE id = $1 AND thread_id = $2 AND NOT deleted `, res.PostID, res.ThreadID, ) c.Perf.EndBlock() if err != nil { panic(err) } if !postExists { return commonForumData{}, false } } return res, true } func validateSubforums(lineageBuilder *models.SubforumLineageBuilder, project *models.Project, sfPath string) (int, bool) { if project.ForumID == nil { return -1, false } subforumId := *project.ForumID if len(sfPath) == 0 { return subforumId, true } sfPath = strings.ToLower(sfPath) valid := false sfSlugs := strings.Split(sfPath, "/") lastSlug := sfSlugs[len(sfSlugs)-1] if len(lastSlug) > 0 { lastSlugSfId := lineageBuilder.FindIdBySlug(project.ID, lastSlug) if lastSlugSfId != -1 { subforumSlugs := lineageBuilder.GetSubforumLineageSlugs(lastSlugSfId) allMatch := true for i, subforum := range subforumSlugs { if subforum != sfSlugs[i] { allMatch = false break } } valid = allMatch } if valid { subforumId = lastSlugSfId } } return subforumId, valid } func addForumUrlsToPost(p *templates.Post, projectSlug string, subforums []string, threadId int, postId int) { p.Url = hmnurl.BuildForumPost(projectSlug, subforums, threadId, postId) p.DeleteUrl = hmnurl.BuildForumPostDelete(projectSlug, subforums, threadId, postId) p.EditUrl = hmnurl.BuildForumPostEdit(projectSlug, subforums, threadId, postId) p.ReplyUrl = hmnurl.BuildForumPostReply(projectSlug, subforums, threadId, postId) }