package hmndata import ( "context" "" "" "" "" ) type SnippetQuery struct { IDs []int OwnerIDs []int Tags []int DiscordMessageIDs []string Limit, Offset int // if empty, no pagination } type SnippetAndStuff struct { Snippet models.Snippet Owner *models.User Asset *models.Asset `db:"asset"` DiscordMessage *models.DiscordMessage `db:"discord_message"` Tags []*models.Tag } func FetchSnippets( ctx context.Context, dbConn db.ConnOrTx, currentUser *models.User, q SnippetQuery, ) ([]SnippetAndStuff, error) { perf := perf.ExtractPerf(ctx) perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch snippets") defer perf.EndBlock() tx, err := dbConn.Begin(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, oops.New(err, "failed to start transaction") } defer tx.Rollback(ctx) if len(q.Tags) > 0 { // Get snippet IDs with this tag, then use that in the main query type snippetIDRow struct { SnippetID int `db:"snippet_id"` } snippetIDs, err := db.Query[snippetIDRow](ctx, tx, ` SELECT DISTINCT snippet_id FROM snippet_tags JOIN tags ON snippet_tags.tag_id = WHERE = ANY ($1) `, q.Tags, ) if err != nil { return nil, oops.New(err, "failed to get snippet IDs for tag") } // special early-out: no snippets found for these tags at all if len(snippetIDs) == 0 { return nil, nil } q.IDs = make([]int, len(snippetIDs)) for i := range snippetIDs { q.IDs[i] = snippetIDs[i].SnippetID } } var qb db.QueryBuilder qb.Add( ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_snippet AS snippet LEFT JOIN auth_user AS owner ON snippet.owner_id = LEFT JOIN handmade_asset AS owner_avatar ON = owner.avatar_asset_id LEFT JOIN handmade_asset AS asset ON snippet.asset_id = LEFT JOIN handmade_discordmessage AS discord_message ON snippet.discord_message_id = WHERE TRUE `, ) if len(q.IDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND = ANY ($?)`, q.IDs) } if len(q.OwnerIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND snippet.owner_id = ANY ($?)`, q.OwnerIDs) } if len(q.DiscordMessageIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND snippet.discord_message_id = ANY ($?)`, q.DiscordMessageIDs) } if currentUser == nil { qb.Add( `AND owner.status = $? -- snippet owner is Approved`, models.UserStatusApproved, ) } else if !currentUser.IsStaff { qb.Add( ` AND ( owner.status = $? -- snippet owner is Approved OR = $? -- current user is the snippet owner ) `, models.UserStatusApproved, currentUser.ID, ) } qb.Add(`ORDER BY snippet.when DESC, ASC`) if q.Limit > 0 { qb.Add(`LIMIT $? OFFSET $?`, q.Limit, q.Offset) } type resultRow struct { Snippet models.Snippet `db:"snippet"` Owner *models.User `db:"owner"` Asset *models.Asset `db:"asset"` DiscordMessage *models.DiscordMessage `db:"discord_message"` } rows, err := db.Query[resultRow](ctx, tx, qb.String(), qb.Args()...) if err != nil { return nil, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch threads") } result := make([]SnippetAndStuff, len(rows)) // allocate extra space because why not snippetIDs := make([]int, len(rows)) for i, row := range rows { result[i] = SnippetAndStuff{ Snippet: row.Snippet, Owner: row.Owner, Asset: row.Asset, DiscordMessage: row.DiscordMessage, // no tags! tags next } snippetIDs[i] = row.Snippet.ID } // Fetch tags type snippetTagRow struct { SnippetID int `db:"snippet_tags.snippet_id"` Tag *models.Tag `db:"tags"` } snippetTags, err := db.Query[snippetTagRow](ctx, tx, ` SELECT $columns FROM snippet_tags JOIN tags ON snippet_tags.tag_id = WHERE snippet_tags.snippet_id = ANY($1) `, snippetIDs, ) if err != nil { return nil, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch tags for snippets") } // associate tags with snippets resultBySnippetId := make(map[int]*SnippetAndStuff) for i := range result { resultBySnippetId[result[i].Snippet.ID] = &result[i] } for _, snippetTag := range snippetTags { item := resultBySnippetId[snippetTag.SnippetID] item.Tags = append(item.Tags, snippetTag.Tag) } err = tx.Commit(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, oops.New(err, "failed to commit transaction") } return result, nil } func FetchSnippet( ctx context.Context, dbConn db.ConnOrTx, currentUser *models.User, snippetID int, q SnippetQuery, ) (SnippetAndStuff, error) { q.IDs = []int{snippetID} q.Limit = 1 q.Offset = 0 res, err := FetchSnippets(ctx, dbConn, currentUser, q) if err != nil { return SnippetAndStuff{}, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch snippet") } if len(res) == 0 { return SnippetAndStuff{}, db.NotFound } return res[0], nil } func FetchSnippetForDiscordMessage( ctx context.Context, dbConn db.ConnOrTx, currentUser *models.User, discordMessageID string, q SnippetQuery, ) (SnippetAndStuff, error) { q.DiscordMessageIDs = []string{discordMessageID} q.Limit = 1 q.Offset = 0 res, err := FetchSnippets(ctx, dbConn, currentUser, q) if err != nil { return SnippetAndStuff{}, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch snippet for Discord message") } if len(res) == 0 { return SnippetAndStuff{}, db.NotFound } return res[0], nil }