
29 lines
816 B

Clean this up once we get the website working
TODO: Questionable db tables that we inherited from Django:
* auth_group
* auth_group_permissions
* auth_permission
* auth_user_groups
* auth_user_user_permissions
* django_admin_log
* django_content_type
* django_migrations
* django_session
* django_site
TODO: Questionable db tables that we inherited from the old website:
* handmade_blacklistemail
* handmade_blacklisthostname
* handmade_communicationchoice
* handmade_communicationchoicelist
* handmade_communicationsubcategory
* handmade_communicationsubthread
* handmade_kunenapost
* handmade_license
* handmade_license_texts
* handmade_memberextended.joomlaid
* handmade_onetimetoken // Is this for password resets??
* handmade_otherfile
* handmade_project_licenses