
263 lines
10 KiB

{{ template "base.html" . }}
{{ define "extrahead" }}
<style type="text/css">
{{ $base := . }}
{{ range $col := .PostColumns }}
{{ range $entry := $col }}
{{ $c1 := hex2color .Project.Color1 }}
{{ $linkColor := eq $base.Theme "dark" | ternary (lightness 0.55 $c1) (lightness 0.35 $c1) | color2css }}
{{ $linkHoverColor := eq $base.Theme "dark" | ternary (lightness 0.65 $c1) (lightness 0.45 $c1) | color2css }}
{{ $projectPostBackground := eq $base.Theme "dark" | ternary (lightness 0.15 $c1) (lightness 0.95 $c1) | alpha 0.2 | color2css }}
#p{{ .Project.Subdomain }} a.project-title { color: {{ $linkColor }}; }
#p{{ .Project.Subdomain }} .unread a { color: {{ $linkColor }}; }
#p{{ .Project.Subdomain }} .unread a:hover { color: {{ $linkHoverColor }} }
#p{{ .Project.Subdomain }} .unread .avatar-icon { border-color: {{ $linkColor }}; }
#p{{ .Project.Subdomain }} .post-list-item:nth-of-type(even) { background-color: {{ $projectPostBackground }}; }
#p{{ .Project.Subdomain }} .thread.more { background-color:transparent; }
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<script src="{{ static "js/templates.js" }}"></script>
<script src="{{ static "js/showcase.js" }}"></script>
{{ end }}
{{ define "content" }}
<div class="content-block pb3 ph3 ph0-ns">
#jam-banner {
background: linear-gradient(#ab4c47, #a5467d);
color: white !important;
text-align: center;
#jam-banner h3 {
font-family: 'MohaveHMN', sans-serif;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 2.2rem;
line-height: 0.8;
margin: 0;
text-transform: uppercase;
#jam-details {
font-family: 'MohaveHMN', sans-serif;
font-variant: small-caps;
font-size: 1.2rem;
line-height: 0.8;
margin-top: 0.6rem;
letter-spacing: 0.02rem;
#jam-learn-more {
font-size: 1rem;
@media screen and (min-width: 30rem) {
#jam-banner {
text-align: left;
#jam-title-container {
padding-top: 0.2rem;
<a id="jam-banner" class="pv3 ph3 ph4-l br3 flex flex-column flex-row-ns items-center" href="{{ .WheelJamUrl }}">
<img class="h3" src="{{ static "wheeljam/logo.svg" }}">
<div id="jam-title-container" class="flex flex-column pl3-m pl4-l pv3 pv0-ns">
<h3 id="jam-title">Wheel Reinvention Jam</h3>
<div id="jam-details">See the results.</div>
<div class="flex-grow-1"></div>
<div id="jam-learn-more">
Learn more
<div class="dib svgicon">{{ svg "chevron-right" }}</div>
{{ template "showcase_templates.html" }}
{{ if .ShowcaseTimelineJson }}
<div class="content-block pb3">
<div class="tc tl-l w-100 pb2">
<h2 class="di-l mr2-l">Community Showcase</h2>
<ul class="list dib-l">
<li class="dib-ns ma0 ph2">
<a href="{{ .ShowcaseUrl }}">View all</a>
<div class="showcase relative overflow-hidden">
<div id="showcase-items" class="flex relative pl3 pl0-ns"></div>
<div class="arrow-container left">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="arrow svgicon svgicon-nofix" onclick="scrollShowcase('left')">{{ svg "chevron-left" }}</a>
<div class="arrow-container right">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="arrow svgicon svgicon-nofix" onclick="scrollShowcase('right')">{{ svg "chevron-right" }}</a>
<div class="c--dimmer i pv2 ph3 ph0-ns">
This is a selection of recent work done by community members. Want to participate? <a href="{{ .DiscordUrl }}" target="_blank">Join us on Discord.</a>
const timelineData = JSON.parse("{{ .ShowcaseTimelineJson }}");
const showcaseEl = document.querySelector('#showcase-items');
for (const item of timelineData) {
const [itemEl, addThumbnail] = makeShowcaseItem(item);
function rem2px(rem) {
return rem * parseFloat(getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).fontSize);
function scrollShowcase(direction = null) {
const ITEM_WIDTH = showcaseEl.querySelector('.showcase-item').getBoundingClientRect().width;
const ITEM_SPACING = rem2px(1);
const showcaseWidth = showcaseEl.getBoundingClientRect().width;
const numVisible = showcaseWidth / (ITEM_WIDTH + ITEM_SPACING);
const scrollMagnitude = Math.floor(numVisible) - 1;
const scrollDirection = (direction === 'right' ? 1 : (direction === 'left' ? -1 : 0));
const scrollAmount = scrollMagnitude * scrollDirection;
const minIndex = 0;
const maxIndex = timelineData.length - Math.floor(numVisible);
const currentScrollIndex = parseInt(showcaseEl.getAttribute('data-scroll-index'), 10) || 0;
const newScrollIndex = Math.max(minIndex, Math.min(maxIndex, currentScrollIndex + scrollAmount)); = `translateX(${-newScrollIndex * (ITEM_WIDTH + ITEM_SPACING)}px)`;
showcaseEl.setAttribute('data-scroll-index', newScrollIndex);
const leftArrowEl = document.querySelector('.arrow-container.left');
const rightArrowEl = document.querySelector('.arrow-container.right');
leftArrowEl.classList.toggle('hide', newScrollIndex === minIndex);
rightArrowEl.classList.toggle('hide', newScrollIndex === maxIndex);
scrollShowcase(); // force a scroll as an easy way to initialize styles
window.addEventListener('resize', () => scrollShowcase());
{{ end }}
<div class="content-block">
<div class="optionbar pb2">
<div class="tc tl-l w-100">
<h2 class="di-l mr2-l">Around the Network</h2>
<ul class="list dib-l">
<li class="dib-ns ma0 ph2">
<a href="{{ .FeedUrl }}">View all posts on HMN</a>
<li class="dib-ns ma0 ph2">
<a href="{{ .PodcastUrl }}">Podcast</a>
{{/* TODO: Make a better IRC intro page because the current one is trash anyway */}}
<li class="dib-ns ma0 ph2">
<a href="{{ .StreamsUrl }}">See who's live</a>
<li class="dib-ns ma0 ph2">
<a href="{{ .IRCUrl }}" target="_blank">Chat in IRC</a>
<li class="dib-ns ma0 ph2">
<a href="{{ .DiscordUrl }}" target="_blank">Chat on Discord</a>
<li class="dib-ns ma0 ph2">
<a href="{{ .ShowUrl }}" target="_blank">See the Show</a>
<div class="content-block news cf">
{{ $newsPost := .NewsPost }}
{{ range $i, $col := .PostColumns }}
<div class="fl w-100 w-50-l">
<div class="mw7 mw-none-l center-layout">
{{ if eq $i 0 }}
<div class="pt3">
{{ template "landing_page_featured_post" $newsPost}}
{{ end }}
{{ range $entry := $col }}
{{ $proj := $entry.Project }}
{{ $posts := $entry.Posts }}
<div class="pt3" id="p{{ $proj.Subdomain }}">
{{ $c1 := hex2color $proj.Color1 }}
href="{{ $proj.Url }}"
<h2 class="ph3">{{ $proj.Name }}</h2>
{{ with $entry.FeaturedPost }}
{{ template "landing_page_featured_post" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $post := $posts }}
{{ template "post_list_item" $post }}
{{ end }}
<div class="ph3 thread unread more">
<a class="title" href="{{ $entry.ForumsUrl }}">
More posts &rarr;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "landing_page_featured_post" }}
{{/* Call this template with a LandingPageFeaturedPost. */}}
<div class="flex items-start ph3 pv2 {{ if .Unread }}unread{{ else }}read{{ end }}">
<img class="avatar-icon mr2" src="{{ .User.AvatarUrl }}">
<div class="flex-grow-1 overflow-hidden">
<div class="title mb1"><a href="{{ .Url }}">{{ .Title }}</a></div>
<div class="details">
<a class="user" href="{{ .User.ProfileUrl }}">{{ .User.Name }}</a> &mdash; {{ timehtml (relativedate .Date) .Date }}
<div class="overflow-hidden mh-5 mt2 relative">
{{ .Content }}
<div class="excerpt-fade absolute w-100 h4 bottom-0 z-999"></div>
<div class="mt2">
<a href="{{ .Url }}">Read More &rarr;</a>
{{ end }}
{{ define "post_list_item" }}
{{/* Call this template with a PostListItem. */}}
<div class="post-list-item flex items-center ph3 pv2 {{ if .Unread }}unread{{ else }}read{{ end }} {{ .Classes }}">
<img class="avatar-icon mr2" src="{{ .User.AvatarUrl }}">
<div class="flex-grow-1 overflow-hidden">
<div class="title nowrap truncate"><a href="{{ .Url }}" title="{{ .Preview }}">{{ .Title }}</a></div>
<div class="details">
<a class="user" href="{{ .User.ProfileUrl }}">{{ .User.Name }}</a> &mdash; {{ timehtml (relativedate .Date) .Date }}
<div class="goto">
<a href="{{ .Url }}">&raquo;</a>
{{ end }}