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{{ template "visualization_jam_2023_base.html" . }} {{ define "content" }} {{
$discordInviteURL := "" }}
.projects {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr;
@media screen and (min-width: 30em) {
/* not small styles */
.projects {
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
<div id="top-container" class="flex flex-column items-center ph3">
<img id="logo" src="{{ static "visualjam2023/logo.svg" }}">
<h1 id="title">Visualization Jam</h1>
<h2 id="dates">April 14 - 16, 2O23</h2>
<div id="tagline" class="center">
A jam to see things in a new way. {{ if gt .DaysUntilEnd 0 }} {{ if eq
.DaysUntilStart 0 }}
<b>Happening now.</b>
{{ else if eq .DaysUntilStart 1 }}
<b>Starting tomorrow.</b>
{{ else }}
<b>In {{ .DaysUntilStart }} days.</b>
{{ end }} {{ end }}
<div class="actions flex justify-center">
{{ if gt .DaysUntilStart 0 }}
class="ba b--white br2 pv2 pv3-ns ph3 ph4-ns"
>Find a project</a
{{ else if gt .DaysUntilEnd 0 }} {{ if .SubmittedProjectUrl }}
class="ba b--white br2 pv2 pv3-ns ph3 ph4-ns"
href="{{ .SubmittedProjectUrl }}"
>Share your progress</a
{{ else }}
class="ba b--white br2 pv2 pv3-ns ph3 ph4-ns ml3"
href="{{ .ProjectSubmissionUrl }}"
>Create your project</a
{{ end }} {{ else }}
class="ba b--white br2 pv2 pv3-ns ph3 ph4-ns ml3"
href="{{ .ShowcaseFeedUrl }}"
>See the results</a
{{ end }}
class="ba b--white br2 pv2 pv3-ns ph3 ph4-ns ml3"
href="{{ $discordInviteURL }}"
>Join the Discord</a
<div class="section mw8 margin-center ph3 ph4-l mv4">
TODO: Needs copy -- guessing we'll use some of the images that Ben has
marked as TODO TODO TODO in the copy doc.
{{ if eq .DaysUntilEnd 0 }}
<div class="section bg-black-20 pv4 overflow-hidden">
<div class="mw8 margin-center ph3 ph4-l">
<h2>Submitted projects</h2>
<div class="mt3 projects g3 back-to-normal">
{{ range .JamProjects }} {{ template "project_card.html" projectcarddata .
"" }} {{ end }}
<div class="actions flex justify-center">
class="ba b--white br2 pv2 pv3-ns ph3 ph4-ns ml3"
href="{{ .ShowcaseFeedUrl }}"
>See all updates</a
{{ else if and (eq .DaysUntilStart 0) (not (eq .ShowcaseJson "[]")) }}
<div id="showcase-outer-container" class="bg-black-20 pt4 pb3 pb4-ns">
<div class="section mw8 margin-center ph3 ph4-l">
{{ if gt .DaysUntilEnd 0 }}
<h2>Recent updates</h2>
These screenshots and videos were shared by jam participants in
<b>#project-showcase</b> on our
<a href="{{ $discordInviteURL }}" target="_blank">Discord</a>. Join us and
share what you're working on!
<a class="b" href="{{ .ShowcaseFeedUrl }}">See all ➜</a>
{{ else }}
<h2>Community showcase</h2>
These screenshots and videos were shared by jam participants in
<b>#project-showcase</b> on our
<a href="" target="_blank">Discord</a> during the
jam. Join us and chat about your favorites!
{{ end }}
<div id="showcase-container" class="mw8 center-layout mh2 mh0-ns"></div>
<div class="actions flex justify-center">
class="ba b--white br2 pv2 pv3-ns ph3 ph4-ns ml3"
href="{{ .ShowcaseFeedUrl }}"
>See all</a
{{ template "showcase_templates.html" }}
<!-- Copy-pasted and mangled from showcase.html -->
const ROW_HEIGHT = 300;
const ITEM_SPACING = 4;
const showcaseItems = JSON.parse("{{ .ShowcaseJson }}");
const addThumbnailFuncs = new Array(showcaseItems.length);
const showcaseOuterContainer = document.querySelector(
let showcaseContainer = document.querySelector("#showcase-container");
// showcaseOuterContainer.classList.toggle('dn', showcaseItems.length === 0);
const itemElements = []; // array of arrays
for (let i = 0; i < showcaseItems.length; i++) {
const item = showcaseItems[i];
const [itemEl, addThumbnail] = makeShowcaseItem(item);
itemEl.container.setAttribute("data-index", i);
addThumbnailFuncs[i] = addThumbnail;
function layout() {
const width = showcaseContainer.getBoundingClientRect().width;
showcaseContainer = emptyElement(showcaseContainer);
function addRow(itemEls, rowWidth, container) {
const totalSpacing = ITEM_SPACING * (itemEls.length - 1);
const scaleFactor = width / Math.max(rowWidth, width);
const row = document.createElement("div");
row.classList.toggle("justify-between", rowWidth >= width); = `${ITEM_SPACING}px`;
for (const itemEl of itemEls) {
const index = parseInt(itemEl.getAttribute("data-index"), 10);
const item = showcaseItems[index];
const aspect = item.width / item.height;
const baseWidth = aspect * ROW_HEIGHT * scaleFactor;
const actualWidth = baseWidth - totalSpacing / itemEls.length; = `${actualWidth}px`; = `${scaleFactor * ROW_HEIGHT}px`; = `${ITEM_SPACING}px`;
let rowItemEls = [];
let rowWidth = 0;
let numRows = 0;
for (const itemEl of itemElements) {
const index = parseInt(itemEl.getAttribute("data-index"), 10);
const item = showcaseItems[index];
const aspect = item.width / item.height;
rowWidth += aspect * ROW_HEIGHT;
if (rowWidth > width) {
addRow(rowItemEls, rowWidth, showcaseContainer);
numRows += 1;
if (numRows == 3) {
rowItemEls = [];
rowWidth = 0;
addRow(rowItemEls, rowWidth, showcaseContainer);
function loadImages() {
const items = showcaseContainer.querySelectorAll(".showcase-item");
for (const item of items) {
const i = parseInt(item.getAttribute("data-index"), 10);
layout(); // scrollbars are fun!!
window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
{{ end }}
<div class="pt4 pb3 pb4-ns">
<div class="section mw8 margin-center ph3 ph4-l">
<h2>How to participate</h2>
The jam takes place from April 14 through April 16. Here's how you can
<div class="{{ if gt .DaysUntilStart 0 }}emphasized{{ end }}">
<h3>Pick a project and form a team.</h3>
Pick something to visualize! Maybe its some weird data structure you
want to debug. Maybe its a map of your codebase. Maybe its your sleep
schedule. Whatever it is, make a Handmade Network project for it
class="{{ if and (eq .DaysUntilStart 0) (gt .DaysUntilEnd 1) }}emphasized{{ end }}"
{{ if and (eq .DaysUntilStart 0) (not .SubmittedProjectUrl) }}
<a href="{{ .ProjectSubmissionUrl }}" target="_blank"
><b>Create a Handmade Network project</b></a
{{ else }} After the jam starts, create a Handmade Network project {{
end }} to track your work. Then, build your program! Share your work in
progress in #project-showcase on Discord, or directly from your project
page. Chat with other jammers in #jam too.
<div class="{{ if eq .DaysUntilEnd 1 }}emphasized{{ end }}">
<h3>Submit your work!</h3>
<b>Your Handmade Network project is your submission.</b> Fill out the
project description, making sure to explain the goals of the project and
how it improves on what came before. Also consider posting an update
with video of your program in action!
{{ if and (eq .DaysUntilStart 0) (gt .DaysUntilEnd 0) }}
Submissions close
<b><span class="countdown" data-deadline="{{ .EndTimeUnix }}"></span></b
{{ else if eq .DaysUntilEnd 0 }}
<b>Submissions are now closed.</b>
{{ end }}
<div class="bg-black-20 pt4 pb3 pb4-ns">
<div class="section mw8 margin-center ph3 ph4-l">
Any tech is allowed, but we encourage you to use only use what you
really need. If you want some lightweight templates to get you started,
check out our
>app templates</a
You may work solo or in a team. (But we encourage you to work with a
<li>Submit your work by the end of the day on April 16.</li>
There are no explicit winners, but we will be selecting a few of our
favorite projects to highlight in a recap stream following the jam.
<h3>Submission rules</h3>
>{{ with .SubmittedProjectUrl }}
<a href="{{ . }}" target="_blank">Your Handmade Network project</a>
{{ else }} Your Handmade Network project {{ end }} is your
We will be looking at the project's description and any extra updates you
share toward the end of the jam.
Explain the project's goals and how it improves on what came before.
Also share some closing thoughts - did it turn out how you hoped? What
did you learn? If you continue the project, what will you do
>Your description must contain multiple screenshots of your software
in action.</b
You should ideally also share a project update with a demo video. We
recommend Mārtiņš Možeiko's
<a href="" target="_blank">wcap</a> for
recording desktop video on Windows. On Mac, just press ⌘-Option-5 and
record a video, or use QuickTime.
If at all possible, please provide a way for people to either build or
download your program.
<div class="pt4">
<div class="flex-ns flex-row-ns mw8 margin-center ph3 ph4-l">
<div class="section flex-fair mb4 mb0-ns">
<h2>Make it by hand.</h2>
The Handmade ethos and Handmade community are software development
superpowers. Don't be afraid to question your foundations and rebuild
what needs rebuilding. The community is here to help you take on those
challenges and do what others might consider impossible.
Of course, this is a jam, so focus on what matters to your project.
There are many excellent libraries in the community that can save you
time and help you focus on your core ideas. Don't be afraid to use them.
But don't be afraid to do your own thing if they're holding you back.
<div class="section flex-fair ml4-m ml5-l">
<h2>Don't just rebuild. Reinvent.</h2>
This is a chance to build something <em>truly new</em>. Learn from
previous work, but don't settle for “the same, but better”. It would be
a huge shame to spend a week building nothing more than a clone of the
same broken software we use today.
This is where working with a team can really help. Bounce ideas off each
other, do some research, and brainstorm before the jam starts. The
software you end up building might be pretty different from your
original ideas.
<p>In the end, this is a jam. Get weird and try something different.</p>
const carouselContainer = document.querySelector(".carousel-container");
if (carouselContainer) {
const { next, prev } = initCarousel(carouselContainer, {
onChange() {
if (carouselContainer.getBoundingClientRect().top < 0) {
carouselContainer.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" });
.addEventListener("click", () => {
.addEventListener("click", () => {
for (const countdown of document.querySelectorAll(".countdown")) {
const deadline = countdown.getAttribute("data-deadline");
const deadlineDate = new Date(parseInt(deadline, 10) * 1000);
function updateCountdown() {
const remainingMs = deadlineDate.getTime() - new Date().getTime();
const remainingMinutes = remainingMs / 1000 / 60;
const remainingHours = remainingMinutes / 60;
const remainingDays = remainingHours / 24; // no daylight savings transitions during the jam mmkay
let str = "imminently";
if (remainingMinutes < 60) {
str = `in ${Math.ceil(remainingMinutes)} ${
remainingMinutes === 1 ? "minute" : "minutes"
} else if (remainingHours < 24) {
str = `in ${Math.ceil(remainingHours)} ${
remainingHours === 1 ? "hour" : "hours"
} else {
str = `in ${Math.ceil(remainingDays)} ${
remainingDays === 1 ? "day" : "days"
countdown.innerText = str;
setInterval(updateCountdown, 1000 * 60);
{{ end }}