118 lines
3.9 KiB
118 lines
3.9 KiB
package website
import (
type SnippetData struct {
Snippet templates.TimelineItem
func Snippet(c *RequestContext) ResponseData {
snippetId := -1
snippetIdStr, found := c.PathParams["snippetid"]
if found && snippetIdStr != "" {
var err error
if snippetId, err = strconv.Atoi(snippetIdStr); err != nil {
return FourOhFour(c)
if snippetId < 1 {
return FourOhFour(c)
c.Perf.StartBlock("SQL", "Fetch snippet")
type snippetQuery struct {
Owner models.User `db:"owner"`
Snippet models.Snippet `db:"snippet"`
Asset *models.Asset `db:"asset"`
DiscordMessage *models.DiscordMessage `db:"discord_message"`
snippetQueryResult, err := db.QueryOne(c.Context(), c.Conn, snippetQuery{},
SELECT $columns
handmade_snippet AS snippet
INNER JOIN auth_user AS owner ON owner.id = snippet.owner_id
LEFT JOIN handmade_asset AS asset ON asset.id = snippet.asset_id
LEFT JOIN handmade_discordmessage AS discord_message ON discord_message.id = snippet.discord_message_id
WHERE snippet.id = $1
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, db.ErrNoMatchingRows) {
return FourOhFour(c)
} else {
return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to fetch snippet"))
snippetData := snippetQueryResult.(*snippetQuery)
snippet := SnippetToTimelineItem(&snippetData.Snippet, snippetData.Asset, snippetData.DiscordMessage, &snippetData.Owner, c.Theme)
opengraph := []templates.OpenGraphItem{
{Property: "og:site_name", Value: "Handmade.Network"},
{Property: "og:type", Value: "article"},
{Property: "og:url", Value: snippet.Url},
{Property: "og:title", Value: fmt.Sprintf("Snippet by %s", snippet.OwnerName)},
{Property: "og:description", Value: string(snippet.Description)},
if snippet.Type == templates.TimelineTypeSnippetImage {
opengraphImage := []templates.OpenGraphItem{
{Property: "og:image", Value: snippet.AssetUrl},
{Property: "og:image:width", Value: strconv.Itoa(snippet.Width)},
{Property: "og:image:height", Value: strconv.Itoa(snippet.Height)},
{Property: "og:image:type", Value: snippet.MimeType},
{Name: "twitter:card", Value: "summary_large_image"},
opengraph = append(opengraph, opengraphImage...)
} else if snippet.Type == templates.TimelineTypeSnippetVideo {
opengraphVideo := []templates.OpenGraphItem{
{Property: "og:video", Value: snippet.AssetUrl},
{Property: "og:video:width", Value: strconv.Itoa(snippet.Width)},
{Property: "og:video:height", Value: strconv.Itoa(snippet.Height)},
{Property: "og:video:type", Value: snippet.MimeType},
{Name: "twitter:card", Value: "player"},
opengraph = append(opengraph, opengraphVideo...)
} else if snippet.Type == templates.TimelineTypeSnippetAudio {
opengraphAudio := []templates.OpenGraphItem{
{Property: "og:audio", Value: snippet.AssetUrl},
{Property: "og:audio:type", Value: snippet.MimeType},
{Name: "twitter:card", Value: "player"},
opengraph = append(opengraph, opengraphAudio...)
} else if snippet.Type == templates.TimelineTypeSnippetYoutube {
opengraphYoutube := []templates.OpenGraphItem{
{Property: "og:video", Value: fmt.Sprintf("https://youtube.com/watch?v=%s", snippet.YoutubeID)},
{Name: "twitter:card", Value: "player"},
opengraph = append(opengraph, opengraphYoutube...)
baseData := getBaseData(c)
baseData.OpenGraphItems = opengraph
var res ResponseData
err = res.WriteTemplate("snippet.html", SnippetData{
BaseData: baseData,
Snippet: snippet,
}, c.Perf)
if err != nil {
return ErrorResponse(http.StatusInternalServerError, oops.New(err, "failed to render snippet template"))
return res