package website import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "net" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type ThreadsQuery struct { // Available on all thread queries. ProjectIDs []int // if empty, all projects ThreadTypes []models.ThreadType // if empty, all types (you do not want to do this) SubforumIDs []int // if empty, all subforums // Ignored when using FetchThread. ThreadIDs []int // Ignored when using FetchThread or CountThreads. Limit, Offset int // if empty, no pagination } type ThreadAndStuff struct { Project models.Project `db:"project"` Thread models.Thread `db:"thread"` FirstPost models.Post `db:"first_post"` LastPost models.Post `db:"last_post"` FirstPostCurrentVersion models.PostVersion `db:"first_version"` LastPostCurrentVersion models.PostVersion `db:"last_version"` FirstPostAuthor *models.User `db:"first_author"` // Can be nil in case of a deleted user LastPostAuthor *models.User `db:"last_author"` // Can be nil in case of a deleted user Unread bool } /* Fetches threads and related models from the database according to all the given query params. For the most correct results, provide as much information as you have on hand. */ func FetchThreads( ctx context.Context, dbConn db.ConnOrTx, currentUser *models.User, q ThreadsQuery, ) ([]ThreadAndStuff, error) { perf := ExtractPerf(ctx) perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch threads") defer perf.EndBlock() var qb db.QueryBuilder var currentUserID *int if currentUser != nil { currentUserID = ¤tUser.ID } qb.Add( ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_thread AS thread JOIN handmade_project AS project ON thread.project_id = JOIN handmade_post AS first_post ON = thread.first_id JOIN handmade_post AS last_post ON = thread.last_id JOIN handmade_postversion AS first_version ON = first_post.current_id JOIN handmade_postversion AS last_version ON = last_post.current_id LEFT JOIN auth_user AS first_author ON = first_post.author_id LEFT JOIN auth_user AS last_author ON = last_post.author_id LEFT JOIN handmade_threadlastreadinfo AS tlri ON ( tlri.thread_id = AND tlri.user_id = $? ) LEFT JOIN handmade_subforumlastreadinfo AS slri ON ( slri.subforum_id = thread.subforum_id AND slri.user_id = $? ) WHERE NOT thread.deleted AND ( -- project has valid lifecycle project.flags = 0 AND project.lifecycle = ANY($?) OR = $? ) `, currentUserID, currentUserID, models.VisibleProjectLifecycles, models.HMNProjectID, ) if len(q.ProjectIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND = ANY ($?)`, q.ProjectIDs) } if len(q.ThreadTypes) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND thread.type = ANY ($?)`, q.ThreadTypes) } if len(q.SubforumIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND thread.subforum_id = ANY ($?)`, q.SubforumIDs) } if len(q.ThreadIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND = ANY ($?)`, q.ThreadIDs) } if currentUser == nil { qb.Add( `AND first_author.status = $? -- thread author is Approved`, models.UserStatusApproved, ) } else if !currentUser.IsStaff { qb.Add( ` AND ( first_author.status = $? -- thread author is Approved OR = $? -- current user is the thread author ) `, models.UserStatusApproved, currentUserID, ) } qb.Add(`ORDER BY last_post.postdate DESC`) if q.Limit > 0 { qb.Add(`LIMIT $? OFFSET $?`, q.Limit, q.Offset) } type resultRow struct { ThreadAndStuff ThreadLastReadTime *time.Time `db:"tlri.lastread"` ForumLastReadTime *time.Time `db:"slri.lastread"` } it, err := db.Query(ctx, dbConn, resultRow{}, qb.String(), qb.Args()...) if err != nil { return nil, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch threads") } iresults := it.ToSlice() result := make([]ThreadAndStuff, len(iresults)) for i, iresult := range iresults { row := *iresult.(*resultRow) hasRead := false if row.ThreadLastReadTime != nil && row.ThreadLastReadTime.After(row.LastPost.PostDate) { hasRead = true } else if row.ForumLastReadTime != nil && row.ForumLastReadTime.After(row.LastPost.PostDate) { hasRead = true } row.Unread = !hasRead result[i] = row.ThreadAndStuff } return result, nil } /* Fetches a single thread and related data. A wrapper around FetchThreads. As with FetchThreads, provide as much information as you know to get the most correct results. Returns db.NotFound if no result is found. */ func FetchThread( ctx context.Context, dbConn db.ConnOrTx, currentUser *models.User, threadID int, q ThreadsQuery, ) (ThreadAndStuff, error) { q.ThreadIDs = []int{threadID} q.Limit = 1 q.Offset = 0 res, err := FetchThreads(ctx, dbConn, currentUser, q) if err != nil { return ThreadAndStuff{}, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch thread") } if len(res) == 0 { return ThreadAndStuff{}, db.NotFound } return res[0], nil } func CountThreads( ctx context.Context, dbConn db.ConnOrTx, currentUser *models.User, q ThreadsQuery, ) (int, error) { perf := ExtractPerf(ctx) perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Count threads") defer perf.EndBlock() var qb db.QueryBuilder var currentUserID *int if currentUser != nil { currentUserID = ¤tUser.ID } qb.Add( ` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM handmade_thread AS thread JOIN handmade_project AS project ON thread.project_id = JOIN handmade_post AS first_post ON = thread.first_id LEFT JOIN auth_user AS first_author ON = first_post.author_id WHERE NOT thread.deleted AND ( -- project has valid lifecycle project.flags = 0 AND project.lifecycle = ANY($?) OR = $? ) `, models.VisibleProjectLifecycles, models.HMNProjectID, ) if len(q.ProjectIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND = ANY ($?)`, q.ProjectIDs) } if len(q.ThreadTypes) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND thread.type = ANY ($?)`, q.ThreadTypes) } if len(q.SubforumIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND thread.subforum_id = ANY ($?)`, q.SubforumIDs) } if currentUser == nil { qb.Add( `AND first_author.status = $? -- thread author is Approved`, models.UserStatusApproved, ) } else if !currentUser.IsStaff { qb.Add( ` AND ( first_author.status = $? -- thread author is Approved OR = $? -- current user is the thread author ) `, models.UserStatusApproved, currentUserID, ) } count, err := db.QueryInt(ctx, dbConn, qb.String(), qb.Args()...) if err != nil { return 0, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch count of threads") } return count, nil } type PostsQuery struct { // Available on all post queries. ProjectIDs []int UserIDs []int ThreadTypes []models.ThreadType // Ignored when using FetchPost. ThreadIDs []int PostIDs []int // Ignored when using FetchPost or CountPosts. Limit, Offset int SortDescending bool } type PostAndStuff struct { Project models.Project `db:"project"` Thread models.Thread `db:"thread"` ThreadUnread bool Post models.Post `db:"post"` CurrentVersion models.PostVersion `db:"ver"` Author *models.User `db:"author"` // Can be nil in case of a deleted user Editor *models.User `db:"editor"` ReplyPost *models.Post `db:"reply_post"` ReplyAuthor *models.User `db:"reply_author"` } /* Fetches posts and related models from the database according to all the given query params. For the most correct results, provide as much information as you have on hand. */ func FetchPosts( ctx context.Context, dbConn db.ConnOrTx, currentUser *models.User, q PostsQuery, ) ([]PostAndStuff, error) { perf := ExtractPerf(ctx) perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch posts") defer perf.EndBlock() var qb db.QueryBuilder var currentUserID *int if currentUser != nil { currentUserID = ¤tUser.ID } type resultRow struct { PostAndStuff ThreadLastReadTime *time.Time `db:"tlri.lastread"` ForumLastReadTime *time.Time `db:"slri.lastread"` } qb.Add( ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_post AS post JOIN handmade_thread AS thread ON post.thread_id = JOIN handmade_project AS project ON post.project_id = JOIN handmade_postversion AS ver ON = post.current_id LEFT JOIN auth_user AS author ON = post.author_id LEFT JOIN auth_user AS editor ON ver.editor_id = LEFT JOIN handmade_threadlastreadinfo AS tlri ON ( tlri.thread_id = AND tlri.user_id = $? ) LEFT JOIN handmade_subforumlastreadinfo AS slri ON ( slri.subforum_id = thread.subforum_id AND slri.user_id = $? ) -- Unconditionally fetch reply info, but make sure to check it -- later and possibly remove these fields if the permission -- check fails. LEFT JOIN handmade_post AS reply_post ON = post.reply_id LEFT JOIN auth_user AS reply_author ON reply_post.author_id = WHERE NOT thread.deleted AND NOT post.deleted AND ( -- project has valid lifecycle project.flags = 0 AND project.lifecycle = ANY($?) OR = $? ) `, currentUserID, currentUserID, models.VisibleProjectLifecycles, models.HMNProjectID, ) if len(q.ProjectIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND = ANY ($?)`, q.ProjectIDs) } if len(q.UserIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND post.author_id = ANY ($?)`, q.UserIDs) } if len(q.ThreadIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND post.thread_id = ANY ($?)`, q.ThreadIDs) } if len(q.ThreadTypes) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND thread.type = ANY ($?)`, q.ThreadTypes) } if len(q.PostIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND = ANY ($?)`, q.PostIDs) } if currentUser == nil { qb.Add( `AND author.status = $? -- post author is Approved`, models.UserStatusApproved, ) } else if !currentUser.IsStaff { qb.Add( ` AND ( author.status = $? -- post author is Approved OR = $? -- current user is the post author ) `, models.UserStatusApproved, currentUserID, ) } qb.Add(`ORDER BY post.postdate`) if q.SortDescending { qb.Add(`DESC`) } if q.Limit > 0 { qb.Add(`LIMIT $? OFFSET $?`, q.Limit, q.Offset) } it, err := db.Query(ctx, dbConn, resultRow{}, qb.String(), qb.Args()...) if err != nil { return nil, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch posts") } iresults := it.ToSlice() result := make([]PostAndStuff, len(iresults)) for i, iresult := range iresults { row := *iresult.(*resultRow) hasRead := false if row.ThreadLastReadTime != nil && row.ThreadLastReadTime.After(row.Post.PostDate) { hasRead = true } else if row.ForumLastReadTime != nil && row.ForumLastReadTime.After(row.Post.PostDate) { hasRead = true } row.ThreadUnread = !hasRead if row.ReplyPost != nil && row.ReplyAuthor != nil { replyAuthorIsNotApproved := row.ReplyAuthor.Status != models.UserStatusApproved canSeeUnapprovedReply := currentUser != nil && (row.ReplyAuthor.ID == currentUser.ID || currentUser.IsStaff) if replyAuthorIsNotApproved && !canSeeUnapprovedReply { row.ReplyPost = nil row.ReplyAuthor = nil } } result[i] = row.PostAndStuff } return result, nil } /* Fetches posts for a given thread. A convenient wrapper around FetchPosts that returns the posts and the actual thread model. Return db.NotFound if nothing is found (no thread or no posts). */ func FetchThreadPosts( ctx context.Context, dbConn db.ConnOrTx, currentUser *models.User, threadID int, q PostsQuery, ) (models.Thread, []PostAndStuff, error) { q.ThreadIDs = []int{threadID} res, err := FetchPosts(ctx, dbConn, currentUser, q) if err != nil { return models.Thread{}, nil, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch posts for thread") } if len(res) == 0 { // We shouldn't have threads without posts anyway. return models.Thread{}, nil, db.NotFound } return res[0].Thread, res, nil } /* Fetches a single post for a thread and its related data. A wrapper around FetchPosts. As with FetchPosts, provide as much information as you know to get the most correct results. Returns db.NotFound if no result is found. */ func FetchThreadPost( ctx context.Context, dbConn db.ConnOrTx, currentUser *models.User, threadID, postID int, q PostsQuery, ) (PostAndStuff, error) { q.ThreadIDs = []int{threadID} q.PostIDs = []int{postID} q.Limit = 1 q.Offset = 0 res, err := FetchPosts(ctx, dbConn, currentUser, q) if err != nil { return PostAndStuff{}, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch post") } if len(res) == 0 { return PostAndStuff{}, db.NotFound } return res[0], nil } /* Fetches a single post and its related data. A wrapper around FetchPosts. As with FetchPosts, provide as much information as you know to get the most correct results. Returns db.NotFound if no result is found. */ func FetchPost( ctx context.Context, dbConn db.ConnOrTx, currentUser *models.User, postID int, q PostsQuery, ) (PostAndStuff, error) { q.PostIDs = []int{postID} q.Limit = 1 q.Offset = 0 res, err := FetchPosts(ctx, dbConn, currentUser, q) if err != nil { return PostAndStuff{}, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch post") } if len(res) == 0 { return PostAndStuff{}, db.NotFound } return res[0], nil } func CountPosts( ctx context.Context, dbConn db.ConnOrTx, currentUser *models.User, q PostsQuery, ) (int, error) { perf := ExtractPerf(ctx) perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Count posts") defer perf.EndBlock() var qb db.QueryBuilder var currentUserID *int if currentUser != nil { currentUserID = ¤tUser.ID } qb.Add( ` SELECT COUNT(*) FROM handmade_post AS post JOIN handmade_thread AS thread ON post.thread_id = JOIN handmade_project AS project ON post.project_id = LEFT JOIN auth_user AS author ON = post.author_id WHERE NOT thread.deleted AND NOT post.deleted AND ( -- project has valid lifecycle project.flags = 0 AND project.lifecycle = ANY($?) OR = $? ) `, models.VisibleProjectLifecycles, models.HMNProjectID, ) if len(q.ProjectIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND = ANY ($?)`, q.ProjectIDs) } if len(q.UserIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND post.author_id = ANY ($?)`, q.UserIDs) } if len(q.ThreadIDs) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND post.thread_id = ANY ($?)`, q.ThreadIDs) } if len(q.ThreadTypes) > 0 { qb.Add(`AND thread.type = ANY ($?)`, q.ThreadTypes) } if currentUser == nil { qb.Add( `AND author.status = $? -- post author is Approved`, models.UserStatusApproved, ) } else if !currentUser.IsStaff { qb.Add( ` AND ( author.status = $? -- post author is Approved OR = $? -- current user is the post author ) `, models.UserStatusApproved, currentUserID, ) } count, err := db.QueryInt(ctx, dbConn, qb.String(), qb.Args()...) if err != nil { return 0, oops.New(err, "failed to count posts") } return count, nil } func UserCanEditPost(ctx context.Context, connOrTx db.ConnOrTx, user models.User, postId int) bool { if user.IsStaff { return true } type postResult struct { AuthorID *int `db:"post.author_id"` } iresult, err := db.QueryOne(ctx, connOrTx, postResult{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_post AS post WHERE = $1 AND NOT post.deleted `, postId, ) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, db.NotFound) { return false } else { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to get author of post when checking permissions")) } } result := iresult.(*postResult) return result.AuthorID != nil && *result.AuthorID == user.ID } func CreateNewPost( ctx context.Context, tx pgx.Tx, projectId int, threadId int, threadType models.ThreadType, userId int, replyId *int, unparsedContent string, ipString string, ) (postId, versionId int) { // Create post err := tx.QueryRow(ctx, ` INSERT INTO handmade_post (postdate, thread_id, thread_type, current_id, author_id, project_id, reply_id, preview) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) RETURNING id `, time.Now(), threadId, threadType, -1, userId, projectId, replyId, "", // empty preview, will be updated later ).Scan(&postId) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to create post")) } // Create and associate version versionId = CreatePostVersion(ctx, tx, postId, unparsedContent, ipString, "", nil) // Fix up thread err = FixThreadPostIds(ctx, tx, threadId) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to fix up thread post IDs")) } // Track a project update updateEntries := []string{"all_last_updated"} switch threadType { case models.ThreadTypeForumPost: updateEntries = append(updateEntries, "forum_last_updated") case models.ThreadTypeProjectBlogPost, models.ThreadTypePersonalBlogPost: updateEntries = append(updateEntries, "blog_last_updated") } for i := range updateEntries { updateEntries[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s = $2", updateEntries[i]) } updates := strings.Join(updateEntries, ", ") _, err = tx.Exec(ctx, ` UPDATE handmade_project SET `+updates+` WHERE id = $1 `, projectId, time.Now(), ) return } func DeletePost( ctx context.Context, tx pgx.Tx, threadId, postId int, ) (threadDeleted bool) { isFirstPost, err := db.QueryBool(ctx, tx, ` SELECT thread.first_id = $1 FROM handmade_thread AS thread WHERE = $2 `, postId, threadId, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to check if post was the first post in the thread")) } if isFirstPost { // Just delete the whole thread and all its posts. _, err = tx.Exec(ctx, ` UPDATE handmade_thread SET deleted = TRUE WHERE id = $1 `, threadId, ) _, err = tx.Exec(ctx, ` UPDATE handmade_post SET deleted = TRUE WHERE thread_id = $1 `, threadId, ) return true } _, err = tx.Exec(ctx, ` UPDATE handmade_post SET deleted = TRUE WHERE id = $1 `, postId, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to mark forum post as deleted")) } err = FixThreadPostIds(ctx, tx, threadId) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, errThreadEmpty) { panic("it shouldn't be possible to delete the last remaining post in a thread, without it also being the first post in the thread and thus resulting in the whole thread getting deleted earlier") } else { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to fix up thread post ids")) } } return false } const maxPostContentLength = 200000 func CreatePostVersion(ctx context.Context, tx pgx.Tx, postId int, unparsedContent string, ipString string, editReason string, editorId *int) (versionId int) { if len(unparsedContent) > maxPostContentLength { logging.ExtractLogger(ctx).Warn(). Str("preview", unparsedContent[:400]). Msg("Somebody attempted to create an extremely long post. Content was truncated.") unparsedContent = unparsedContent[:maxPostContentLength-1] } parsed := parsing.ParseMarkdown(unparsedContent, parsing.ForumRealMarkdown) ip := net.ParseIP(ipString) const previewMaxLength = 100 parsedPlaintext := parsing.ParseMarkdown(unparsedContent, parsing.PlaintextMarkdown) preview := parsedPlaintext if len(preview) > previewMaxLength-1 { preview = preview[:previewMaxLength-1] + "…" } // Create post version err := tx.QueryRow(ctx, ` INSERT INTO handmade_postversion (post_id, text_raw, text_parsed, ip, date, edit_reason, editor_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) RETURNING id `, postId, unparsedContent, parsed, ip, time.Now(), editReason, editorId, ).Scan(&versionId) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to create post version")) } // Update post with version id and preview _, err = tx.Exec(ctx, ` UPDATE handmade_post SET current_id = $1, preview = $2 WHERE id = $3 `, versionId, preview, postId, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to set current post version and preview")) } // Update asset usage _, err = tx.Exec(ctx, ` DELETE FROM handmade_post_asset_usage WHERE post_id = $1 `, postId, ) matches := hmnurl.RegexS3Asset.FindAllStringSubmatch(unparsedContent, -1) keyIdx := hmnurl.RegexS3Asset.SubexpIndex("key") var keys []string for _, match := range matches { key := match[keyIdx] keys = append(keys, key) } type assetId struct { AssetID uuid.UUID `db:"id"` } assetResult, err := db.Query(ctx, tx, assetId{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_asset WHERE s3_key = ANY($1) `, keys, ) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to get assets matching keys")) } var values [][]interface{} for _, asset := range assetResult.ToSlice() { values = append(values, []interface{}{postId, asset.(*assetId).AssetID}) } _, err = tx.CopyFrom(ctx, pgx.Identifier{"handmade_post_asset_usage"}, []string{"post_id", "asset_id"}, pgx.CopyFromRows(values)) if err != nil { panic(oops.New(err, "failed to insert post asset usage")) } return } var errThreadEmpty = errors.New("thread contained no non-deleted posts") /* Ensures that the first_id and last_id on the thread are still good. Returns errThreadEmpty if the thread contains no visible posts any more. You should probably mark the thread as deleted in this case. */ func FixThreadPostIds(ctx context.Context, tx pgx.Tx, threadId int) error { postsIter, err := db.Query(ctx, tx, models.Post{}, ` SELECT $columns FROM handmade_post WHERE thread_id = $1 AND NOT deleted `, threadId, ) if err != nil { return oops.New(err, "failed to fetch posts when fixing up thread") } var firstPost, lastPost *models.Post for _, ipost := range postsIter.ToSlice() { post := ipost.(*models.Post) if firstPost == nil || post.PostDate.Before(firstPost.PostDate) { firstPost = post } if lastPost == nil || post.PostDate.After(lastPost.PostDate) { lastPost = post } } if firstPost == nil || lastPost == nil { return errThreadEmpty } _, err = tx.Exec(ctx, ` UPDATE handmade_thread SET first_id = $1, last_id = $2 WHERE id = $3 `, firstPost.ID, lastPost.ID, threadId, ) if err != nil { return oops.New(err, "failed to update thread first/last ids") } return nil }